
1535 lines
33 KiB
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2017-08-10 20:33:14 -04:00
* (c) 2002-2016 Hannes Krueger
* This file is part of the GPLIGC/ogie package
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include "oglexfunc.h"
#include "GLexplorer.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "cmdline.h"
//const std::string rcsid_oglexfunc_cpp =
// "$Id: oglexfunc.cpp 3 2014-07-31 09:59:20Z kruegerh $";
//const std::string rcsid_oglexfunc_h = OGLEXFUNC_H;
void gltext(GLuint x, GLuint y, GLfloat scale, const char *txt, int _width,
int _height, float _r, float _g, float _b)
cout << "gltext START: " << flush;
cout << endl << flush;
GLfloat font_scale = 119.05 + 33.33; //see glutStrkeCharacter 10.3 GLUT-spec
glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); //switch to projection matrix
glPushMatrix(); //save projection matrix
glLoadIdentity(); //load identity matrix
//gluOrtho2D(0, glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH), 0, glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT));
gluOrtho2D(0, _width, 0, _height);
//Orthographic projection
glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); //switch to modelview matrix
glPushMatrix(); //save modelview matrix
glLoadIdentity(); //load identity matrix in modelview
//was ist +1?
glTranslatef(x, y, +1);
glColor3f(_r, _g, _b);
glScalef(scale / font_scale, scale / font_scale,
scale / font_scale);
//int sumwidth = 0;
for (const char *p = txt; *p; p++)
//#ifndef ONLY_OSMESA
glutStrokeCharacter(GLUT_STROKE_ROMAN, *p);
// glutBitmapCharacter(GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24, *p);
//sumwidth = sumwidth + glutStrokeWidth(GLUT_STROKE_MONO_ROMAN, *p);
//cout << "sum is = " << sumwidth << endl;
glPopMatrix(); //restore modelview matrix
glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); //switch to projrction matrix
glPopMatrix(); // restore projection matrix
glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); //switch to modelview matrix again
cout << "gltext END: " << flush;
cout << endl << flush;
// This plots text on a transparent background...
void gltextvect(GLuint x, GLuint y, GLfloat scale, vector < string > lines, int _width, int _height, bool ortho)
cout << "gltextvect START: " << flush;
cout << endl << flush;
//GLfloat font_scale = 119.05 + 33.33; //see glutStrkeCharacter 10.3 GLUT-spec
glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); //switch to projection matrix
glPushMatrix(); //save projection matrix
glLoadIdentity(); //load identity matrix
//gluOrtho2D(0, glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH), 0, glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT));
gluOrtho2D(0, _width, 0, _height);
//Orthographic projection
glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); //switch to modelview matrix
glPushMatrix(); //save modelview matrix
glLoadIdentity(); //load identity matrix in modelview
int font_height = (int) scale;
int max_text_width = 0;
for (int z = 0; z <= (int (lines.size() - 1)); z++) {
int len = strlen(lines[z].c_str());
if(len > max_text_width)
max_text_width = len;
float x0 = x - 5.0 ;
float y0 = (float) (_height - ((lines.size()+1)*font_height));
float x1 = (float) (max_text_width*font_height/2.0); // 1.35 seems good as a font height/width ratio
// I changed it to 2.0 seems better, I have to check for possible differences between glut and freeglut
float y1 = _height;
// Draw an alpha blended background for the text
glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
glColor4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5);
//was auch immer ich mir hier gedacht habe... 0.9 scheint OK zu sein
float _alt=0.9 ; //=0.0; // was -0.9
//Das war wohl Zeitverschwendung
/*if (ortho) {
_alt = 0.9;
cout << "orthomode..." << endl;
} else {
_alt= 0.9;
cout << "nicht orthomode " << endl;
glVertex3f(x0, y0, _alt); // at z=1, otherwise it is lower tham the surface in orthomode
glVertex3f(x1, y0, _alt);
glVertex3f(x1, y1, _alt);
glVertex3f(x0, y1, _alt);
//cerr << "lines: " << lines.size() << endl;
for (int z = 0; z <= (int (lines.size() - 1)); z++) {
gltext(x, _height - (font_height * (z+1)), font_height, lines[z].c_str(), _width, _height, 1.0,1.0,1.0);
glPopMatrix(); //restore modelview matrix
glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); //switch to projrction matrix
glPopMatrix(); // restore projection matrix
glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); //switch to modelview matrix again
cout << "gltextvect END: " << flush;
cout << endl << flush;
//wrapper for single values
int get_1gnd_elevation(float _lat, float _lon, Config* _conf)
vector<int> _alt;
return (_alt[0]);
// what should this function return in case of sea-surface ???
// altitudes above NN or above seafloor?
// for now it will return elevations above NN
// how to distinguish between voids? in srtm-3 from seamless server a void is 0!
// otherwise a void is -32...
get_gnd_elevations(vector < int >*_gnd_elev, vector < float >*_lat,
vector < float >*_lon, Config * _conf)
// vector _gnd_elev will be altered....
if (_conf->DEBUG.get() ) {cout << "entering get_gnd_elevations " << (*_gnd_elev).size() << endl << flush ;}
ifstream demfile;>getDemFileName().c_str(), ios::binary);
if (!demfile) {
cerr <<
"Error opening DEM file: (in function get_gnd_elev) >"
<< _conf->getDemFileName() << "<" << endl;
int steps_lat, steps_lon, i1, i2, verschieber;
short int h1, h2, h3, h4;
short int watercounter;
short int seafloorcounter;
vector <short int> neighbours;
float lat_frac, lon_frac;
for (int i = 0; i < (int) _lat->size(); i++) {
//init vars for each loop
watercounter = 0;
seafloorcounter = 0;
if ((*_lat)[i] < _conf->getdem_lat_min() ||
(*_lat)[i] > _conf->getdem_lat_max() ||
(*_lon)[i] < _conf->getdem_lon_min() ||
(*_lon)[i] > _conf->getdem_lon_max() ) {
if ((*_lon)[i] > 180.0) {
(*_lon)[i] -= 360.0;
goto second_try;
if ((*_lon)[i] < -180.0) {
(*_lon)[i] += 360.0;
goto second_try;
cerr << "get_gnd_elevations(...): outside of DEM requested!" << endl;
(*_gnd_elev)[i] = -9;
steps_lat = (int) (1.0 +
(_conf->getdem_lat_max() -
(*_lat)[i]) / _conf->getdem_grid_lat()
steps_lon = (int) (((*_lon)[i] -
_conf->getdem_lon_min()) /
lat_frac =
fabs(-steps_lat * _conf->getdem_grid_lat() +
_conf->getdem_lat_max() - (*_lat)[i])
/ _conf->getdem_grid_lat();
lon_frac =
fabs(-steps_lon * _conf->getdem_grid_lon() -
_conf->getdem_lon_min() + (*_lon)[i])
/ _conf->getdem_grid_lon();
//cout << "lat: " << lat_frac << " lon: " << lon_frac << endl;
verschieber =
(steps_lat * _conf->getdem_columns() + steps_lon) * 2;
demfile.seekg(verschieber, ios::beg);
i1 = demfile.get();
i2 = demfile.get();
if (_conf->BIGENDIAN.get()) {
h1 = 256 * i1 + i2;
} else {
h1 = 256 * i2 + i1;
if (_conf->input_dem_factor.get() != 1.0) {
h1 = (int) ( (float)h1 * _conf->input_dem_factor.get()+0.5);
if (h1 == -9999)// || h1 <= -16384)
watercounter++; //h1 = 0; // in this case this is OK warum nicht 0?
if (h1 <= -16384)
steps_lat = (int) (1.0 +
(_conf->getdem_lat_max() -
(*_lat)[i]) /
steps_lon = (int) (1.0 +
((*_lon)[i] -
_conf->getdem_lon_min()) /
verschieber =
(steps_lat * _conf->getdem_columns() + steps_lon) * 2;
demfile.seekg(verschieber, ios::beg);
i1 = demfile.get();
i2 = demfile.get();
if (_conf->BIGENDIAN.get()) {
h2 = 256 * i1 + i2;
} else {
h2 = 256 * i2 + i1;
//h2 = 256 * i1 + i2;
if (_conf->input_dem_factor.get() != 1.0) {
h2 = (int) ( (float)h2 * _conf->input_dem_factor.get()+0.5);
if (h2 == -9999)// || h2 <= -16384)
watercounter++;//h2 = 0;
if (h2 <= -16384)
steps_lat = (int) ((_conf->getdem_lat_max() -
(*_lat)[i]) /
steps_lon = (int) (((*_lon)[i] -
_conf->getdem_lon_min()) /
verschieber =
(steps_lat * _conf->getdem_columns() + steps_lon) * 2;
demfile.seekg(verschieber, ios::beg);
i1 = demfile.get();
i2 = demfile.get();
if (_conf->BIGENDIAN.get()) {
h3 = 256 * i1 + i2;
} else {
h3 = 256 * i2 + i1;
//h3 = 256 * i1 + i2;
if (_conf->input_dem_factor.get() != 1.0) {
h3= (int) ( (float)h3 * _conf->input_dem_factor.get()+0.5);
if (h3 == -9999)// || h3 <= -16384)
watercounter++;//h3 = 0;
if (h3 <= -16384)
steps_lat = (int) ((_conf->getdem_lat_max() -
(*_lat)[i]) /
steps_lon = (int) (1.0 +
((*_lon)[i] -
_conf->getdem_lon_min()) /
verschieber =
(steps_lat * _conf->getdem_columns() + steps_lon) * 2;
demfile.seekg(verschieber, ios::beg);
i1 = demfile.get();
i2 = demfile.get();
if (_conf->BIGENDIAN.get()) {
h4 = 256 * i1 + i2;
} else {
h4 = 256 * i2 + i1;
//h4 = 256 * i1 + i2;
if (_conf->input_dem_factor.get() != 1.0) {
h4 = (int) ( (float)h4 * _conf->input_dem_factor.get()+0.5);
if (h4 == -9999) // || h4 <= -16384)
watercounter++;//h4 = 0;
if (h4 <= -16384)
// this implements bilinear-interpolation!
(*_gnd_elev)[i] = (int) (
((1.0 - lon_frac) * (1.0 - lat_frac) * (double) h1 +
lon_frac * (1.0 - lat_frac) * (double) h2 +
(1.0 - lon_frac) * lat_frac * (double) h3 +
lat_frac * lon_frac * (double) h4) +0.5);
// now rounded :-) rounding error?!
// if there is water
if (watercounter == 1 || watercounter == 2) {
(*_gnd_elev)[i] = 0;
if (watercounter > 2)
(*_gnd_elev)[i] = 0; // this schould fix the seabug (David)
// (*_gnd_elev)[i] = -22222;
// if one or two of the neighbours are seafloor, then we set the elevation to 0 (coast)
if (seafloorcounter > 0 ) {
if (seafloorcounter == 1 || seafloorcounter == 2)
(*_gnd_elev)[i] = 0;
//if three neighbours are seafloor, then we set elevation to -16384 (sea with 0)
// if -16383 => workaround... rounding error in interpolation?
if (seafloorcounter == 3 || (*_gnd_elev)[i] == -16383 )
(*_gnd_elev)[i] = -16384;
// if 4x seafloor, then its ok
// Add warning signs! if invalid elevations read
// this only works for data in srtm-3 from seamless server, which uses 0 for invalid data (stupid!)
int neg_counter=0;
if (_conf->GETELEV_WARN.get()) {
// count neighbours equal zero!
for(unsigned int a=0; a<= neighbours.size()-1; a++) {
if (neighbours[a] <= 0) {
// we return a negative integer, indicating how many points are invalid
if (neg_counter < 0) {(*_gnd_elev)[i] = neg_counter;}
// simple preliminary error-guess
if (_conf->GETELEV_ERROR.get()) {
int min=10000;
int max=0;
for(unsigned int a=0; a<= neighbours.size()-1; a++) {
if (neighbours[a] < min)
min = neighbours[a];
if (neighbours[a] > max)
max = neighbours[a];
// an error is added to the elevation array
if (neg_counter < 0) {
if (max-min != max) {
if (_conf->DEBUG.get() ) {cout << "get_gnd_elevations finished " << endl << flush ;}
// this function turns any color into gray!
float *graycolor(float *_color)
float red = _color[0];
float green = _color[1];
float blue = _color[2];
for (int z = 0; z < 3; z++)
_color[z] = 0.3 * red + 0.59 * green + 0.11 * blue;
return _color;
great_circle_dist(float lat1, float lon1, float lat2, float lon2,
float radius)
return (radius
* (acos(cos(lat1 * (M_PI / 180.0)) *
cos(lat2 * (M_PI / 180.0)) *
cos(lon2 * (M_PI / 180.0) - lon1 * (M_PI / 180.0))
+ sin(lat1 * (M_PI / 180.0))
* sin(lat2 * (M_PI / 180.0)))
//this is translated from
go(float lat1, float lon1, float heading, float distance, float &lat2,
float &lon2, float radius)
//distance needs to be in radians
float c = ((2 * M_PI) / (radius * 2 * M_PI)) * distance;
//get a in radians
float a = 90 - lat1;
a *= M_PI / 180.0;
float beta = heading * (M_PI / 180.0);
// berechnung nach Seitenkosinussatz
float b = acos(cos(c) * cos(a)
+ sin(c) * sin(a) * cos(beta)
float gamma = asin((sin(c) / sin(b)) * sin(beta)
b /= M_PI / 180.0;
gamma /= M_PI / 180.0;
lat2 = 90.0 - b;
lon2 = lon1 + gamma;
// translation from
float heading(float lat1, float lon1, float lat2, float lon2)
float b = 90 - lat1;
float a = 90 - lat2;
float gamma = lon1 - lon2;
if (gamma < 0) {
gamma = gamma * -1.0;
float c = (acos(cos(a * (M_PI / 180.0)) * cos(b * (M_PI / 180.0))
sin(a * (M_PI / 180.0)) * sin(b * (M_PI / 180.0)) *
cos(gamma * (M_PI / 180.0))
)) / (M_PI / 180.0);
float alpha = 0;
if (c != 0) { // c == 0 if there is no movement ?
float zwischenrechnung =
(sin(a * (M_PI / 180.0)) / sin(c * (M_PI / 180.0))) *
sin(gamma * (M_PI / 180.0));
if (zwischenrechnung > 1) {
zwischenrechnung = 1.0;
alpha = (asin(zwischenrechnung)) / (M_PI / 180.0);
//if ($lon2 < $lon1) {$alpha = 360-$alpha};
//print "a= $a, b= $b, gamma = $gamma, c = $c \n";
if (lat1 >= lat2 && lon2 >= lon1) {
alpha = 180 - alpha;
goto endmarke;
} // quadrant 2
if (lat1 >= lat2 && lon2 <= lon1) {
alpha = 180 + alpha;
goto endmarke;
} // quadrant 3
if (lat1 <= lat2 && lon1 >= lon2) {
alpha = 360 - alpha;
goto endmarke;
} // quadrant 4
return alpha;
void getcolor(float *colorpointer, int colormap, float value, float min, float max)
// we use 2 colorscales. One beneath sealevel and one above.
// to use different colormaps (e.g. No.1 beneath, No.2 above)
// we need to choose before getcolor is called.
// h value -22222 means: surface of ocean... (always blue)
// colormap 1
// For a start, this implements MATLABS eye-burning 'Jet'
// colormap with extension red->white for large values.
// Ripped out of GPEsim from
int color = 0;
int r = 0;
int g = 0;
int b = 0;
int select = 1;
float tmp = value - min;
if (value == -22222.0) {
b = 255;
goto ende;
if (max - min == 0) { // Avoid floating point exception (div by zero)
//cerr << "Will be single colour. max == min in getcolor" << endl;
//cerr << "Workaround max += 0.1";
max += 0.1;
// modified Jet colormap
if (colormap == 1) {
color = (int) (8 * 255 * tmp / (max - min));
if (color < 0)
color = 0;
if (color >= 7 * 255) { // Color map exception (i.e. off limits...)
select = 10;
goto switchlabel_1;
if (color > (6 * 255)) { //red to white
select = 7;
goto switchlabel_1;
if (color > (5 * 255)) { //magenta to red
select = 6;
goto switchlabel_1;
if (color > (4 * 255)) { //blue to magenta
select = 5;
goto switchlabel_1;
if (color > (3 * 255)) { //turquoise to blue
select = 4;
goto switchlabel_1;
if (color > (2 * 255)) { //green to turquoise
select = 3;
goto switchlabel_1;
if (color > (255)) { //yellow to green
select = 2;
goto switchlabel_1;
select = 1; //red to yellow
goto switchlabel_1;
switch (select) {
case 10:
r = 255; //exception to colormap jet for Psi^2<(minimum density)
g = 255; // white snowy peaks...
b = 255;
case 9: //sealevel
r = 0;
g = 0;
b = 255;
case 7:
r = 255; // red to white
g = color - 6 * 255;
b = color - 6 * 255;
case 6:
r = 255; //magenta to red
g = 0;
b = 6 * 255 - color;
case 5:
r = color - 4 * 255; //blue to magenta
g = 0;
b = 255;
case 4:
r = 0; //turquoise to blue
g = 4 * 255 - color;
b = 255;
case 3:
r = 0; //green to turquoise
g = 255;
b = color - 2 * 255;
case 2:
r = 2 * 255 - color; //yellow to green
g = 255;
b = 0;
case 1:
r = 255; //red to yellow
g = color;
b = 0;
} // switch
if (colormap == 2) { // Atlas color map
color = (int) (4 * 255 * tmp / (max - min));
if (color < 0)
color = 0;
// tmp = 0;
if (color >= 3 * 255) { // Color map exception (i.e. off limits...)
select = 10;
goto switchlabel_2;
if (color > (2 * 255)) { //red to white
select = 3;
goto switchlabel_2;
if (color > (255)) { //yellow to red
select = 2;
goto switchlabel_2;
select = 1; //green to yellow
goto switchlabel_2;
switch (select) {
case 10:
r = 255; //exception to colormap jet for Psi^2<(minimum density)
g = 255; // white snowy peaks...
b = 255;
case 9: //sealevel
r = 0;
g = 0;
b = 255;
case 3:
r = 255; // red to white
g = color - 2 * 255;
b = color - 2 * 255;
case 2:
r = 240 + (int) (15.0 * (double) (color - 255) / 255.0); //yellow to red
g = 240 -
(int) (240.0 * (double) (color - 255) /
b = 0;
case 1:
r = (int) (240.0 * (double) color / 255.0); // green to yellow
g = 180 +
(int) (60.0 * (double) color / 255.0);
b = 0;
} // switch
} // map2
if (colormap == 3) { //this is Hannes' Moon-(Color)map :)
color = (int) ((255) * tmp / (max - min));
if (color > (255)) {
color = 255;
if (color < 0) {
color = 0;
r = 255 - (255 - color);
g = 255 - (255 - color);
b = 255 - (255 - color);
// Hannes - Colormap 4 ->yellow->red
if (colormap == 4) {
color =
(int) ((2 * 255 + 185) * tmp / (max - min));
if (color < 0) {
color = 0;
if (color > (2 * 255 + 185)) {
color = 2 * 255 + 185;
if (color >= (185 + 255)) {
select = 1;
goto switchlabel_4;
if (color > (185)) {
select = 2;
goto switchlabel_4;
if (color >= 0) {
select = 3;
goto switchlabel_4;
switch (select) {
// yellow -> red
case 1:
r = 255;
g = 255 - (color - (185 + 255));
b = 0;
case 2: // green -> yellow
r = color - 185;
g = 255;
b = 0;
case 3: // drk green -> green
r = 0;
g = 70 + color;
b = 0;
// Hannes - Colormap 5 - violett -> blue -> l blue
if (colormap == 5) {
color = (int) ((2 * 255) * tmp / (max - min));
if (color > (2 * 255)) {
select = 3;
goto switchlabel_5;
if (color < 0) {
select = 4;
goto switchlabel_5;
if (color >= (255)) {
select = 1;
goto switchlabel_5;
if (color >= 0) {
select = 2;
goto switchlabel_5;
switch (select) {
// d blue -> l blue
case 1:
r = 0;
g = (color - 255);
b = 255;
case 2: // violett -> d blue
r = 255 - color;
g = 0;
b = 255;
case 3: // out (upper end)
r = 0;
g = 255;
b = 255;
case 4: // out lower end (magenta)
r = 255;
g = 0;
b = 255;
// Hannes - Colormap 6 - killer rainbow
if (colormap == 6) {
color = (int) ((8 * 255) * tmp / (max - min));
if (color > (8 * 255)) {
color = 8 * 255;
if (color < 0) {
color = 0;
if (color >= (7 * 255)) {
select = 1;
goto switchlabel_6;
if (color > (6 * 255)) {
select = 2;
goto switchlabel_6;
if (color > (5 * 255)) {
select = 3;
goto switchlabel_6;
if (color > (4 * 255)) {
select = 4;
goto switchlabel_6;
if (color > (3 * 255)) {
select = 5;
goto switchlabel_6;
if (color > (2 * 255)) {
select = 6;
goto switchlabel_6;
if (color > (1 * 255)) {
select = 7;
goto switchlabel_6;
if (color >= (0)) {
select = 8;
goto switchlabel_6;
switch (select) {
// red -> white
case 1:
r = 255;
g = 255 - (8 * 255 - color);
b = 255 - (8 * 255 - color);
case 2: // magenta -> red
r = 255;
g = 0;
b = 7 * 255 - color;
case 3: // blue -> magenta
r = 255 - (6 * 255 - color);
g = 0;
b = 255;
case 4: // trk -> blue
r = 0;
g = 5 * 255 - color;
b = 255;
case 5: // green -> trk
r = 0;
g = 255;
b = 255 - (4 * 255 - color);
case 6: // yellow -> green
r = 3 * 255 - color;
g = 255;
b = 0;
case 7: // red -> yellow
r = 255;
g = 255 - (2 * 255 - color);
b = 0;
case 8: // black -> red
r = color;
g = 0;
b = 0;
if (colormap == 7) { // boaring all-white
r = 255;
g = 255;
b = 255;
// Hannes - Colormap 8 - black-red-yellow-white
if (colormap == 8) {
color = (int) ((3 * 255) * tmp / (max - min));
if (color > (3 * 255)) {
color = 3 * 255;
if (color < 0) {
color = 0;
if (color >= (2 * 255)) {
select = 1;
goto switchlabel_8;
if (color > (1 * 255)) {
select = 2;
goto switchlabel_8;