182 lines
4.7 KiB
Executable file
182 lines
4.7 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: gpsp2igcfile.pl 3 2014-07-31 09:59:20Z kruegerh $
# (c) 2002-2016 Hannes Krueger
# This file is part of the GPLIGC/ogie package
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
# This little script converts a tracklist file obtained from a Garmin GPS using
# the gpspoint program into something resembling an IGC file for use with other programs.
# Script by Jan M. W. Krueger, 1st of March 2004
# put into the GPLIGC/perl CVS repository
# $Id: gpsp2igcfile.pl 3 2014-07-31 09:59:20Z kruegerh $
# revised by Hannes Kruger
# usage:
# gpsp2igc.pl <inputfile.gpspoint
# this will write igcfiles for each day!
# with more or less igc conform filenames!
# see also gpsp2igc
# new segment on new day -> new igc file! (well, that may be problematic for australian files...)
# igc naming
$device_id = "000";
@lines = <STDIN>;
# flag for new track segment ( 1 is new segment)
$first = 0;
$oday ="000000"; # old day!
for($tmp=0; $tmp<=$#lines; $tmp++){
if($lines[$tmp] =~ /trackpoint/){
if($lines[$tmp] =~ /newsegment=\"yes\"/){
$lines[$tmp] =~ s/\ \ newsegment=\"yes\"\ //g;
#push(@outlines, "\n");
#push(@igclines, "\n");
$first = 1;
$lines[$tmp] =~ s/type\=\"trackpoint\"\ \ //g;
$lines[$tmp] =~ s/\"/\ /g;
$lines[$tmp] =~ s/altitude\=\ //g;
$lines[$tmp] =~ s/latitude\=\ //g;
$lines[$tmp] =~ s/longitude\=\ //g;
$lines[$tmp] =~ s/unixtime\=\ //g;
$lines[$tmp] =~ /([\d.-]+)\s*([\d.-]+)\s*([\d.-]+)\s*([\d.-]+)/;
$alt = $1;
$latitude = $2;
$longitude = $3;
$unixtime = $4;
# Put altitude in IGC line format:
$altnew = -$alt;
$altnew = sprintf "%5d", $altnew;
$altnew =~ s/\ /0/g;
$altnew =~ s/0/-/;
} else {
$altnew = sprintf "%5d", $alt;
$altnew =~ s/\ /0/g;
# Put latitude in IGC line format:
if($latitude < 0){
$latitudenew = -$latitude;
$ns = "S";
} else {
$latitudenew = $latitude;
$ns = "N";
$latint = sprintf "%.0f", $latitudenew-0.5;
$latmins = 100000* ($latitudenew - $latint)*60/100;
$latint = sprintf "%2.0f", $latint;
$latint =~ s/\ /0/g;
$latmins = sprintf "%5.0f", $latmins;
$latmins =~ s/\ /0/g;
$latitudestring = $latint.$latmins.$ns;
# Put longitude in IGC line format:
if($longitude < 0){
$longitudenew = -$longitude;
$ew = "W";
} else {
$longitudenew = $longitude;
$ew = "E";
$lonint = sprintf "%.0f", $longitudenew-0.5;
$lonmins = 100000* ($longitudenew - $lonint)*60/100;
$lonint = sprintf "%3.0f", $lonint;
$lonint =~ s/\ /0/g;
$lonmins = sprintf "%5.0f", $lonmins;
$lonmins =~ s/\ /0/g;
$longitudestring = $lonint.$lonmins.$ew;
# use gmtime to get GMT from unix-epoch-seconds
($ss, $mm, $hh, $dd, $mon, $yyyy) = gmtime ($unixtime);
$mon++; # (dd: 1-31, mon: 0-11, y: yyyy -1900)
$yyyy+=1900; $yy=substr($yyyy,2);
# detect new segment and mark with HFDTEddmmyy
if($first == 1){
$first = 0;
if (sprintf("%02d%02d%02d",$dd,$mon,$yy) ne $oday) {
$oday = sprintf("%02d%02d%02d",$dd,$mon,$yy);
print FN "B".sprintf("%02d%02d%02d", $hh,$mm,$ss).$latitudestring.$longitudestring."A".$altnew.$altnew."\n";
sub newfile {
my $y=shift;
my $m=shift;
my $d=shift;
my ($igcm, $igcd);
my $igcy=substr($y,-1);
if ($m < 10) {$igcm=$m}
if ($m == 10) {$igcm="a"}
if ($m == 11) {$igcm="b"}
if ($m == 12) {$igcm="c"}
if ($d < 10) {$igcd=$d} else {
$igcd= chr(97+($d-10));
my $fn = "$igcy$igcm$igcd$manufacturer_short${device_id}$filenr.igc";
my $lfn= sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d-$manufacturer_long-$device_id-%02d.igc", $y,$m,$d,$filenr);
print "IGC file: $lfn ($fn)\n";
if (-e $lfn) {print "$lfn ($fn) exists!\n"; $filenr++; goto filenames;}
close FN;
open(FN, ">$lfn") || die "cannot open $lfn for writing";
print FN "A$manufacturer_long$device_id ".'$Id: gpsp2igcfile.pl 3 2014-07-31 09:59:20Z kruegerh $'."\n";
print FN "HFFTY FR Type: unknown device\n";
print FN "HFFSW Software: gpspoint / gpsp2igcfile.pl\n\n";
my $yy=substr($y,2);
print FN "HFDTE".sprintf("%02d%02d%02d",$d,$m,$yy)."\n\n";