328 lines
8.8 KiB
Executable file
328 lines
8.8 KiB
Executable file
# GPLIGC Installer Windows
# $Id: install_windows.pl 9 2014-08-01 10:52:42Z kruegerh $
use Win32;
use Win32::TieRegistry(Delimiter=>"/");
use File::Copy;
$email ="Hannes.Krueger\@gmail.com";
$close_delay = 60;
print <<ENDE;
GPLIGC and OGIE installation (Windows XP/Vista)
should work on Win2003, Win2008 and Win7 too, but was not tested yet!
(c) 2000-2014 by Hannes Krueger ($email)
read the GPLIGC_Manual.pdf for more information
Enter installation directory. Press enter for default.
# Ask for installation directory
print "[c:\\GPLIGC]: ";
if ($installdir eq "") {$installdir="c:\\GPLIGC";}
if ($installdir !~ /(^.:\\)/) {print "give path with drive letter\n"; goto installdirinput;}
if ($installdir =~ /[;,!|<>\@\%\&\$\*\?\+]/) { # ~ are allowed. (8.3 aliases as progra~1) # \s removed, trying whitespaces...
print "Do not use whitespaces* and/or special characters in the PATH!\n"; #
goto installdirinput;
# check for old installation and configfile
$prev_install = 0;
if (-d $installdir) {
print "\n$installdir already exists... \n";
if (-f $installdir."/ogie.ini") {
print "Configurationfile (ogie.ini) detected... The new default configfile will be installed as ogie-new.ini\n";
# move configfile to .old to avoid replacing
move("$installdir/ogie.ini", "$installdir/ogie-old.ini") || failed_cp();
if (-f $installdir."/opengligcexplorer.ini") {
print "Configurationfile (opengligcexplorer.ini) detected... The new default configfile will be installed as ogie-new.ini\n";
# move configfile to .old to avoid replacing
move("$installdir/opengligcexplorer.ini", "$installdir/ogie-old.ini") || failed_cp();
# copying files
print "\ncopying files...\n";
my $cmd = "xcopy /f /r /i /e * \"$installdir\" ";
system($cmd) && failed_cp();
print "Finished copying files...\n";
# swap configfiles
if ($prev_install) {
print "new default config file (ogie.ini) will be installed as ogie-new.ini\n";
move("$installdir/ogie.ini", "$installdir/ogie-new.ini") || failed_cp();
move("$installdir/ogie-old.ini", "$installdir/ogie.ini") || failed_cp();
# setting environment variables
print "\nTrying to set environment variables GPLIGCHOME and PATH\n";
# check for OS
($osname, $edition) = Win32::GetOSName();
print "\nYour operating system is: \"$osname\" \"$edition\" \n";
@autoexec_OSlist = qw(Win95 Win98 WinME); # these OS's require ENV setting via autoexec.bat
# these OS's require ENV setting via registry (not sure whether 2008/Win7 have the same structure of the registry... I hope so.
@registry_OSlist = qw(WinNT Win2000 Win2003 WinHomeSrv WinXP WinVista Win2008 Win7 Win8);
# untested, will try to use registy anyway
@untested_OSlist = qw(Win2003 WinHomeSrv Win2008 Win10);
foreach (@autoexec_OSlist) {
if ($osname =~ /$_/i) {
print "Sorry, $osname is not longer supported! Maybe it will work anyway..?\n";
print "GPLIGC/OGIE will be installed anyway.\n";
autoexec(); }
foreach (@registry_OSlist) {
if ($osname =~ /$_/i) { registry(); }
# ups NT seems to be still ok with cygwin 1.7
# if ($osname eq "WinNT") {
# print "Sorry, $osname is not longer supported (by cygwin). Consequently OGIE will not work!\n";
# }
foreach (@untested_OSlist) {
if ($osname =~ /$_/i) {
print "Sorry, I did not recognize your Windows version...\n";
print "You should write an Email to $email and tell me this: ->$osname<--->$edition<- \n";
# this adds some settings to AUTOEXEC.BAT
# win95 / 98 / ME
sub autoexec {
my $path_set = 0;
if ($ENV{winbootdir}) {
my $autoexec = substr($ENV{winbootdir},0,2) .'\autoexec.bat';
# make it writable if necessary
if (-e $autoexec && ! -w $autoexec) {
chmod 0755, $autoexec;
my @autoexec_bat;
# read autoexec.bat into @autoexec_bat
if (open(AUTOR, "<$autoexec")) {
@autoexec_bat = <AUTOR>;
} else { warn "Cannot read autoexec.bat\n"; failed_env(); install_end(); }
# alter autoexec_bat in mem
$alter = 0;
$home_line = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<=$#autoexec_bat; $i++) {
if ( $autoexec_bat[$i] =~ /GPLIGCHOME/ ) {
print "Found this line in autoexec.bat: $autoexec_bat[$i]\n";
$autoexec_bat[$i] = "SET GPLIGCHOME=$installdir\n";
$alter = 0.5; # half is done
$home_line = $i;
print "Changed to: $autoexec_bat[$i]\n";
# prev line is probably the PATH line added by old installscript
if ($autoexec_bat[$i-1] =~ /PATH/ ) {
print "Found this line in autoexec.bat: $autoexec_bat[$i-1]\n";
$autoexec_bat[$i-1] = "SET PATH=$installdir;%PATH%\n";
$alter = 1; # everything is done
print "Changed to: $autoexec_bat[$i-1]\n";
# hmmm, maybe we set the path a second time now...
# (if previous install wasnt made by the install-script!)
if ($alter == 0.5) {
splice(@autoexec_bat,$home_line,0, "SET PATH=$installdir;%PATH%\n");
print "The line SET PATH=$installdir;%PATH% was inserted before the line containing SET GPLIGCHOME\n";
if ($alter == 0) {
push(@autoexec_bat, "SET PATH=$installdir;%PATH%\n");
push(@autoexec_bat, "SET GPLIGCHOME=$installdir\n");
print "Environment varibles are set!\n";
# write back autoexec.bat
if (open(AUTOW, ">$autoexec")) {
print "writing back $autoexec ... \n";
# write autoexec_bat
foreach (@autoexec_bat) {
print AUTOW "$_";
close AUTOW;
} else {
warn "Unable to open $autoexec for writing: $!\n";
} else {
warn "No winbootdir environment variable found.\n";
unless ($path_set) {
print "\nInstallation finished\nReboot to make the new settings in AUTOEXEC.BAT take effect\n";
# this sets the path in the registry
sub registry {
## I'm not sure if on every (2000/NT4/XP) platform the environment is
## in the same place in registry....
print "Modifying registry...\n";
#$environment = $Registry->{"LMachine/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Session Manager/Environment/"};
$environment = $Registry->{"CUser/Environment/"};
my $path = $environment->{"/Path"};
#print "Path : $path \n";
# nur wenn nicht schon drinnen /\: in $installdir????
if ($path !~ /$quotet_installdir/) {
# we have to put the new path before the rest (maybe there is an old installation?!
$path = $installdir.";".$path;
print "$installdir added to Path \n";
} else { print "Path already set...\n"; }
#setting environment variables in Registry
$environment->{"/Path"} = $path;
$environment->{"/GPLIGCHOME"} = $installdir;
$path_new = $environment->{"/Path"};
$installdir_new = $environment->{"/GPLIGCHOME"};
# check the reread values
my $failed = 0;
if ($path eq $path_new) {
print "\nPath is updated in HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Environment\n";
} else {
print "\nSetting Path in HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Environment _failed_ !!!\n";
$failed = 1;
if ($installdir eq $installdir_new) {
print "GPLIGCHOME is set in HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Environment\n";
} else {
print "Setting GPLIGCHOME in HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Environment _failed_ !!!\n";
$failed = 1;
if ($failed == 0) {
print "\nEnvironment Variables are set for current user!\n";
print "Log out and in to make changes in Registry take effect\n";
print "\nInstallation finished\n";
} else {
sub install_end {
print "Window will be closed in $close_delay seconds.\n";
sleep $close_delay;
exit ;
sub failed_env {
print "\Setting the environment variables failed.\n";
print "You need to set the enviroment variable GPLIGCHOME to $installdir\n";
print "and add $installdir to PATH by yourself.\n\n";
print "Hhow to do this is described in the GPLIGC-manual.\n";
$close_delay = 240;
sub failed_cp {
print "\nInstallation failed!";
print "Failure while copying or moving files... Maybe you do not have write permissions for $installdir ?!\n";
print "If you cannot solve this feel free to contact me $email\n";
$close_delay = 240;
sub untested {
print "\nGPLIGC/OGIE have not yet been tested on your Windows platform!\n";
print "Please check whether the installation was succesfull and write my a short notice\n";
print ">>> $email \n";
print "provide this line with your report: >>>$osname<<< >>>$edition<<< \n";
print "Thank you very much!\n";
#$close_delay = 240;