207 lines
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207 lines
7.7 KiB
/*(C) copyright 2008, Steven Snyder, All Rights Reserved
Steven T. Snyder, <stsnyder@ucla.edu> http://www.steventsnyder.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include "linuxaldl.h"
#include <stdio.h>
typedef enum _aldl_log_format { ALDL_LOG_RAW, ALDL_LOG_CSV } aldl_log_format_t;
// linuxaldl GUI-specific settings/data struct
// ============================================
typedef struct _linuxaldl_gui_settings
GtkWidget** data_readout_labels; // array of pointers to the data labels for the definition.
// this is dynamically allocated by the program.
// data_readout_labels[i] points to the label that
// contains a string representation of the value of
// the data element described by definition->mode1_def[i].
// where mode1_def[j] defines a label/seperator,
// the value of data_readout_labels[j] is undefined.
struct timeval data_timestamp; // timestamp for data_set
aldl_log_format_t log_format; // log file format.
FILE* slogfile; // log file stream for CSV format. not used for raw log file format.
int scanning_tag; // the tag returned by gtk_timeout_add for the interval scan
} linuxaldl_gui_settings;
// linuxaldl GUI function prototypes
// ==================================================================
// ==================================
// main GUI function
// ==================================
int linuxaldl_gui(int argc, char* argv[]);
// runs the linuxaldl GTK+ graphical user interface
// ===================================
// ===================================
static gboolean linuxaldl_gui_quit( GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data);
// called on delete_event, closes the connection (if there is one)
// and call gtk_main_quit(). if a transfer is currently in progress,
// should pop up a dialogue to confirm quitting.
static gboolean hide_on_delete( GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data);
// hides the window then returns TRUE so that a window is not destroyed on a delete event
// ===================================
// ===================================
static void linuxaldl_gui_scan_interval_changed( GtkAdjustment *adj, gpointer data);
// callback for change in the adjustment for the aldl_settings.scan_interval field.
// if scanning is not taking place, does nothing except store the new values and enforce
// timeout/ scan interval constraints (interval must be at least 20msec more than timeout).
// otherwise it reassigns the scan interval to the new value immediately.
// adj must point to the GtkAdjustment for the scan interval.
gint linuxaldl_gui_scan_on_interval(gpointer data);
// callback for gtk_timeout interval timer. if aldl_settings.scanning == 1
// then this function will call linuxaldl_gui_scan
static void linuxaldl_gui_scan_toggle( GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data);
// starts/stops scanning. output is written to the log file if one was specified
// otherwise it is written to stdout.
static void linuxaldl_gui_scan(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data);
// performs a single scan operation (one mode1 message, updates/logs data)
static void linuxaldl_gui_stop( GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data);
// stops scanning. this causes aldl_scan_and_log to return.
// ==========================================================================
// GUI accessory windows
// ==========================================================================
// ==================================
// Options & Settings window
// ==================================
GtkWidget* linuxaldl_gui_options_new();
// returns a GtkWidget pointer to a new options window
// ==================================
// Data Display window
// ==================================
GtkWidget* linuxaldl_gui_datareadout_new();
// returns a GtkWidget pointer to the datareadout window
static void linuxaldl_gui_datareadout_show(GtkWidget* widget, gpointer data);
// shows the data display window, setting it up for the current definition.
// data must point to the data display window object generated by
// the linuxaldl_gui_datareadout_new function.
// this function builds the data display window,
// and allocates aldl_settings.data_readout_labels
static void linuxaldl_gui_datareadout_update(GtkWidget* widget, gpointer data);
// updates the data display window, refreshing it with the current data values.
// this function will check if aldl_settings.data_readout_labels
// has been allocated yet before it tries to update the values.
// if it has not yet been allocated, it returns doing nothing.
// .csv log file updating is also done here.
// ===================================
// ===================================
static void linuxaldl_gui_load( GtkWidget *widget, GtkFileSelection *fs);
// load a log file to view/playback. XXX NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.
// ===================================
// ===================================
static void linuxaldl_gui_save( GtkWidget *widget, GtkFileSelection *fs);
// selects a log file to save to.
// =======================
// =======================
static void linuxaldl_gui_write_csv_header();
// write the header line to the csv file
static void linuxaldl_gui_write_csv_line();
// write a data line for the csv file
static void linuxaldl_gui_widgetshow(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data);
// calls gtk_widget_show on the widget specified in the data argument
static void linuxaldl_gui_widgethide(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data);
// calls gtk_widget_hide on the widget specified in the data argument
// ==================================
// Definition selection dialog
// ==================================
static void linuxaldl_gui_try_choosedef( GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data);
// opens the definition selection dialog if no definition has been selected,
// otherwise pops up an alert and returns
GtkWidget* linuxaldl_gui_choosedef_new();
// returns a GtkWidget pointer to the definition selection dialog
// for the definition table in the global "aldl_settings" struct
static void linuxaldl_gui_load_definition( GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data);
// refreshes the definition in aldl_settings based on the definition name chosen in
// the choose definition gui dialogue
// ==================================
// Alert Window Popup
// ==================================
void quick_alert(gchar *message);
// pops up an alert with message in the body and an ok button.
// the alert will block access to other windows until the button is clicked.
// background activity will continue.
// ==============================
// Adjustment scale with label
// ==============================
// returns a vbox containing a horizontal scale with a new adjustment
// with range min to max and step size step that starts out with the initial value init_val.
// the adjustment calls the function change_callback when the value changes.
GtkWidget* hscale_new_with_label(gdouble init_val, gdouble min, gdouble max, gdouble step, GtkSignalFunc changed, gchar *adj_label);