643 lines
20 KiB
643 lines
20 KiB
/*(C) copyright 2008, Steven Snyder, All Rights Reserved
Steven T. Snyder, <stsnyder@ucla.edu> http://www.steventsnyder.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <termios.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <linux/serial.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h> // for strerror
#include <stdlib.h> // for malloc
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "sts_serial.h"
// global variables
// ================
char sts_serial_read_seq_timeout = 0; // timeout flag for read_sequence()
// serial helper function prototypes
// ====================================================
int serial_connect(const char* portpath, int flags, speed_t baudrate);
// attempts to connect to a serial device at portpath (i.e. "/dev/ttyUSB0")
// sets raw mode and sets the baud rate to baudrate. (see `man termios`)
// returns the file descriptor for the connection, or -1 if an error occurs.
// the flags field is the same as the flags for a call to read()
int set_custom_baud_rate(int fport, unsigned int desired_baudrate);
// Attempts to set the baud rate to the closest rate possible to
// the desired_baudrate argument using divisors.
// fport is the file descriptor for the port opened by a call to serial_connect() or open()
// Divisor method:
// it should be possible to do custom baud rates by using a divisor, like
// you would do when you call "setserial /dev/ttyS0 baud_base 115200 divisor 14 spd_cust"
// If the call to setserial wouldn't work for the device, the divisor method wont work here either.
// This is usually due to an unimplemented ioctl function in the device driver.
// Termios custom baud rate method:
// I think tty_ioctl.c has to be compiled into the kernel with BOTHER defined for this to work.
// set cbaud to BOTHER and c_ospeed to the desired setting.
// This is done through a call to set_custom_baud_rate_no_ioctl()
int set_custom_baud_rate_no_ioctl(int fport, unsigned int desired_baudrate);
// XXX this is an untested function (my architecture doesn't have BOTHER defined)
// Termios custom baud rate method:
// tty_ioctl.c has to be compiled into the kernel with BOTHER defined for this to work.
// This is called through set_custom_baud_rate() if a call to ioctl() fails
// ... assuming BOTHER is defined.
int readwithtimeout(int fd, void *buf, size_t count, int secs);
// readwithtimeout - read from a file descriptor with timeout
// description:
// mimics read() but with a timeout that resets whenever a byte is received.
// attempts to read up to count bytes from file descriptor fd into
// the buffer starting at buf. continues to read bytes until count bytes
// have been read or no data has been received for secs seconds.
// return value:
// on success, the number of bytes read is returned, and the file
// position is advanced by this number. it is not an error if this
// number is smaller than the number of bytes requested; this
// may happen for example because fewer bytes are actually available
// right now. on an error, -1 is returned and errno is set appropriately.
void read_sequence_timeout(int signalno);
// handles the SIGALRM signal
int read_sequence(int fd, void *buf, size_t count, char *seq, size_t seq_size, long secs, long usecs);
// read_sequence is used to wait for a specific byte/character, ignoring other sequences
// that arrive on the device. it stops when a timeout occurs or the buffer is filled.
// detailed behavior:
// waits for the first sequence starting with the characters in seq, or times
// out if secs seconds + msecs microseconds pass before seq is matched.
// returns 0 if timeout or sequence never matched, -1 on read failure,
// and otherwise returns the total number of bytes written into buf.
// all bytes up to the first byte of the start sequence are discarded/ignored
// from the device. the start sequence is copied into buf along with the
// following bytes up to count total bytes or the timeout occurs.
// count must be >= seq_size so the sequence can fit in the buffer.
unsigned int convert_baudrate(speed_t baudrate);
// returns the speed_t baudrate defined in <termios.h> in unsigned integer format
// e.g. convert_baudrate(B57600) returns 57600
void fprinthex(FILE *stream, char *seq, unsigned int len);
// print hex sequence of len bytes from char array seq.
// converts the numerical value of each byte in seq to a
// hex character string and prints it to stream.
// hexadecimal bytes are each seperated by spaces.
// there is no trailing space.
void char_to_hexstr(char val, char* buf, unsigned int len);
void int_to_hexstr(int val, char* buf, unsigned int len);
// serial communication helper function definitions
// ==========================================================================
// readwithtimeout - read from a file descriptor with timeout
// description:
// mimics read() but with a timeout that resets whenever a byte is received.
// attempts to read up to count bytes from file descriptor fd into
// the buffer starting at buf. continues to read bytes until count bytes
// have been read or no data has been received for secs seconds.
// return value:
// on success, the number of bytes read is returned, and the file
// position is advanced by this number. if this number is smaller
// than the number of bytes requested, no data was received
// for a period of sec secs; the timeout occured. the data was
// not available (e.g. the device sending the data was too slow).
// on an error, -1 is returned and errno is set appropriately.
int readwithtimeout(int fd, void *buf, size_t count, int secs)
fd_set readfs;
struct timeval timeout;
int res;
unsigned int attempts = 0, bytesread = 0;
// wait for input
while (bytesread < count)
timeout.tv_usec = 0; timeout.tv_sec = secs;
FD_SET(fd, &readfs);
res = select(fd+1, &readfs, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
if (res == 0) { // nothing to read after timeout
return bytesread;
res = read(fd, buf, count-bytesread);
if (res==-1)
return -1;
bytesread+= res;
return bytesread;
// handles the SIGALRM signal
void read_sequence_timeout(int signalno)
sts_serial_read_seq_timeout = 1;
typedef void (*sighandler_t)(int);
// read_sequence is used to wait for a specific byte/character, ignoring other sequences
// that arrive on the device. it stops when a timeout occurs or the buffer is filled.
// detailed behavior:
// waits for the first sequence starting with the characters in seq, or times
// out if secs seconds + msecs microseconds pass before seq is matched.
// returns 0 if timeout or sequence never matched, -1 on read failure,
// and otherwise returns the total number of bytes written into buf.
// all bytes up to the first byte of the start sequence are discarded/ignored
// from the device. the start sequence is copied into buf along with the
// following bytes up to count total bytes or the timeout occurs.
// count must be >= seq_size so the sequence can fit in the buffer.
// XXX this uses the ITIMER_REAL timer for the timeout. if this timer is
// being used elsewhere in the process, its timer will be delayed by however
// long this call to read_sequence takes, since the timer is saved and then
// restored to its original state.
int read_sequence(int fd, void *buf, size_t count, char *seq, size_t seq_size, long secs, long usecs)
unsigned int seq_matched = 0, bytes_read = 0, i;
int res, retval = 0;
size_t seqbuf_size = count;
char* seqbuf = malloc(seqbuf_size);
struct itimerval timer_value, old_timer_value;
sighandler_t old_sig_handler;
sts_serial_read_seq_timeout = 0;
// activate the timeout alarm -- a SIGALRM will be delievered in secs seconds + uscs microseconds.
if (secs > 0 || usecs > 0)
old_sig_handler = signal(SIGALRM,read_sequence_timeout); // Register the timeout handler, save the old one
// XXX really should be using sigaction here..
timer_value.it_value.tv_sec = secs;
timer_value.it_value.tv_usec = usecs;
timer_value.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
timer_value.it_interval.tv_usec = 0;
while(sts_serial_read_seq_timeout == 0)
// if the sequence has been matched
if (seq_matched == seq_size)
//printf("Sequence matched.\n");
// if count bytes have been read, stop and return.
if (bytes_read == count)
sts_serial_read_seq_timeout = 1;
//printf("Waiting for %d bytes.\n",count-bytes_read);
res = read(fd,buf+bytes_read,count-bytes_read);
if (res==0)
else if (res<0)
if (errno == EAGAIN)
printf(" read_sequence() call to read() failed: %s\n",strerror(errno));
else bytes_read+=res;
else // if the sequence hasn't been matched...
res = read(fd, seqbuf, seqbuf_size);
if (res==0)
else if (res<0)
if (errno == EAGAIN)
printf(" read_sequence() call to read() failed: %s\n",strerror(errno));
//printf("Read %d bytes\n",res);
// for each byte read
else for (i=0; i<res;i++)
if (sts_serial_read_seq_timeout == 1)
// if the byte matches the next byte of the sequence to match,
// or the sequence has been matched and there are bytes left in the buffer
else if (seqbuf[i]==seq[seq_matched] || (seq_matched == seq_size))
// copy the byte into the buffer
((char *)buf)[bytes_read] = ((char*)seqbuf)[i];
bytes_read++; // increment the number of bytes written to buf
if (seq_matched<seq_size)
seq_matched++; // increment the number of seq bytes matched
else // otherwise the sequence didn't match...
// .. reset the counts
seq_matched = 0;
bytes_read = 0;
} // if the sequence hasn't been matched...
// disable the timeout alarm
if (secs > 0 || usecs > 0)
signal(SIGALRM,old_sig_handler); // register the old timeout handler
// XXX really should be using sigaction here
setitimer(ITIMER_REAL,&old_timer_value,0); // restore the old timer
if (retval == -1)
return retval;
else return bytes_read;
// Attempts to set the baud rate to the closest rate possible to
// the desired_baudrate argument using divisors.
// fport is the file descriptor for the port opened by a call to serial_connect() or open()
// Divisor method:
// it should be possible to do custom baud rates by using a divisor, like
// you would do when you call "setserial /dev/ttyS0 baud_base 115200 divisor 14 spd_cust"
// If the call to setserial wouldn't work for the device, the divisor method wont work here either.
// This is usually due to an unimplemented ioctl function in the device driver.
// Termios custom baud rate method:
// I think tty_ioctl.c has to be compiled into the kernel with BOTHER defined for this to work.
// set cbaud to BOTHER and c_ospeed to the desired setting.
// This is done through a call to set_custom_baud_rate_no_ioctl()
int set_custom_baud_rate(int fport, unsigned int desired_baudrate)
unsigned int new_baudrate;
struct termios port_attrib;
struct serial_struct serial_info;
int divisor = 1;
if (tcgetattr(fport, &port_attrib) < 0)
printf(" tcgetattr() failed to get port settings.\n");
return -1;
if (ioctl(fport, TIOCGSERIAL, &serial_info) !=0)
printf(" ioctl TIOCGSERIAL failed to get port settings: %s.\n",strerror(errno));
return set_custom_baud_rate_no_ioctl(fport, desired_baudrate);
// set the baudrate to B38400 (custom baud setting)
if (cfsetspeed(&port_attrib,B38400) < 0)
{ printf(" Call to cfsetspeed failed. Unable to set baud rate.\n");
return -1;
// clear the serial line
tcflush(fport, TCIOFLUSH);
// XXX should make this round to nearest integer instead of
// just using integer division with drops the fractional component
// set the base baud rate if it is less than 115200, to 115200
if (serial_info.baud_base < 115200)
serial_info.baud_base = 115200;
divisor = serial_info.baud_base / desired_baudrate;
// set the custom divisor
serial_info.custom_divisor = divisor;
// set the ASYNC_SPD_CUST flag
serial_info.flags |= (ASYNC_SPD_MASK & ASYNC_SPD_CUST);
// apply the port settings (divisor and baud base)
if (ioctl(fport,TIOCSSERIAL,&serial_info) !=0)
printf(" ioctl() TIOCSSERIAL failed to set custom baud rate: %s.\n",strerror(errno));
return set_custom_baud_rate_no_ioctl(fport, desired_baudrate);
// apply the port settings (baud rate)
if (tcsetattr(fport,TCSANOW,&port_attrib) < 0)
printf(" Failed to apply new port settings.\n");
return -1;
// try to get the new termios port settings
if (tcgetattr(fport, &port_attrib) < 0)
printf(" Failed to get new port settings.\n");
return -1;
// check the new baud rate
new_baudrate = cfgetospeed(&port_attrib);
if ((new_baudrate != B38400) && (new_baudrate != CBAUDEX))
printf(" Custom baud rate could not be set with tcsetattr.\n");
return -1;
// try to get the new ioctl port settings
if (ioctl(fport, TIOCGSERIAL, &serial_info) !=0)
printf(" ioctl TIOCGSERIAL failed to get new port settings.\n");
return set_custom_baud_rate_no_ioctl(fport, desired_baudrate);
// check the new baud rate and divisor
if (serial_info.custom_divisor!= divisor)
printf(" Custom baud rate could not be set by ioctl.\n");
return set_custom_baud_rate_no_ioctl(fport, desired_baudrate);
new_baudrate = serial_info.baud_base/serial_info.custom_divisor;
printf(" Baud rate set to: %d. (%d was requested)\n",new_baudrate, desired_baudrate);
if (desired_baudrate != new_baudrate)
printf(" Exact baud rate could not be set due to hardware limitations.\n");
// clear the serial line
tcflush(fport, TCIOFLUSH);
return 0;
// Termios custom baud rate method:
// tty_ioctl.c has to be compiled into the kernel with BOTHER defined for this to work.
// This is called through set_custom_baud_rate() if a call to ioctl() fails
// ... assuming BOTHER is defined.
// XXX this is an untested function (my architecture doesn't have BOTHER defined)
int set_custom_baud_rate_no_ioctl(int fport, unsigned int desired_baudrate)
#ifndef BOTHER
return -1;
#ifdef BOTHER
unsigned int new_baudrate;
struct ktermios port_attrib;
int divisor = 1;
if (tcgetattr(fport, &port_attrib) < 0)
printf(" tcgetattr() failed to get port settings.\n");
return -1;
// set the baudrate to BOTHER (custom baud setting)
port_attrib.c_cflag &= ~CBAUD; // clear the baud setting
port_attrib.c_cflag |= CBAUDEX; // use custom baud
port_attrib.c_ospeed = desired_baudrate; // custom baud rate
// clear the serial line
tcflush(fport, TCIOFLUSH);
// apply the port settings (baud rate)
if (tcsetattr(fport,TCSANOW,&port_attrib) < 0)
printf(" Failed to apply new port settings.\n");
return -1;
// try to get the new termios port settings
if (tcgetattr(fport, &port_attrib) < 0)
printf(" Failed to get new port settings.\n");
return -1;
// check the new baud rate
new_baudrate = cfgetospeed(&port_attrib);
if (new_baudrate != desired_baudrate)
printf(" Custom baud rate could not be set with tcsetattr.\n");
return -1;
printf(" Baud rate set to: %d. (%d was requested)\n",new_baudrate, desired_baudrate);
if (desired_baudrate != new_baudrate)
printf(" Exact baud rate could not be set due to hardware limitations.\n");
return 0;
// attempts to connect to a serial device at portpath (i.e. "/dev/ttyUSB0")
// sets raw mode and sets the baud rate to baudrate. (see `man termios`)
// returns the file descriptor for the connection, or -1 if an error occurs.
// note that this only supports baud rates defined in termios.
int serial_connect(const char* portpath, int flags, speed_t baudrate)
speed_t new_baudrate;
struct termios port_attrib; // termios attributes struct
int fport = open(portpath,flags);
if (fport == -1)
printf("Unable to open %s.\n", portpath);
printf("Check that the device is plugged in and turned on.\n");
return -1;
// get the current port settings
if (tcgetattr(fport, &port_attrib) < 0)
printf(" Failed to get port settings.\n");
return -1;
// set raw mode
// set the baud rate to baudrate
if (cfsetspeed(&port_attrib,baudrate) < 0)
{ printf(" Invalid baud rate specified or other baud rate error.\n");
return -1;}
// clear the serial line
tcflush(fport, TCIOFLUSH);
// apply the port settings (baud rate and raw mode)
if (tcsetattr(fport,TCSANOW,&port_attrib) < 0)
printf(" Failed to apply new port settings.\n");
return -1;
// try to get the new port settings
if (tcgetattr(fport, &port_attrib) < 0)
printf(" Failed to get port settings.\n");
return -1;
// print the new baud rate
new_baudrate = cfgetospeed(&port_attrib);
if (new_baudrate == baudrate)
printf(" Port opened at baud rate: %d.\n",convert_baudrate(baudrate));
printf("Couldn't set baud rate.\n");
return -1;
return fport;
// returns the speed_t baudrate defined in <termios.h> in unsigned integer format
// e.g. convert_baudrate(B57600) returns 57600. on unrecognized baudrate, returns 0.
unsigned int convert_baudrate(speed_t baudrate)
unsigned int res;
switch (baudrate)
case B0 : res = 0; break;
case B50 : res = 50; break;
case B75 : res = 75; break;
case B110 : res = 110; break;
case B134 : res = 134; break;
case B150 : res = 150; break;
case B200 : res = 200; break;
case B300 : res = 300; break;
case B600 : res = 600; break;
case B1200 : res = 1200; break;
case B1800 : res = 1800; break;
case B2400 : res = 2400; break;
case B4800 : res = 4800; break;
case B9600 : res = 9600; break;
case B19200 : res = 19200; break;
case B38400 : res = 38400; break;
case B57600 : res = 57600; break;
case B115200 : res = 115200; break;
case B230400 : res = 230400; break;
case B460800 : res = 460800; break;
default: res = 0;
return res;
// print hex sequence of len bytes from char array seq.
// converts the numerical value of each byte in seq to a
// hex character string and prints it to stream.
// hexadecimal bytes are each seperated by spaces.
// there is no trailing space.
void fprinthex(FILE *stream, char *seq, unsigned int seq_len)
unsigned int i;
char hexbuf[3];
for (i=0; i<seq_len; i++)
if (i<(seq_len-1))
fprintf(stream," ");
// convert an integer or char value into a hex string
// and places it in buf. the value is treated as unsigned.
// buf is a char array of length len bytes, val is the
// integer or char value to be converted.
// character conversion: buf must be 3 bytes long
// one for each hex digit and one for the null terminator.
// if len is too small, this function will print an
// error message and return.
// integer conversion: buf must be 9 bytes long
void char_to_hexstr(char val, char* buf, unsigned int len)
unsigned char value = (unsigned) val;
char hex_char[] = { '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'};
if (len < 3)
fprintf(stderr,"Buffer not large enough for hex conversion.\n");
buf[1] = hex_char[value%16];
buf[0] = hex_char[(value>>4)%16];
buf[2] = '\0';
void int_to_hexstr(int val, char* buf, unsigned int len)
unsigned int value = (unsigned) val;
char hex_char[] = { '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'};
int i=0;
if (len < 9)
fprintf(stderr,"Buffer not large enough for hex conversion.\n");
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
buf[7-i] = hex_char[(value>>(4*i))%16];
buf[i] = '\0';