regression: major improvements to allow parallelism.

should now automatically use all CPUs.
This commit is contained in:
Solomon Peachy 2018-10-21 17:11:23 -04:00
parent 5c566926d5
commit a31aaa9a1f
3 changed files with 368 additions and 115 deletions

View file

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
# Basic stuff
EXEC_NAME ?= dyesub_backend
CPUS ?= $(shell nproc)
# Destination directories (rely on CUPS to tell us where)
@ -85,20 +86,16 @@ sloccount:
sloccount *.[ch] lib*/*.[ch] *.pl
test: dyesub_backend
./ < regression.csv 2>&1 |grep FAIL ; \
if [ $$? -eq 0 ] ; then exit 1 ; fi
STP_PARALLEL=$(CPUS) ./ regression.csv
test_%: dyesub_backend
cat regression.csv | grep $(subst test_,,$@) | ./ 2>&1 |grep FAIL ; \
if [ $$? -eq 0 ] ; then exit 1 ; fi
STP_PARALLEL=$(CPUS) ./ regression.csv $(subst test_,,$@)
testgp: dyesub_backend
./ < regression-gp.csv 2>&1 |grep FAIL ; \
if [ $$? -eq 0 ] ; then exit 1 ; fi
STP_PARALLEL=$(CPUS) ./ regression-gp.csv
testgp_%: dyesub_backend
./ < regression-gp.csv $(subst testgp_,,$@) 2>&1 |grep FAIL ; \
if [ $$? -eq 0 ] ; then exit 1 ; fi
STP_PARALLEL=$(CPUS) ./ regression-gp.csv $(subst testgp_,,$@)
$(CPPCHECK) -q -v --std=c99 --enable=all --suppress=variableScope --suppress=selfAssignment --suppress=unusedStructMember -I. -I/usr/include -DCORRTABLE_PATH=\"$(BACKEND_DATA_DIR)\" --include=lib70x/libMitsuD70ImageReProcess.h $(CPPFLAGS) $(SOURCES)

View file

@ -1,4 +1,33 @@
# Test harness code for the dyesub backend (gutenprint rendering)
# Copyright (c) 2018 Solomon Peachy <>
# The latest version of this program can be found at:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# []
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+
use strict;
use IPC::Run qw( run );
@ -11,94 +40,218 @@ my $max_copies = 3;
my $input_image = "testjobs/s3s-59.png";
my $max_pages = 3;
my $valgrind = 0;
my $work_dir_base = "/tmp/";
my $rotor = 0;
my $rotor_circ = 0;
my $row = 0;
my $quiet = 1;
my $proc_count = 0;
my @children = ();
my $kid;
my $error = 0;
$ENV{"TEST_MODE"} = "2";
while (<STDIN>) {
next if /^#/;
if (!defined($ARGV[0])) {
die ("need a csv file\n");
if (defined($ENV{"STP_VERBOSE"})) {
$quiet = $ENV{"STP_VERBOSE"};
if (defined($ENV{"STP_PARALLEL"})) {
$proc_count = $ENV{"STP_PARALLEL"};
if (defined($ARGV[0])) {
next if (index($_,$ARGV[0]) == -1);
my @row = split(/,/);
my $gp_name = $row[0];
$ENV{"BACKEND"} = $row[0];
$ENV{"EXTRA_VID"} = $row[2];
$ENV{"EXTRA_PID"} = $row[3];
if (length($row[4])) {
$ENV{"MEDIA_CODE"} = $row[4];
} else {
my $options = "";
my @gp_options = split(/;/,$row[5]);
# generate options list
foreach my $x (@gp_options) {
$options .= "$x ";
print "***** $row[0] $row[1] $row[2] $row[3] $row[4] '$row[5]'\n";
my @args;
# Generate PPD
my $ppd_fname = "/tmp/stp-$gp_name.5.3.ppd";
$ENV{"PPD"} = $ppd_fname;
$ENV{"DEVICE_URI"} = "gutenprint53+usb://$row[0]/12345678";
run ["/usr/sbin/cups-genppd.5.3", "-p", "/tmp", "-Z", $gp_name] or die("FAIL genppd $?: $row[0] $row[1] $row[2] $row[3] $row[4] $row[5]\n");
for (my $pages = 1 ; $pages <= $max_pages ; $pages++) {
# generate PDF.
@args = ("/usr/bin/convert");
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < $pages ; $i++) {
push(@args, $input_image);
push(@args, "-density");
push(@args, "300x300");
push(@args, "/tmp/${gp_name}.pdf");
print join(":", @args) . "\n";
run \@args or die ("FAIL: convert: $?");
# Generate raster from PDF
@args = ("/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftoraster", $id, $user, $title, 1, $options, "/tmp/${gp_name}.pdf");
print join(":", @args) . "\n";
run \@args, ">", "/tmp/${gp_name}.raster" or die ("FAIL: imagetoraster $?: $row[0] $row[1] $row[2] $row[3] $row[4] $row[5] $pages\n");
for (my $copies = 1 ; $copies <= $max_copies ; $copies++) {
# Call raster2gutenprint
@args = ("/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertogutenprint.5.3", $id, $user, $title, $copies, $options);
if ($valgrind) {
print join(":", @args) . "\n";
run \@args, "<", "/tmp/${gp_name}.raster", ">", "/tmp/${gp_name}.raw" or die("FAIL: rastertogutenorint $?: $row[0] $row[1] $row[2] $row[3] $row[4] $row[5] $pages $copies\n");
# Call backend using CUPS methodologies, using STDIN.
@args = ("./dyesub_backend", $id, $user, $title, $copies, $options);
if ($valgrind) {
print join(":", @args) . "\n";
run \@args, "<", "/tmp/${gp_name}.raw" or die("FAIL: backend $?: $row[0] $row[1] $row[2] $row[3] $row[4] $row[5] $pages $copies\n");
if ($proc_count > 1) {
$quiet = 1;
$rotor_circ = $proc_count;
for (my $child_no = 0; $child_no < $proc_count; $child_no++) {
$kid = fork();
if ($kid == 0) {
} else {
push @children, $kid;
unlink ("/tmp/${gp_name}.pdf");
unlink ("/tmp/${gp_name}.raster");
unlink ("/tmp/${gp_name}.raw");
unlink ($ppd_fname);
print "***** PASS\n";
if ($proc_count > 1 && $kid > 0) {
# Parent in parallel case
while ($proc_count > 0 && $kid > 0) {
$kid = waitpid(-1, 0);
if ($kid > 0 && $? > 0) {
$retval = $error;
} else {
my $currow = 0;
open (INFILE, "<$ARGV[0]") || die ("can't open csv\n");
while (<INFILE>) {
next if /^#/;
if (defined($ARGV[1])) {
next if (index($_,$ARGV[1]) == -1);
# for great parallelism!
next if ($rotor_circ && ($currow++ % $rotor_circ) != $rotor);
my @row = split(/,/);
my $gp_name = $row[0];
$ENV{"BACKEND"} = $row[0];
$ENV{"EXTRA_VID"} = $row[2];
$ENV{"EXTRA_PID"} = $row[3];
my $work_dir = "${work_dir_base}/$currow/";
if (!mkdir($work_dir)) {
print("cannot crate work dir ${work_dir}\n");
if (length($row[4])) {
$ENV{"MEDIA_CODE"} = $row[4];
} else {
my $options = "";
my @gp_options = split(/;/,$row[5]);
# generate options list
foreach my $x (@gp_options) {
$options .= "$x ";
my $rval;
my @args;
# Generate PPD
my $ppd_fname = "${work_dir}stp-${gp_name}.5.3.ppd";
$ENV{"PPD"} = $ppd_fname;
$ENV{"DEVICE_URI"} = "gutenprint53+usb://$row[0]/12345678";
@args = ("/usr/sbin/cups-genppd.5.3", "-p", $work_dir, "-Z", "-q", $gp_name);
if (!$quiet) {
print join(":", @args) . "\n";
if ($quiet) {
$rval = run \@args, "1>", "/dev/null", "2>", "/dev/null";
} else {
$rval = run \@args;
if (!$rval) {
print("***** $row[0] $row[1] $row[2] $row[3] $row[4] '$row[5]' FAIL genppd $?: -- " . join(":", @args) . "\n");
for (my $pages = 1 ; $pages <= $max_pages ; $pages++) {
# generate PDF.
@args = ("/usr/bin/convert");
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < $pages ; $i++) {
push(@args, $input_image);
push(@args, "-density");
push(@args, "300x300");
push(@args, "${work_dir}$currow-${gp_name}.pdf");
if (!$quiet) {
print join(":", @args) . "\n";
$rval = run \@args;
if (!$rval) {
print("***** $row[0] $row[1] $row[2] $row[3] $row[4] '$row[5]' FAIL: convert: $? -- " . join(":", @args) . "\n");
# Generate raster from PDF
@args = ("/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftoraster", $id, $user, $title, 1, $options, "${work_dir}$currow-${gp_name}.pdf");
if (!$quiet) {
print join(":", @args) . "\n";
if ($quiet) {
$rval = run \@args, ">", "${work_dir}$currow-${gp_name}.raster", "2>", "/dev/null";
} else {
$rval = run \@args, ">", "${work_dir}$currow-${gp_name}.raster";
if (!$rval) {
print("***** $row[0] $row[1] $row[2] $row[3] $row[4] '$row[5]' FAIL: imagetoraster $?: $pages -- " . join(":", @args) . "\n");
for (my $copies = 1 ; $copies <= $max_copies ; $copies++) {
# Call raster2gutenprint
@args = ("/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertogutenprint.5.3", $id, $user, $title, $copies, $options);
if ($valgrind) {
if ($quiet) {
if (!$quiet) {
print join(":", @args) . "\n";
if ($quiet) {
$rval = run \@args, "<", "${work_dir}$currow-${gp_name}.raster", ">", "${work_dir}$currow-${gp_name}.raw", "2>", "/dev/null";
} else {
$rval = run \@args, "<", "${work_dir}$currow-${gp_name}.raster", ">", "${work_dir}$currow-${gp_name}.raw";
if (!$rval) {
print("***** $row[0] $row[1] $row[2] $row[3] $row[4] '$row[5]' FAIL: rastertogutenorint $?: $pages $copies -- " . join(":", @args) . "\n");
# Call backend using CUPS methodologies, using STDIN.
@args = ("./dyesub_backend", $id, $user, $title, $copies, $options);
if ($valgrind) {
if ($quiet) {
if (!$quiet) {
print join(":", @args) . "\n";
if ($quiet) {
run \@args, "<", "${work_dir}$currow-${gp_name}.raw", "2>", "/dev/null";
} else {
run \@args, "<", "${work_dir}$currow-${gp_name}.raw";
if (!$rval) {
print("***** $row[0] $row[1] $row[2] $row[3] $row[4] '$row[5]' FAIL: backend $?: $pages $copies -- " . join(":", @args) . "\n");
print "***** $row[0] $row[1] $row[2] $row[3] $row[4] '$row[5]' PASS\n";
unlink ("${work_dir}$currow-${gp_name}.pdf");
unlink ("${work_dir}$currow-${gp_name}.raster");
unlink ("${work_dir}$currow-${gp_name}.raw");
unlink ($ppd_fname);
rmdir ($work_dir);
$retval = $error;

View file

@ -1,42 +1,145 @@
# Test harness code for the dyesub backend (standalone sample jobs)
# Copyright (c) 2018 Solomon Peachy <>
# The latest version of this program can be found at:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# []
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+
use strict;
use IPC::Run qw( run );
my $copies = 3;
my $retval = 0;
my $valgrind = 1;
while (<STDIN>) {
next if /^#/;
my @row = split(/,/);
my $rotor = 0;
my $rotor_circ = 0;
my $row = 0;
$ENV{"TEST_MODE"} = "2";
$ENV{"BACKEND"} = $row[0];
$ENV{"EXTRA_VID"} = $row[1];
$ENV{"EXTRA_PID"} = $row[2];
my $quiet = 1;
my $proc_count = 0;
my @children = ();
my $kid;
my $error = 0;
if (length($row[4])) {
$ENV{"MEDIA_CODE"} = $row[4];
} else {
$ENV{"TEST_MODE"} = "2";
print "***** $row[0] $row[1] $row[2] $row[3] $row[4]\n";
if (!defined($ARGV[0])) {
die ("need a csv file\n");
foreach (my $i = 1; $i <= $copies ; $i++) {
my @args = ("valgrind", "./dyesub_backend", "-d", $i, "testjobs/${row[3]}");
if (defined($ENV{"STP_PARALLEL"})) {
$proc_count = $ENV{"STP_PARALLEL"};
if (defined($ENV{"STP_VERBOSE"})) {
$quiet = $ENV{"STP_VERBOSE"};
my $rval = system(@args);
if ($rval < 0) {
print "***** FAIL: failure to launch ($rval)\n";
} elsif ($rval > 0) {
print "***** FAIL: failure to parse/execute ($rval) $row[0] $row[1] $row[2] $row[3] $row[4]\n";
if ($proc_count > 1) {
$quiet = 1;
$rotor_circ = $proc_count;
for (my $child_no = 0; $child_no < $proc_count; $child_no++) {
$kid = fork();
if ($kid == 0) {
} else {
print "***** PASS\n";
push @children, $kid;
if ($proc_count > 1 && $kid > 0) {
# Parent in parallel case
while ($proc_count > 0 && $kid > 0) {
$kid = waitpid(-1, 0);
if ($kid > 0 && $? > 0) {
$retval = $error;
} else { # worker child!
my $currow = 0;
my $rval = 0;
open (INFILE, "<$ARGV[0]") || die ("can't open csv\n");
while (<INFILE>) {
next if /^#/;
if (defined($ARGV[1])) {
next if (index($_,$ARGV[1]) == -1);
# for great parallelism!
next if ($rotor_circ && ($currow++ % $rotor_circ) != $rotor);
my @row = split(/,/);
$ENV{"BACKEND"} = $row[0];
$ENV{"EXTRA_VID"} = $row[1];
$ENV{"EXTRA_PID"} = $row[2];
if (length($row[4])) {
$ENV{"MEDIA_CODE"} = $row[4];
} else {
foreach (my $i = 1; $i <= $copies ; $i++) {
my @args = ("./dyesub_backend", "-d", $i, "testjobs/${row[3]}");
if ($valgrind) {
if ($quiet) {
if (!$quiet) {
print join(":", @args) . "\n";
if ($quiet) {
$rval = run \@args, ">", "/dev/null", "2>", "/dev/null";
} else {
$rval = run \@args;
if (!$rval) {
print("***** $row[0] $row[1] $row[2] $row[3] $row[4] ***** FAIL: backend $? $row[0] $row[1] $row[2] $row[3] $row[4]\n");
print "***** $row[0] $row[1] $row[2] $row[3] $row[4] ***** PASS\n";
$retval = $error;
close (INFILE);
exit ($retval);