/* * Canon SELPHY ES series print assister -- libusb-1 version * * (c) 2007-2012 Solomon Peachy * * The latest version of this program can be found at: * * http://git.shaftnet.org/git/gitweb.cgi?p=selphy_print.git * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html] * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "es_print_common.h" #define dump_data dump_data_libusb /* USB Identifiers */ #define USB_VID_CANON 0x04a9 #define USB_PID_CANON_ES1 0x3141 #define USB_PID_CANON_ES2 0x3185 #define USB_PID_CANON_ES20 20 // XXX #define USB_PID_CANON_ES3 3 // XXX #define USB_PID_CANON_ES30 0x31B0 #define USB_PID_CANON_ES40 0x31EE #define USB_PID_CANON_CP10 0x304A #define USB_PID_CANON_CP100 0x3063 #define USB_PID_CANON_CP200 200 // XXX #define USB_PID_CANON_CP220 0x30BD #define USB_PID_CANON_CP300 0x307D #define USB_PID_CANON_CP330 0x30BE #define USB_PID_CANON_CP400 0x30F6 #define USB_PID_CANON_CP500 500 // XXX #define USB_PID_CANON_CP510 510 // XXX #define USB_PID_CANON_CP520 520 // XXX #define USB_PID_CANON_CP530 530 // XXX #define USB_PID_CANON_CP600 0x310B #define USB_PID_CANON_CP710 710 // XXX #define USB_PID_CANON_CP720 720 // XXX #define USB_PID_CANON_CP730 730 // XXX #define USB_PID_CANON_CP740 740 // XXX #define USB_PID_CANON_CP750 750 // XXX #define USB_PID_CANON_CP760 760 // XXX #define USB_PID_CANON_CP770 770 // XXX #define USB_PID_CANON_CP780 780 // XXX #define USB_PID_CANON_CP790 790 // XXX #define USB_PID_CANON_CP800 0x3214 #define USB_PID_CANON_CP900 900 // XXX -- completely unknown type #define ENDPOINT_UP 0x81 #define ENDPOINT_DOWN 0x02 static int dump_data_libusb(int remaining, int present, int data_fd, struct libusb_device_handle *dev, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buflen) { int cnt; int i; int wrote; int num; while (remaining > 0) { cnt = read(data_fd, buf + present, (remaining < (buflen-present)) ? remaining : (buflen-present)); if (cnt < 0) return -1; if (present) { cnt += present; present = 0; } i = libusb_bulk_transfer(dev, ENDPOINT_DOWN, buf, cnt, &num, 2000); if (i < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "libusb error(%d)\n", i); return -1; } if (num != cnt) { /* Realign buffer.. */ present = cnt - num; memmove(buf, buf + num, present); } wrote += num; remaining -= num; } fprintf(stderr, "Wrote %d bytes\n", wrote); return wrote; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { struct libusb_context *ctx; struct libusb_device **list; struct libusb_device_handle *dev; int printer_type = P_END; int iface = 0; int num, i; int ret = 0; int claimed; uint8_t rdbuf[RDBUF_LEN], rdbuf2[RDBUF_LEN]; int last_state = -1, state = S_IDLE; int plane_len = 0; int bw_mode = 0; int16_t paper_code_offset = -1; int16_t paper_code = -1; uint8_t buffer[BUF_LEN]; int data_fd = fileno(stdin); /* Static initialization */ setup_paper_codes(); /* Cmdline help */ if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "SELPHY ES Print Assist version %s\n\nUsage:\n\t%s infile\n", VERSION, argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); exit(1); } /* Open Input File */ if (strcmp("-", argv[1])) { data_fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY); if (data_fd < 0) { perror("Can't open input file"); exit(1); } } /* Figure out printer this file is intended for */ read(data_fd, buffer, MAX_HEADER); printer_type = parse_printjob(buffer, &bw_mode, &plane_len); if (printer_type < 0) { return(-1); } fprintf(stderr, "File intended for a '%s' printer %s\r\n", models[printer_type], bw_mode? "B/W" : ""); plane_len += 12; /* Add in plane header */ paper_code_offset = paper_code_offsets[printer_type]; if (paper_code_offset != -1) paper_code = paper_codes[printer_type][paper_code_offset]; /* Libusb setup */ libusb_init(&ctx); /* Enumerate and find suitable device */ num = libusb_get_device_list(ctx, &list); for (i = 0 ; i < num ; i++) { struct libusb_device_descriptor desc; libusb_get_device_descriptor(list[i], &desc); if (desc.idVendor != USB_VID_CANON) continue; switch(desc.idProduct) { case USB_PID_CANON_ES1: if (printer_type == P_ES1) goto found2; break; case USB_PID_CANON_ES2: case USB_PID_CANON_ES20: if (printer_type == P_ES2_20) goto found2; break; case USB_PID_CANON_ES3: case USB_PID_CANON_ES30: if (printer_type == P_ES3_30) goto found2; break; case USB_PID_CANON_ES40: case USB_PID_CANON_CP790: if (printer_type == P_ES40) goto found2; break; case USB_PID_CANON_CP10: case USB_PID_CANON_CP100: case USB_PID_CANON_CP200: case USB_PID_CANON_CP220: case USB_PID_CANON_CP300: case USB_PID_CANON_CP330: case USB_PID_CANON_CP400: case USB_PID_CANON_CP500: case USB_PID_CANON_CP510: case USB_PID_CANON_CP520: case USB_PID_CANON_CP530: case USB_PID_CANON_CP600: case USB_PID_CANON_CP710: case USB_PID_CANON_CP720: case USB_PID_CANON_CP730: case USB_PID_CANON_CP740: case USB_PID_CANON_CP750: case USB_PID_CANON_CP760: case USB_PID_CANON_CP770: case USB_PID_CANON_CP780: case USB_PID_CANON_CP800: if (printer_type == P_CP_XXX) goto found2; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Found Unrecognized Canon Printer: %04x\n", desc.idProduct); break; } } if (i == num) { ret = 1; fprintf(stderr, "No suitable printers found (looking for %s)\n", models[printer_type]); goto done; } found2: #if 0 // XXX pull interface list, and make sure we have the right one. if (interface.bInterfaceClass != LIBUSB_CLASS_PRINTER) continue; #endif fprintf(stderr, "Found a %s printer\r\n", models[printer_type]); ret = libusb_open(list[i], &dev); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open device (Need to be root?) (%d)\r\n", ret); goto done; } claimed = libusb_kernel_driver_active(dev, iface); if (claimed) { ret = libusb_detach_kernel_driver(dev, iface); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not detach printer from kernel (%d)\r\n", ret); goto done; } } ret = libusb_claim_interface(dev, iface); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not claim printer interface (%d)\r\n", ret); goto done; } top: /* Read in the printer status */ ret = libusb_bulk_transfer(dev, ENDPOINT_UP, rdbuf, RDBUF_LEN, &num, 2000); if (ret < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "libusb error (%d)\n", ret); goto done; } if (memcmp(rdbuf, rdbuf2, RDBUF_LEN)) { fprintf(stderr, "readback: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", rdbuf[0], rdbuf[1], rdbuf[2], rdbuf[3], rdbuf[4], rdbuf[5], rdbuf[6], rdbuf[7], rdbuf[8], rdbuf[9], rdbuf[10], rdbuf[11]); memcpy(rdbuf2, rdbuf, RDBUF_LEN); } else { sleep(1); } if (state != last_state) { fprintf(stderr, "last_state %d new %d\n", last_state, state); last_state = state; } fflush(stderr); switch(state) { case S_IDLE: if (!fancy_memcmp(rdbuf, init_readbacks[printer_type], RDBUF_LEN, paper_code_offset, paper_code)) { state = S_PRINTER_READY; } break; case S_PRINTER_READY: fprintf(stderr, "Sending init sequence (%d bytes)\n", init_lengths[printer_type]); /* Send printer init */ ret = libusb_bulk_transfer(dev, ENDPOINT_DOWN, buffer, init_lengths[printer_type], &num, 2000); if (ret < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "libusb error (%d) (%d)\n", ret, num); goto done; } /* Realign plane data to start of buffer.. */ memmove(buffer, buffer+init_lengths[printer_type], MAX_HEADER-init_lengths[printer_type]); state = S_PRINTER_INIT_SENT; break; case S_PRINTER_INIT_SENT: if (!fancy_memcmp(rdbuf, ready_y_readbacks[printer_type], RDBUF_LEN, paper_code_offset, paper_code)) { state = S_PRINTER_READY_Y; } break; case S_PRINTER_READY_Y: if (bw_mode) fprintf(stderr, "Sending BLACK plane\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "Sending YELLOW plane\n"); dump_data(plane_len, MAX_HEADER-init_lengths[printer_type], data_fd, dev, buffer, BUF_LEN); state = S_PRINTER_Y_SENT; break; case S_PRINTER_Y_SENT: if (!fancy_memcmp(rdbuf, ready_m_readbacks[printer_type], RDBUF_LEN, paper_code_offset, paper_code)) { if (bw_mode) state = S_PRINTER_DONE; else state = S_PRINTER_READY_M; } break; case S_PRINTER_READY_M: fprintf(stderr, "Sending MAGENTA plane\n"); dump_data(plane_len, 0, data_fd, dev, buffer, BUF_LEN); state = S_PRINTER_M_SENT; break; case S_PRINTER_M_SENT: if (!fancy_memcmp(rdbuf, ready_c_readbacks[printer_type], RDBUF_LEN, paper_code_offset, paper_code)) { state = S_PRINTER_READY_C; } break; case S_PRINTER_READY_C: fprintf(stderr, "Sending CYAN plane\n"); dump_data(plane_len, 0, data_fd, dev, buffer, BUF_LEN); state = S_PRINTER_C_SENT; break; case S_PRINTER_C_SENT: if (!fancy_memcmp(rdbuf, done_c_readbacks[printer_type], RDBUF_LEN, paper_code_offset, paper_code)) { state = S_PRINTER_DONE; } break; case S_PRINTER_DONE: if (foot_lengths[printer_type]) { fprintf(stderr, "Sending cleanup sequence\n"); dump_data(foot_lengths[printer_type], 0, data_fd, dev, buffer, BUF_LEN); } state = S_FINISHED; break; case S_FINISHED: fprintf(stderr, "All data sent to printer!\n"); break; } if (state != S_FINISHED) goto top; /* Done printing */ libusb_release_interface(dev, iface); if (claimed) libusb_attach_kernel_driver(dev, iface); libusb_close(dev); done: libusb_free_device_list(list, 1); libusb_exit(ctx); close(data_fd); return ret; }