
156 lines
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* Mitsubishi Photo Printer Comon Code
* (c) 2013-2024 Solomon Peachy <>
* The latest version of this program can be found at:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <>.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+
#include "backend_common.h"
#include "lib70x/libMitsuD70ImageReProcess.h"
/* If we don't have the libMitsu header */
#ifndef LUT_LEN
#define LUT_LEN 14739
struct BandImage {
void *imgbuf; // @ 0
int32_t bytes_per_row;// @ 4 (respect 8bpp and 16bpp!)
uint16_t origin_cols; // @ 8 (left)
uint16_t origin_rows; // @12 (top)
uint16_t cols; // @16 (right)
uint16_t rows; // @20 (bottom)
// @24
/* Forward declarations */
struct mitsu98xx_data;
struct M1CPCData;
struct mitsu_cpd30_data;
typedef void (*dump_announceFN)(FILE *fp);
typedef int (*lib70x_getapiversionFN)(void);
typedef int (*Get3DColorTableFN)(uint8_t *buf, const char *filename);
typedef struct CColorConv3D *(*Load3DColorTableFN)(const uint8_t *ptr);
typedef void (*Destroy3DColorTableFN)(struct CColorConv3D *this);
typedef void (*DoColorConvFN)(struct CColorConv3D *this, uint8_t *data, uint16_t cols, uint16_t rows, uint32_t bytes_per_row, int rgb_bgr);
typedef void (*DoColorConvPlaneFN)(struct CColorConv3D *this, uint8_t *data_r, uint8_t *data_g, uint8_t *data_b, uint32_t planelen);
typedef struct CPCData *(*get_CPCDataFN)(const char *filename);
typedef void (*destroy_CPCDataFN)(struct CPCData *data);
typedef int (*do_image_effectFN)(struct CPCData *cpc, struct CPCData *ecpc, struct BandImage *input, struct BandImage *output, int sharpen, int reverse, uint8_t rew[3]);
typedef int (*send_image_dataFN)(struct BandImage *out, void *context,
int (*callback_fn)(void *context, void *buffer, uint32_t len));
typedef int (*CP98xx_DoConvertFN)(const struct mitsu98xx_data *table,
const struct BandImage *input,
struct BandImage *output,
uint8_t type, int sharpness, int reversed);
typedef struct mitsu98xx_data *(*CP98xx_GetDataFN)(const char *filename);
typedef void (*CP98xx_DestroyDataFN)(const struct mitsu98xx_data *data);
typedef struct M1CPCData *(*M1_GetCPCDataFN)(const char *corrtable_path,
const char *filename,
const char *gammafilename);
typedef void (*M1_DestroyCPCDataFN)(struct M1CPCData *dat);
typedef void (*M1_Gamma8to14FN)(const struct M1CPCData *cpc,
const struct BandImage *in, struct BandImage *out);
typedef int (*M1_CLocalEnhancerFN)(const struct M1CPCData *cpc,
int sharp, struct BandImage *img);
typedef int (*M1_CalcRGBRateFN)(uint16_t rows, uint16_t cols, uint8_t *data);
typedef uint8_t (*M1_CalcOpRateMatteFN)(uint16_t rows, uint16_t cols, const uint8_t *data);
typedef uint8_t (*M1_CalcOpRateGlossFN)(uint16_t rows, uint16_t cols);
typedef struct mitsu_cpd30_data *(*CPD30_GetDataFN)(const char *filename);
typedef void (*CPD30_DestroyDataFN)(const struct mitsu_cpd30_data *data);
typedef int (*CPD30_DoConvertFN)(const struct mitsu_cpd30_data *table,
const struct BandImage *input,
struct BandImage *output,
uint8_t type, int sharpness);
#warning "No dynamic loading support!"
#define LIBMITSU_VER "0.13"
/* Image processing library function prototypes */
#define LIB_NAME_RE "libMitsuD70ImageReProcess" DLL_SUFFIX
struct mitsu_lib {
void *dl_handle;
lib70x_getapiversionFN GetAPIVersion;
dump_announceFN DumpAnnounce;
Get3DColorTableFN Get3DColorTable;
Load3DColorTableFN Load3DColorTable;
Destroy3DColorTableFN Destroy3DColorTable;
DoColorConvFN DoColorConv;
DoColorConvPlaneFN DoColorConvPlane;
get_CPCDataFN GetCPCData;
destroy_CPCDataFN DestroyCPCData;
do_image_effectFN DoImageEffect60;
do_image_effectFN DoImageEffect70;
do_image_effectFN DoImageEffect80;
do_image_effectFN DoImageEffect;
send_image_dataFN SendImageData;
CP98xx_DoConvertFN CP98xx_DoConvert;
CP98xx_GetDataFN CP98xx_GetData;
CP98xx_DestroyDataFN CP98xx_DestroyData;
M1_GetCPCDataFN M1_GetCPCData;
M1_DestroyCPCDataFN M1_DestroyCPCData;
M1_CLocalEnhancerFN M1_CLocalEnhancer;
M1_Gamma8to14FN M1_Gamma8to14;
M1_CalcRGBRateFN M1_CalcRGBRate;
M1_CalcOpRateGlossFN M1_CalcOpRateGloss;
M1_CalcOpRateMatteFN M1_CalcOpRateMatte;
CPD30_GetDataFN CPD30_GetData;
CPD30_DestroyDataFN CPD30_DestroyData;
CPD30_DoConvertFN CPD30_DoConvert;
struct CColorConv3D *lut;
struct CPCData *cpcdata;
struct CPCData *ecpcdata;
int mitsu_loadlib(struct mitsu_lib *lib, int type);
int mitsu_destroylib(struct mitsu_lib *lib);
int mitsu_apply3dlut_packed(struct mitsu_lib *lib, const char *lutfname, uint8_t *databuf,
uint16_t cols, uint16_t rows, uint16_t stride,
int rgb_bgr);
int mitsu_apply3dlut_plane(struct mitsu_lib *lib, const char *lutfname,
uint8_t *data_r, uint8_t *data_g, uint8_t *data_b,
uint16_t cols, uint16_t rows);
int mitsu_readlamdata(const char *fname, uint16_t lamstride,
uint8_t *databuf, uint32_t *datalen,
uint16_t rows, uint16_t cols, uint8_t bpp);
const char *mitsu_temperatures(uint8_t temp);
const char *mitsu_media_types(int printer, uint8_t brand, uint8_t type);