2024-01-05 20:47:08 -05:00

3422 lines
98 KiB

* HiTi Photo Printer CUPS backend
* (c) 2019-2023 Solomon Peachy <>
* The latest version of this program can be found at:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <>.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+
#define BACKEND hiti_backend
#include "backend_common.h"
/* For Integration into gutenprint */
#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#include <config.h>
// We should use nanosleep everywhere properly.
#define __usleep(__x) { struct timespec t = { 0, (__x) * 1000 } ; nanosleep (&t, NULL); }
/* Private structures */
struct hiti_cmd {
uint8_t hdr; /* 0xa5 */
uint16_t len; /* (BE) everything after this field, minimum 3, max 6 */
uint8_t status; /* see CMD_STATUS_* */
uint16_t cmd; /* CMD_* (BE) */
uint8_t payload[]; /* 0-3 items */
} __attribute__((packed));
#define CMD_STATUS_ERR 0x80
#define CMD_STATUS_OK (0x40 | 0x10)
// XXX lower 4 bits are sub-status, unknown.
// Success
// 0x01 Seen with ERDC_RLC on p51x
// 0x02 Seen with EPC_SP on p51x, sometimes?
// 0x03 Seen with RDC_RS on p461
// Errors
// 0x08 Seen with EFM_RD on p51x, EFD_CHS on p525, ERDC_RRVC on p461
// 0x0b Seen with ESD_SEHT2 on p51x
/* Request Device Characteristics */
#define CMD_RDC_RS 0x0100 /* Request Summary */
#define CMD_RDC_ROC 0x0104 /* Request Option Characteristics (1 resp on p52x, not on p51x, 16 on p461 */
/* Printer Configuratio Control */
#define CMD_PCC_RP 0x0301 /* Reset Printer (1 arg) */
#define CMD_RCC_UNK 0x0310 /* XX Unknown */
#define CMD_PCC_STP 0x030F /* Set Target Printer (1 arg) XXX -- 00 == master or 01 == slave ? Or maybe it's a bank select for CMD_EFM_RNV? */
/* Request Device Status */
#define CMD_RDS_RSS 0x0400 /* Request Status Summary */
#define CMD_RDS_RIS 0x0401 /* Request Input Status */
#define CMD_RDS_RIA 0x0403 /* Request Input Alert */
#define CMD_RDS_RJA 0x0405 /* Request Jam Alert */
#define CMD_RDS_ROIRA 0x0406 /* Request Operator Intervention Alert */
#define CMD_RDS_RW 0x0407 /* Request Warnings */
#define CMD_RDS_DSRA 0x0408 /* Request Device Serviced Alerts */
#define CMD_RDS_SA 0x040A /* Request Service Alerts */
#define CMD_RDS_RPS 0x040B /* Request Printer Statistics */
#define CMD_RDS_RSUS 0x040C /* Request Supplies Status */
/* Job Control */
#define CMD_JC_SJ 0x0500 /* Start Job (3 arg) */
#define CMD_JC_EJ 0x0501 /* End Job (3 arg) */
#define CMD_JC_QJC 0x0502 /* Query Job Completed (5 arg) XX 6 byte resp (most), 2 (p461) */
#define CMD_JC_QQA 0x0503 /* Query Jobs Queued or Active (3 arg) */
#define CMD_JC_RSJ 0x0510 /* Resume Suspended Job (3 arg) XX */
/* Extended Read Device Characteristics */
#define CMD_ERDC_RS 0x8000 /* Request Summary */
#define CMD_ERDC_RCC 0x8001 /* Read Calibration Charcteristics */
#define CMD_ERDC_RPC 0x8005 /* Request Print Count (1 arg, 8 (51x) or 4 (52x,7xx) resp) */
#define CMD_ERDC_RLC 0x8006 /* Request LED calibration (10 on 52x, 6 on 461 */
#define CMD_ERDC_RSN 0x8007 /* Read Serial Number (1 arg) */
#define CMD_ERDC_C_RPCS 0x8008 /* CS Request Printer Correction Status */
#define CMD_ERDC_CTV 0x8008 /* Color Table Version XXX p51x, string (14 byte reply?), error on p461 */
#define CMD_ERDC_RPIDM 0x8009 /* Request PID and Model Code */
#define CMD_ERDC_UNKA 0x800A /* XX Unknown */
#define CMD_ERDC_UNKF 0x800D /* XX Unknown (1 arg) */
#define CMD_ERDC_RTLV 0x800E /* Request T/L Voltage */
#define CMD_ERDC_RRVC 0x800F /* Read Ribbon Vendor Code */
#define CMD_ERDC_UNK0 0x8010 /* Used when printer doesn't support RRVC? */
#define CMD_ERDC_UNK1 0x8011 /* Unknown Query RE, 1 arg == QUALITY? */
#define CMD_ERDC_RHA 0x801C /* Read Highlight Adjustment (6 resp) RE */
// 8008 seen in Windows Comm @ 3211 (0 len response)
// 800c seen on p51x (4 byte response 00 87 00 02)
// 8011 seen in Windows Comm @ 3369 (1 arg req (always 00), 4 len response)
/* Extended Format Data */
#define CMD_EFD_SF 0x8100 /* Sublimation Format */
#define CMD_EFD_CHS 0x8101 /* Color & Heating Setting (2 arg) -- Not P525 */
#define CMD_EFD_C_CHS 0x8102 /* CS Color Heating Setting (3 arg) */
#define CMD_EFD_C_SIID 0x8103 /* CS Set Input ID (1 arg) */
/* Extended Page Control */
#define CMD_EPC_SP 0x8200 /* Start Page */
#define CMD_EPC_EP 0x8201 /* End Page */
#define CMD_EPC_SYP 0x8202 /* Start Yellow Plane */
#define CMD_EPC_SMP 0x8204 /* Start Magenta Plane */
#define CMD_EPC_SCP 0x8206 /* Start Cyan Plane */
#define CMD_EPC_C_SYP 0x8202 /* CS Start Yellow Page */
#define CMD_EPC_C_SMP 0x8203 /* CS Start Magenta Page */
#define CMD_EPC_C_SCP 0x8204 /* CS Start Cyan Page */
#define CMD_EPC_C_SBP 0x8205 /* CS Start Black Page */
#define CMD_EPC_C_SKP 0x8206 /* CS Start K Resin Page */
#define CMD_EPC_C_SLP 0x8207 /* CS Start Lamination Page */
#define CMD_EPC_C_SOP 0x8208 /* CS Start Overcoat Page */
#define CMD_EPC_C_SY2P 0x8209 /* CS Start Yellow2 Page */
#define CMD_EPC_C_SM2P 0x820A /* CS Start Magenta2 Page */
#define CMD_EPC_C_SC2P 0x820B /* CS Start Cyan2 Page */
#define CMD_EPC_C_SB2P 0x820C /* CS Start Black2 Page */
#define CMD_EPC_C_SK2P 0x820D /* CS Start K Resin2 Page */
#define CMD_EPC_C_SL2P 0x820E /* CS Start Lamination2 Page */
#define CMD_EPC_C_SO2P 0x820F /* CS Start Overcoat2 Page */
/* Extended Send Data */
#define CMD_ESD_SEHT2 0x8303 /* Send Ext Heating Table (2 arg) */
#define CMD_ESD_SEHT 0x8304 /* Send Ext Heating Table XX */
#define CMD_ESD_UNK6 0x8306 /* Unknown, seen in FW update (1 byte payload) */
#define CMD_ESD_UNK7 0x8307 /* Unknown, seen in FW update (no payload) */
#define CMD_ESD_SD 0x8308 /* Send data (256 or 0xfc00 byte payload) */
#define CMD_ESD_SEPD 0x8309 /* Send Ext Print Data (2 arg) + struct */
#define CMD_ESD_SHCI 0x830A /* Unknown, seen on P51x (4 byte payload) */
#define CMD_ESD_SHPTC 0x830B /* Send Heating Parameters & Tone Curve (varying payload) */
#define CMD_ESD_C_SHPTC 0x830C /* CS Send Heating Parameters & Tone Curve XX (n arg) */
/* Extended Flash/NVram */
#define CMD_EFM_WCV 0x8403 /* Write Calibration Value (n arg) */
#define CMD_EFM_RNV 0x8405 /* Read NVRam (1 arg) -- arg is offset, 1 byte resp of data @ that offset. -- P51x */
#define CMD_EFM_UNK6 0x8406 /* Write NVRAM, maybe? */
#define CMD_EFM_RD 0x8408 /* Read single location (2 byte offset arg, 1 byte of data @ that offset -- not P51x */
#define CMD_EFM_UNKC 0x840C /* Write NVRAM, maybe? */
#define CMD_EFM_SHA 0x840E /* Set Highlight Adjustment (5 arg) -- XXX RE */
#define CMD_ERD_RTCV 0x8702 /* XX No idea what this does */
/* Extended Security Control */
#define CMD_ESC_SP 0x8900 /* Set Password */
#define CMD_ESC_SSM 0x8901 /* Set Security Mode */
/* Extended Debug Mode */
#define CMD_EDM_CVD 0xE002 /* Common Voltage Drop Values (n arg) */
#define CMD_EDM_CPP 0xE023 /* Clean Paper Path (1 arg) XX */
#define CMD_EDM_UNK 0xE028 /* XX Called if ERC_RTCV is supported. */
#define CMD_EDM_C_MC2CES 0xE02E /* CS Move card to Contact Encoder Station */
#define CMD_EDM_C_MC2MES 0xE02F /* CS Move card to Mag Encoder Station */
#define CMD_EDM_C_MC2CLES 0xE030 /* CS Move card to ContactLess Encoder Station */
#define CMD_EDM_C_MC2EB 0xE031 /* CS Move card to Eject Box */
#define CMD_EDM_C_MC2H 0xE037 /* CS Move card to Hopper */
#define CMD_UNK_UNK 0xE200
/* CMD_PCC_RP */
#define RESET_PRINTER 0x01
#define RESET_SOFT 0x02
/* 801C --> 0 args
<-- 6 bytes: 00 YY MM CC 00 00 (YMC is +- 31 decimal)
840E --> 5 args: YY MM CC 00 00 (YMC is +- 31 decimal)
<-- 1 arg: 00 (success, presumably)
Highlight Correction. Unclear if it's used by printer or by "driver"
struct hiti_calibration {
uint8_t horiz;
uint8_t vert;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct hiti_rpidm {
uint16_t usb_pid; /* BE */
uint8_t region; /* See hiti_regions */
} __attribute__((packed));
struct hiti_erdc_rs { /* All are BIG endian */
uint8_t tph_seg; // Always 0x1e?
uint16_t stride; /* Head width: 1920 (6" models) 1280 (4" models) */
uint16_t dpi_cols; /* fixed at 300 */
uint16_t dpi_rows; /* fixed at 300 */
uint16_t cols; /* 1844 for 6" media */
uint16_t rows; /* 1240 for 6x4" media */
uint16_t vertUnitInstalled; // 0xa055 for P510S, 0xffff for rest
uint8_t y_speed; /* Varies based on model, units unknown */
uint8_t m_speed;
uint8_t c_speed;
uint8_t o_speed;
uint8_t overheatTemp;
uint8_t heaterOffTemp;
uint8_t hwFeature1; // P52x bit 7 means "RI1" printhead
uint8_t hwFeature2; // bit 7 means KO function
uint8_t preheatTemp;
// These might not be present */
uint16_t dpi_rows2; /* 0x5c08 p520l/p510s */
uint16_t dpi_rows3; /* 0x0020 p461 */
uint8_t hwFeature3; // 64/40/20 520l/510s/561
uint8_t overheatTempS;
uint8_t overheatTempOT;
} __attribute__((packed));
/* CMD_JC_* */
struct hiti_job {
uint8_t lun; /* Logical Unit Number. Leave at 0 */
uint16_t jobid; /* BE */
} __attribute__((packed));
/* CMD_JC_QQA */
#define MAX_JOBS 4
struct hiti_job_qqa {
uint8_t count; /* 0-MAX_JOBS */
struct {
struct hiti_job job;
uint8_t status;
} row[MAX_JOBS]; /* Four jobs max outstanding */
} __attribute__((packed));
#define QQA_STATUS_ERROR 0x80 // ???
/* CMD_JC_QJC */
struct hiti_jc_qjc {
uint8_t lun; /* Logical Unit Number. Leave at 0 */
uint16_t jobid; /* BE */
uint16_t jobid2; /* BE, set to 1? */
} __attribute__((packed));
// repsonse is 6 bytes.
// Roll Type:
// 5x3.5 1547 1072
// 6x4 1844 1240
// 6x4b 1844 1216 /" 6x3.94"
// 6x9 1844 2740
// 6x8/2 1844 2492
// 6x8 1844 2434
// 5x7 1548 2140
// 5x7/2 1548 2152
// 6x4/2 1844 1248
// 6x6 1844 1844
// 5x5 1540 1540 ? (1548?)
// 6x5 1844 1544
// 6x2 1844 ????
// Sheet type:
// 6x4 1818 1280
#define PRINT_TYPE_6x4 0
#define PRINT_TYPE_5x7 2
#define PRINT_TYPE_6x8 3
#define PRINT_TYPE_6x9 6
#define PRINT_TYPE_6x9_2UP 7
#define PRINT_TYPE_5x3_5 8
#define PRINT_TYPE_6x4_2UP 9
#define PRINT_TYPE_6x2 10
#define PRINT_TYPE_5x7_2UP 11
struct hiti_heattable_v1a { /* P51x (older) */
uint8_t y[2050]; /* 256 doubles, plus 2 byte checksum? */
uint8_t pad0[30];
uint8_t m[2050];
uint8_t pad1[30];
uint8_t c[2050];
uint8_t pad2[30];
uint8_t o[2050]; /* Overcoat Glossy */
uint8_t pad3[30];
uint8_t om[2050]; /* Overcoat Matte */
uint8_t pad4[30];
uint8_t cvd[582]; /* 58 u16 * 5 (y/m/c/o/om) + 2 byte checksum? */
uint8_t pad5[26];
} __attribute__((packed));
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(struct hiti_heattable_v1a) == 11008);
struct hiti_heattable_v1b_hdr {
uint8_t type;
uint32_t len; /* Length in 16-bit words, LE */
} __attribute((packed));
struct hiti_heattable_v1b { /* P51x (newer) */
struct hiti_heattable_v1b_hdr y_hdr; // 01 01 04 00 00
uint8_t y[2050]; /* 256 doubles, 2 checksum */
struct hiti_heattable_v1b_hdr m_hdr; // 02 01 04 00 00
uint8_t m[2050]; /* 256 doubles, 2 checksum */
struct hiti_heattable_v1b_hdr c_hdr; // 03 01 04 00 00
uint8_t c[2050]; /* 256 doubles, 2 checksum */
struct hiti_heattable_v1b_hdr o_hdr; // 04 01 04 00 00
uint8_t o[2050]; /* 256 doubles, 2 checksum */
struct hiti_heattable_v1b_hdr om_hdr; // 05 01 04 00 00
uint8_t om[2050]; /* 256 doubles, 2 checksum */
struct hiti_heattable_v1b_hdr u_hdr; // 07 01 04 00 00
uint8_t u[2050]; /* 256 doubles, 2 checksum */ // unknown purpose
struct hiti_heattable_v1b_hdr cvd_hdr; // 08 23 01 00 00
uint8_t cvd[582]; /* 58 u16 * 5 (y/m/c/o/om) + 2 byte checksum? */
} __attribute__((packed));
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(struct hiti_heattable_v1b) == 12917);
/* All fields are little endian */
struct hiti_heattable_entry_v2 {
uint8_t type;
uint32_t len; /* in 16-bit words */
uint32_t offset;
} __attribute((packed));
struct hiti_heattable_hdr_v2 {
uint8_t num_headers;
struct hiti_heattable_entry_v2 entries[];
} __attribute((packed));
#define HEATTABLE_V2_MAX_SIZE (1024*128)
#define HEATTABLE_S_SIZE 4167 /* P461, P310, and some P32x */
#define HEATTABLE_S2_SIZE 4232 /* Some P32x */
// size
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_HT_D_Y 0x01 // 522
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_HT_D_M 0x02 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_HT_D_C 0x03 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_HT_D_K 0x04 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_HT_R_RK 0x10 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_HT_R_R 0x11 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_HT_R_L 0x12 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_HT_R_FO 0x13 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_HT_D_O 0x20 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_HT_D_KO 0x21 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_HT_D_MO 0x22 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_CVD 0x40 // 582
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_VER_MAJOR 0x50 // 4
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_VER_MINOR 0x51 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_CT_INVERT 0x80 // 2562
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_CT_CLASSIC 0x81 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_CT_IDPASS 0x82 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_TC_COMPENSATE 0x90 // 26
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_HAC_Y 0xa1 // 1540
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_HAC_M 0xa2 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_HAC_C 0xa3 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_HAC_DK 0xa4 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_HAC_RK 0xa5 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_HAC_R 0xa6 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_HAC_O 0xa7 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_HAC_MO 0xa8 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_HAC_FO 0xa9 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_HAC_YMC 0xae //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_HAC_ALL 0xaf //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_LS_Y 0xb1 // 24 (Long Smear)
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_LS_M 0xb2 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_LS_C 0xb3 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_LS_DK 0xb4 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_LS_RK 0xb5 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_LS_R 0xb6 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_LS_O 0xb7 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_LS_MO 0xb8 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_LS_FO 0xb9 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_LS_YMC 0xbe //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_LS_ALL 0xbf //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_GL_Y 0xc1 // ?? (Ghost Line)
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_GL_M 0xc2 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_GL_C 0xc3 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_GL_DK 0xc4 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_GL_RK 0xc5 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_GL_R 0xc6 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_GL_O 0xc7 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_GL_MO 0xc8 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_GL_FO 0xc9 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_GL_YMC 0xce //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_GL_ALL 0xcf //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_EN_Y 0xd1 // 18 (Energy)
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_EN_M 0xd2 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_EN_C 0xd3 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_EN_DK 0xd4 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_EN_RK 0xd5 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_EN_R 0xd6 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_EN_O 0xd7 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_EN_MO 0xd8 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_EN_FO 0xd9 //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_EN_YMC 0xde //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_EN_ALL 0xdf //
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_EMBEDDED 0xf0 // 2
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_EMBEDDED_1 0x00 // varies
#define HEATTABLE_V2_ID_EMBEDDED_2 0x20 // varies
/* All fields are LE */
struct hiti_gpjobhdr {
uint32_t cookie; /* "GPHT" */
uint32_t hdr_len; /* Including the whole thing */
uint32_t model; /* Model family, in decimal */
uint32_t cols;
uint32_t rows;
uint32_t col_dpi;
uint32_t row_dpi;
uint32_t copies;
uint32_t quality; /* 0 for std, 1 for fine */
uint32_t code; /* PRINT_TYPE_* */
uint32_t overcoat; /* 1 for matte, 0 for glossy */
uint32_t payload_flag; /* See PAYLOAD_FLAG_* */
uint32_t payload_len;
} __attribute__((packed));
#define HDR_COOKIE 0x54485047
/* CMD_EFD_SF for non-CS systems */
struct hiti_efd_sf {
/*@0 */ uint8_t mediaType; /* PRINT_TYPE_?? */
/*@1 */ uint16_t cols_res; /* BE, always 300dpi */
/*@3 */ uint16_t rows_res; /* BE, always 300dpi */
/*@5 */ uint16_t cols; /* BE */
/*@7 */ uint16_t rows; /* BE */
/*@9 */ int8_t rows_offset; /* Has to do with H_Offset calibration */
/*@10*/ int8_t cols_offset; /* Has to do wiwth V_Offset calibration */
/*@11*/ uint8_t colorSeq; /* See SF_COLORSEQ_* */
/*@12*/ uint8_t copies;
/*@13*/ uint8_t printMode; /* See SF_PRINTMODE_* */
/*@14*/ uint8_t zero[4]; /* P461 only */
} __attribute__((packed));
/* SF_COLORSEQ is actually:
Y 0x01
M 0x02
C 0x04
DK 0x08 (Dye Black)
RK 0x10 (Resin Black)
OM 0x20 (NOT CSxxx models)
O 0x80 (On CSxx, means there is an explicit O plane)
#define SF_COLORSEQ_YMCO 0x87
#define SF_PRINTMODE_SPLITK 0x01 /* CSxxx only */
#define SF_PRINTMODE_FINE 0x02 /* For P5xx/P7xx only */
#define SF_PRINTMODE_BASE 0x08 /* For P5xx/P7xx only */
#define SF_PRINTMODE_OBHEAT 0x10 /* Onboard Heat Comp, CSxxx only */
/* CMD_ESD_SEPD -- Note it's different from the usual command flow */
struct hiti_extprintdata {
uint8_t hdr; /* 0xa5 */
uint16_t len; /* 24bit data length (+8) in BE format, first two bytes */
uint8_t status; /* 0x50 */
uint16_t cmd; /* 0x8309, BE */
uint8_t lenb; /* LSB of length */
uint16_t startLine; /* Starting line number, BE */
uint16_t numLines; /* Number of lines in block, BE, 3000 max. */
uint8_t payload[]; /* ie data length bytes */
} __attribute__((packed));
/* CMD_ESD_SEHT2 -- Note it's different from the usual command flow */
struct hiti_seht2 {
uint8_t hdr; /* 0xa5 */
uint16_t len; /* 24-bit data length (+5) in BE format, first two bytes */
uint8_t status; /* 0x50 */
uint16_t cmd; /* 0x8303, BE */
uint8_t lenb; /* LSB of length */
uint8_t plane;
} __attribute__((packed));
/* All multi-byte fields here are LE */
struct hiti_matrix {
/*@00*/ uint8_t row0[16]; // all 00
/*@10*/ uint8_t row1[6]; // 01 00 00 00 00 00
uint16_t cuttercount;
uint8_t align_v;
uint8_t aligh_h;
uint8_t row1_2[6]; // all 00
/*@20*/ uint8_t row2[16]; // no idea
/*@30*/ uint8_t error_index0; /* Value % 31 == NEWEST. Count back */
uint8_t errorcode[31];
/*@50*/ uint8_t row5[16]; // all 00, except [8] which is a5.
/*@60*/ char serno[16]; /* device serial number */
/*@70*/ uint16_t unclean_prints;
uint16_t cleanat[15]; // XX Guess?
/*@90*/ uint16_t supply_motor;
uint16_t take_motor;
uint8_t row9[12]; // all 00 except last, which is 0xa5
/*@a0*/ uint16_t errorcount[31];
uint8_t rowd[2]; // seems to be 00 cc ?
/*@e0*/ uint16_t tpc_4x6;
uint16_t tpc_5x7;
uint16_t tpc_6x8;
uint16_t tpc_6x9;
uint8_t unk_rowe[8]; // all 00
/*@f0*/ uint16_t apc_4x6;
uint16_t apc_5x7;
uint16_t apc_6x8;
uint16_t apc_6x9;
uint8_t unk_rowf[4]; // all 00
uint8_t tphv_a;
uint8_t tphv_d;
uint8_t unk_rowf2[2]; // all 00
/*@100*/uint8_t unk_row10[16];
/*@110*/uint8_t unk_row11[16];
/*@120*/uint8_t unk_row12[16];
/*@130*/uint8_t unk_row13[16];
/*@140*/uint8_t unk_row14[16];
/*@150*/uint8_t unk_row15[16];
/*@160*/uint8_t unk_row16[16];
/*@170*/uint8_t unk_row17[16];
/*@180*/uint8_t unk_row18[16];
/*@190*/uint8_t unk_row19[16];
/*@1a0*/uint8_t unk_row1a[16];
/*@1b0*/uint8_t unk_row1b[16];
/*@1c0*/uint8_t unk_row1c[16];
/*@1d0*/uint8_t unk_row1d[16];
/*@1e0*/uint8_t unk_row1e[16];
/*@1f0*/uint8_t unk_row1f[16];
} __attribute__((packed));
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(struct hiti_matrix) == 512);
struct hiti_ribbon {
uint16_t unk; // 01 08 (p461)
uint8_t type; /* RIBBON_TYPE_XXX */
uint16_t unk2; // 00 07 (p461)
} __attribute__((packed));
#define RIBBON_TYPE_4x6 0x01
#define RIBBON_TYPE_5x7 0x02
#define RIBBON_TYPE_6x9 0x03
#define RIBBON_TYPE_6x8 0x04
struct hiti_paper {
uint8_t unk;
uint8_t type; /* PAPER_TYPE_XXX */
uint16_t unk2;
} __attribute__((packed));
#define PAPER_TYPE_X4INCH 0xf0 // XXX hack
#define PAPER_TYPE_5INCH 0x02
#define PAPER_TYPE_6INCH 0x01
#define PAPER_TYPE_NONE 0x00
/* Private data structure */
enum {
enum {
HT_PLANE_Y = 0x01,
HT_PLANE_M = 0x02,
HT_PLANE_C = 0x04,
HT_PLANE_K = 0x08, // Dye K, eg on YMCKO ribbons?
HT_PLANE_OG = 0x10,
HT_PLANE_OK = 0x20, // Glossy on YMCKO ribbons
HT_PLANE_OM = 0x40,
HT_PLANE_RK = 0x100, // Resin K on YMCKO
HT_PLANE_R = 0x200, // Resin K only
HT_PLANE_FO = 0x400, // Flourescent
HT_PLANE_L = 0x800, // Lamination on RESIN K
HT_CVD = 0x1000
struct hiti_printjob {
struct dyesub_job_common common;
uint8_t *databuf;
uint32_t datalen;
struct hiti_gpjobhdr hdr;
int colormode;
uint8_t *heattable_buf;
int heattable_len;
struct hiti_heattable_v2 {
uint8_t type;
uint8_t *data;
uint32_t len;
} *heattable_v2;
uint8_t num_heattable_entries;
struct hiti_ctx {
struct dyesub_connection *conn;
int jobid;
int nodata;
char serno[32];
int erdc_rpc_len;
struct marker marker;
char version[256];
char id[256];
uint8_t matrix[512]; // XXX convert to struct matrix */
struct hiti_ribbon ribbon;
struct hiti_paper paper;
struct hiti_calibration calibration;
uint8_t led_calibration[10]; // XXX convert to struct
uint8_t unk_8010[15]; // XXX
struct hiti_erdc_rs erdc_rs;
uint8_t hilight_adj[6]; // XXX convert to struct, not P51x!
uint8_t rtlv[2]; /* XXX figure out conversion/math? */
struct hiti_rpidm rpidm;
uint16_t ribbonvendor; // see below.
uint32_t media_remain; // XXX could be array?
#define RRVC_VENDOR_MASK 0xf000
#define RRVC_VERSION_MASK 0x003f
/* Prototypes */
static int hiti_doreset(struct hiti_ctx *ctx, uint8_t type);
static int hiti_query_job_qa(struct hiti_ctx *ctx, struct hiti_job *jobid, struct hiti_job_qqa *resp);
static int hiti_query_status(struct hiti_ctx *ctx, uint8_t *sts, uint32_t *err);
static int hiti_query_version(struct hiti_ctx *ctx);
static int hiti_query_matrix(struct hiti_ctx *ctx);
static int hiti_query_matrix_51x(struct hiti_ctx *ctx);
static int hiti_query_supplies(struct hiti_ctx *ctx);
static int hiti_query_tphv(struct hiti_ctx *ctx);
static int hiti_query_statistics(struct hiti_ctx *ctx);
static int hiti_query_calibration(struct hiti_ctx *ctx);
static int hiti_query_led_calibration(struct hiti_ctx *ctx);
static int hiti_query_ribbonvendor(struct hiti_ctx *ctx);
static int hiti_query_summary(struct hiti_ctx *ctx, struct hiti_erdc_rs *rds);
static int hiti_query_rpidm(struct hiti_ctx *ctx);
static int hiti_query_hilightadj(struct hiti_ctx *ctx);
static int hiti_query_unk8010(struct hiti_ctx *ctx);
static int hiti_query_counter(struct hiti_ctx *ctx, uint8_t arg, uint32_t *resp, int num);
static int hiti_query_markers(void *vctx, struct marker **markers, int *count);
static int hiti_query_serno(struct dyesub_connection *conn, char *buf, int buf_len);
static int hiti_parse_heattable_v2(struct hiti_printjob *job);
static int hiti_construct_heattable_v2(const struct hiti_printjob *job, int planes, int colormode, struct hiti_heattable_hdr_v2 *table);
static void *hiti_find_heattable_v2_entry(const struct hiti_printjob *job, int id, size_t *len);
static const char* hiti_modelcode(int type, int subtype) {
switch (type) {
case P_HITI_CS2XX:
return "cd";
case P_HITI_310:
return "sl";
case P_HITI_320:
return "sp";
case P_HITI_461:
return "sn";
case P_HITI_51X:
return "ra";
case P_HITI_520:
case P_HITI_525:
if (subtype)
return "ri1";
return "ri";
case P_HITI_530:
return "rk";
case P_HITI_720:
return "rd";
case P_HITI_750:
return "rh";
ERROR("Unknown HiTi type %d\n", type);
return "XX";
static int hiti_docmd(struct hiti_ctx *ctx, uint16_t cmdid, const uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buf_len, uint16_t *rsplen)
uint8_t cmdbuf[2048];
struct hiti_cmd *cmd = (struct hiti_cmd *)cmdbuf;
int ret, num = 0;
cmd->hdr = 0xa5;
cmd->len = cpu_to_be16(buf_len + 3);
cmd->status = CMD_STATUS_OK;
cmd->cmd = cpu_to_be16(cmdid);
if (buf && buf_len)
memcpy(cmd->payload, buf, buf_len);
/* Send over command */
if ((ret = send_data(ctx->conn, (uint8_t*) cmd, buf_len + 3 + 3))) {
return ret;
/* Read back command */
ret = read_data(ctx->conn, cmdbuf, 6, &num);
if (ret)
return ret;
if (num != 6) {
ERROR("CMD Readback length mismatch (%d vs %d)!\n", num, 6);
/* Compensate for hdr len */
num = be16_to_cpu(cmd->len) - 3;
if (num > *rsplen) {
ERROR("Response too long for buffer (%d vs %d)!\n", num, *rsplen);
*rsplen = 0;
/* Check response */
if (cmd->status & CMD_STATUS_ERR) {
ERROR("Command %04x failed, code %02x\n", cmdid, cmd->status);
*rsplen = num;
static int hiti_docmd_resp(struct hiti_ctx *ctx, uint16_t cmdid,
const uint8_t *buf, uint8_t buf_len,
uint8_t *respbuf, uint16_t *resplen)
int ret, num = 0;
uint16_t cmd_resp_len = *resplen;
ret = hiti_docmd(ctx, cmdid, buf, buf_len, &cmd_resp_len);
if (ret)
return ret;
if (cmd_resp_len > *resplen) {
ERROR("Response too long! (%d vs %d)\n", cmd_resp_len, *resplen);
*resplen = 0;
/* Read back the data*/
int remain = *resplen;
int total = 0;
do {
ret = read_data(ctx->conn, respbuf + total, remain, &num);
if (ret)
return ret;
total += num;
remain -= num;
} while (remain > 0 && num == 64);
/* Sanity check */
if (total > *resplen) {
ERROR("Response too long for buffer (%d vs %d)!\n", total, *resplen);
*resplen = 0;
*resplen = total;
static int hiti_shptc(struct hiti_ctx *ctx, const uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buf_len)
uint8_t cmdbuf[sizeof(struct hiti_cmd)];
struct hiti_cmd *cmd = (struct hiti_cmd *)cmdbuf;
int ret, num = 0;
cmd->hdr = 0xa5;
cmd->len = cpu_to_be16(buf_len + 3);
cmd->status = CMD_STATUS_OK;
cmd->cmd = cpu_to_be16(CMD_ESD_SHPTC);
/* Send over command */
if ((ret = send_data(ctx->conn, (uint8_t*) cmd, sizeof(*cmd)))) {
return ret;
/* Read back command */
ret = read_data(ctx->conn, cmdbuf, 6, &num);
if (ret)
return ret;
if (num != 6) {
ERROR("CMD Readback length mismatch (%d vs %d)!\n", num, 6);
ret = send_data(ctx->conn, buf, buf_len);
if (ret)
static int hiti_sepd(struct hiti_ctx *ctx, uint32_t buf_len,
uint16_t startLine, uint16_t numLines)
uint8_t cmdbuf[sizeof(struct hiti_extprintdata)];
struct hiti_extprintdata *cmd = (struct hiti_extprintdata *)cmdbuf;
int ret, num = 0;
buf_len += 8;
cmd->hdr = 0xa5;
cmd->len = cpu_to_be16(buf_len >> 8);
cmd->status = CMD_STATUS_OK;
cmd->cmd = cpu_to_be16(CMD_ESD_SEPD);
cmd->lenb = buf_len & 0xff;
cmd->startLine = cpu_to_be16(startLine);
cmd->numLines = cpu_to_be16(numLines);
/* Send over command */
if ((ret = send_data(ctx->conn, (uint8_t*) cmd, sizeof(*cmd)))) {
return ret;
/* Read back command */
ret = read_data(ctx->conn, cmdbuf, 6, &num);
if (ret)
return ret;
if (num != 6) {
ERROR("CMD Readback length mismatch (%d vs %d)!\n", num, 6);
#define STATUS_IDLE 0x00
#define STATUS0_POWERON 0x01
#define STATUS0_RESEND_DATA 0x04
#define STATUS0_BUSY 0x80
#define STATUS1_SUPPLIES 0x01
#define STATUS1_PAPERJAM 0x02
#define STATUS1_INPUT 0x08
#define STATUS2_WARNING 0x02
#define STATUS2_OPERATOR 0x08
static const char *hiti_status(const uint8_t *sts)
if (sts[2] & STATUS2_WARNING)
return "Warning";
else if (sts[2] & STATUS2_DEVSERVICE)
return "Service Required";
else if (sts[2] & STATUS2_OPERATOR)
return "Operator Intervention Required";
else if (sts[1] & STATUS1_PAPERJAM)
return "Paper Jam";
else if (sts[1] & STATUS1_INPUT)
return "Input Alert";
else if (sts[1] & STATUS1_SUPPLIES)
return "Supply Alert";
else if (sts[0] & STATUS0_RESEND_DATA)
return "Resend Data";
else if (sts[0] & STATUS0_BUSY)
return "Busy";
else if (sts[0] & STATUS0_POWERON)
return "Powering On";
else if (sts[0] == STATUS_IDLE)
return "Accepting Jobs";
return "Unknown";
static const char *hiti_jobstatuses(uint8_t code)
switch (code) {
case QQA_STATUS_PRINTING: return "Printing";
case QQA_STATUS_WAITING: return "Waiting";
case QQA_STATUS_SUSPENDED: return "Suspended";
case QQA_STATUS_ERROR: return "Unknown Error";
default: return "Unknown";
static const char* hiti_ribbontypes(uint8_t code)
switch (code) {
case RIBBON_TYPE_4x6: return "4x6";
case RIBBON_TYPE_5x7: return "5x7";
case RIBBON_TYPE_6x9: return "6x9";
case RIBBON_TYPE_6x8: return "6x8";
default: return "Unknown";
static unsigned int hiti_ribboncounts(uint8_t code, uint8_t type)
if (type == P_HITI_461) {
switch(code) {
case RIBBON_TYPE_4x6: return 60;
default: return 999;
if (type == P_HITI_520 || type == P_HITI_525 || type == P_HITI_530) {
switch(code) {
case RIBBON_TYPE_4x6: return 500;
case RIBBON_TYPE_5x7: return 290;
case RIBBON_TYPE_6x8: return 250;
case RIBBON_TYPE_6x9: return 220; // XXX guess
default: return 999;
return 999;
static const char* hiti_papers(uint8_t code)
switch (code) {
case PAPER_TYPE_NONE : return "None";
case PAPER_TYPE_5INCH: return "5 inch";
case PAPER_TYPE_6INCH: return "6 inch";
case PAPER_TYPE_X4INCH: return "4x6 sheet";
default: return "Unknown";
static const char* hiti_regions(uint8_t code)
switch (code) {
case 0x11: return "GB";
case 0x12:
case 0x22: return "CN";
case 0x13: return "NA";
case 0x14: return "SA";
case 0x15: return "EU";
case 0x16: return "IN";
case 0x17: return "DB";
case 0xf0: // Seen on P510S
case 0x01: // Seen on P520L and P525L
return "Unknown";
/* Supposedly correct for P720, P728, and P520 */
static const char *hiti_errors(uint32_t code)
switch(code) {
case 0x00000000: return "None";
#if 0
/* Not sure about these, might be driver-generated? */
case 0x00000001: return "Processing data";
case 0x00000002: return "Sending data";
case 0x00000003: return "Printing";
case 0x00000004: return "End page";
case 0x00000005: return "??";
case 0x00000006: return "Starting job";
case 0x00000008: return "Tray missing";
case 0x000000A1: return "Sending Y";
case 0x000000A2: return "Sending M";
case 0x000000A3: return "Sending C";
case 0x000000A4: return "Sending O";
/* Warning Alerts */
case 0x000100FE: return "Paper type mismatch";
case 0x000300FE: return "Buffer underrun when printing";
case 0x000301FE: return "Command sequence error";
case 0x000302FE: return "NAND flash unformatted";
case 0x000303FE: return "NAND flash space insufficient";
case 0x000304FE: return "Heating parameter table incompatible";
/* Device Service Required Alerts */
case 0x00030001: return "SRAM error";
case 0x00030101: return "SDRAM error";
case 0x00030201: return "ADC error";
case 0x00030301: return "NVRAM R/W error";
case 0x00030302: return "SDRAM checksum error";
case 0x00030402: return "DSP code checksum error";
case 0x00030501: return "Cam TPH error";
case 0x00030502: return "NVRAM checksom error";
case 0x00030601: return "Cam pinch error";
case 0x00030602: return "SRAM checksum error";
case 0x00030701: return "Firmware write error";
case 0x00030702: return "Flash checksum error";
case 0x00030802: return "Heating table checksum error";
case 0x00030901: return "ADC error in slave printer";
case 0x00030A01: return "Cam Platen error in slave printer";
case 0x00030B01: return "NVRAM R/W error in slave printer";
case 0x00030C02: return "NVRAM CRC error in slave printer";
case 0x00030D02: return "SDRAM checksum error in slave printer";
case 0x00030E02: return "SRAM checksum error in slave printer";
case 0x00030F02: return "FLASH checksum error in slave printer";
case 0x00031002: return "Wrong firmware checksum error in slave printer";
case 0x00031101: return "Communication error with slave printer";
case 0x00031201: return "NAND flash error";
case 0x00031302: return "Cutter error";
/* Operator Intervention Required Alerts */
case 0x00050001: return "Cover open"; // XXX or no ribbon loaded on P461?
case 0x00050101: return "Cover open";
case 0x000502FE: return "Dust box needs cleaning";
/* Supplies Alerts */
case 0x00080004: return "Ribbon missing";
case 0x00080007: return "Ribbon newly inserted";
case 0x00080103: return "Ribbon exhausted";
case 0x00080104: return "Ribbon exhausted";
case 0x00080105: return "Ribbon malfunction";
case 0x00080204: return "Ribbon missing in slave printer";
case 0x00080207: return "Ribbon newly inserted in slave printer";
case 0x000802FE: return "Ribbon IC error";
case 0x00080303: return "Ribbon exhausted in slave printer";
case 0x000803FE: return "Ribbon not authenticated";
case 0x000804FE: return "Ribbon IC read/write error";
case 0x000805FE: return "Ribbon IC read/write error in slave printer";
case 0x000806FE: return "Unsupported ribbon";
case 0x000807FE: return "Unsupported ribbon in slave printer";
case 0x000808FE: return "Unknown ribbon";
case 0x000809FE: return "Unknown ribbon in slave printer";
/* Jam Alerts */
case 0x00030000: return "Paper jam";
case 0x0003000F: return "Paper jam";
case 0x00030200: return "Paper jam in paper path 01";
case 0x00030300: return "Paper jam in paper path 02";
case 0x00030400: return "Paper jam in paper path 03";
case 0x00030500: return "Paper jam in paper path 04";
case 0x00030600: return "Paper jam in paper path 05";
case 0x00030700: return "Paper jam in paper path 06";
case 0x00030800: return "Paper jam in paper path 07";
case 0x00030900: return "Paper jam in paper path 08";
case 0x00030A00: return "Paper jam in paper path 09";
/* Input Alerts */
case 0x00000008: return "Paper box missing";
case 0x00000100: return "Cover open";
case 0x00000101: return "Cover open failure";
case 0x00000200: return "Ribbon IC missing";
case 0x00000201: return "Ribbon missing";
case 0x00000202: return "Ribbon mismatch 01";
case 0x00000203: return "Security check fail";
case 0x00000204: return "Ribbon mismatch 02";
case 0x00000205: return "Ribbon mismatch 03";
case 0x00000300: return "Ribbon exhausted 01";
case 0x00000301: return "Ribbon exhausted 02";
case 0x00000302: return "Printing failure (jam?)";
case 0x00000400: return "Paper exhausted 01";
case 0x00000401: return "Paper exhausted 02";
case 0x00000402: return "Paper not ready";
case 0x00000500: return "Paper jam 01";
case 0x00000501: return "Paper jam 02";
case 0x00000502: return "Paper jam 03";
case 0x00000503: return "Paper jam 04";
case 0x00000504: return "Paper jam 05";
case 0x00000600: return "Paper mismatch";
case 0x00000700: return "Cam error 01";
case 0x00000800: return "Cam error 02";
case 0x00000900: return "NVRAM error";
case 0x00001000: return "IC error";
case 0x00001200: return "ADC error";
case 0x00001300: return "FW Check Error";
case 0x00001500: return "Cutter error";
case 0x00007538: return "Device attached to printer";
case 0x00007539: return "Printer is in mobile mode";
case 0x00007540: return "Printer is in standalone mode";
case 0x00007542: return "Firmware too old for Fine mode";
case 0x00007543: return "Firmware too old for 2x6 mode";
case 0x00007544: return "Firmware too old for Matte mode";
case 0x00007545: return "Firmware too old";
case 0x00007546: return "Firmware too old";
case 0x00008000: return "Paper out or feeding error";
case 0x00008008: return "Paper box missing";
case 0x00008010: return "Paper tray/roll mismatch";
case 0x00008011: return "Paper tray mismatch (need photo tray)";
case 0x00008012: return "Paper tray mismatch (need sticker 4/2/4 tray)";
case 0x00008013: return "Paper tray mismatch (need sticker 4x4 tray)";
case 0x00008014: return "Paper tray mismatch (need sticker 1x1 tray)";
case 0x00008015: return "Paper tray mismatch (need PVC tray)";
case 0x00080200: return "Unsupported ribbon type";
case 0x00080201: return "Ribbon type mismatch (need YMCO)";
case 0x00080203: return "Ribbon type mismatch (need KO)";
case 0x00080230: return "Ribbon type mismatch (need KO)";
case 0x00080240: return "Ribbon type mismatch (need 4x6)";
case 0x00080250: return "Ribbon type mismatch (need 5x7)";
case 0x00080260: return "Ribbon type mismatch (need 6x8)";
// case 0x10008000: return "Paper out or paper low"; /* XXX this won't work, high byte is cleared */
default: return "Unknown";
static int hiti_dump_options(struct hiti_ctx *ctx)
int ret;
uint8_t buf[256];
uint16_t len = 256;
int i;
uint8_t *ptr;
ret = hiti_docmd_resp(ctx, CMD_RDC_ROC, NULL, 0,
buf, &len);
if (ret)
return ret;
ptr = buf;
while (len > 0 && *ptr) {
i = ptr[ptr[1]+2];
ptr[ptr[1]+2] = 0;
INFO("Option %02x: '%s'\n", *ptr, ptr+2);
len -= ptr[1] + 2;
ptr += ptr[1] + 2;
*ptr = i;
static int hiti_get_info(struct hiti_ctx *ctx)
int ret;
ret = hiti_query_tphv(ctx);
if (ret)
return ret;
ret = hiti_query_led_calibration(ctx);
if (ret)
return ret;
INFO("Printer ID: %s\n", ctx->id);
INFO("Printer Version: %s\n", ctx->version);
INFO("Serial Number: %s\n", ctx->serno);
if (ctx->conn->type != P_HITI_51X) {
ret = hiti_dump_options(ctx);
if (ret)
return ret;
INFO("Calibration: H: %d V: %d\n", ctx->calibration.horiz, ctx->calibration.vert);
INFO("LED Calibration: %d %d %d / %d %d %d\n",
ctx->led_calibration[4], ctx->led_calibration[5],
ctx->led_calibration[6], ctx->led_calibration[7],
ctx->led_calibration[8], ctx->led_calibration[9]);
INFO("TPH Voltage (T/L): %d %d\n", ctx->rtlv[0], ctx->rtlv[1]);
hiti_query_markers(ctx, NULL, NULL);
INFO("Region: %s (%02x)\n",
if (ctx->conn->type != P_HITI_51X) {
INFO("Highlight Adjustment (Y M C): %d %d %d\n",
ctx->hilight_adj[1], ctx->hilight_adj[2], ctx->hilight_adj[3]);
INFO("Status Summary: %d %dx%d %dx%d\n",
if (ctx->conn->type == P_HITI_51X) {
ret = hiti_query_matrix_51x(ctx);
} else {
ret = hiti_query_matrix(ctx);
if (ret)
uint32_t buf[2] = {0,0};
ret = hiti_query_counter(ctx, 1, buf, ctx->erdc_rpc_len);
if (ret)
INFO("Total prints: %u\n", buf[0]);
ret = hiti_query_counter(ctx, 2, buf, ctx->erdc_rpc_len);
if (ret)
INFO("6x4 prints: %u\n", buf[0]);
ret = hiti_query_counter(ctx, 4, buf, ctx->erdc_rpc_len);
if (ret)
INFO("6x8 prints: %u\n", buf[0]);
int i;
for (i = 0 ; i < 512 ; i++) {
if (i != 0 && (i % 16 == 0)) {
DEBUG(" ");
DEBUG2("%02x ", ctx->matrix[i]);
// XXX other shit..
/* Use jobid of 0 for "any" */
static int hiti_query_job_qa(struct hiti_ctx *ctx, struct hiti_job *jobid, struct hiti_job_qqa *resp)
int ret;
uint16_t len = sizeof(*resp);
resp->count = 0;
ret = hiti_docmd_resp(ctx, CMD_JC_QQA,
(uint8_t*) jobid, sizeof(*jobid),
(uint8_t*) resp, &len);
if (ret)
return ret;
static int hiti_get_status(struct hiti_ctx *ctx)
uint8_t sts[3];
uint32_t err = 0;
int ret, i;
struct hiti_job_qqa qqa;
hiti_query_markers(ctx, NULL, NULL);
ret = hiti_query_status(ctx, sts, &err);
if (ret)
return ret;
INFO("Printer ID: %s\n", ctx->id);
INFO("Printer Version: %s\n", ctx->version);
INFO("Serial Number: %s\n", ctx->serno);
INFO("Printer Status: %s (%02x %02x %02x)\n",
hiti_status(sts), sts[0], sts[1], sts[2]);
INFO("Printer Error: %s (%08x)\n",
hiti_errors(err), err);
INFO("Media: %s (%02x / %04x) : %03u/%03u\n",
ctx->media_remain, hiti_ribboncounts(ctx->ribbon.type, ctx->conn->type));
INFO("Paper: %s (%02x)\n",
/* Find out if we have any jobs outstanding */
struct hiti_job job = { 0 };
hiti_query_job_qa(ctx, &job, &qqa);
for (i = 0 ; i < qqa.count ; i++) {
INFO("JobID %02x %04x (status %s)\n",
// XXX other shit...?
static void *hiti_init(void)
struct hiti_ctx *ctx = malloc(sizeof(struct hiti_ctx));
if (!ctx) {
ERROR("Memory Allocation Failure!\n");
return NULL;
memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(struct hiti_ctx));
if (getenv("HITI_NODATA")) {
ctx->nodata = 1;
return ctx;
static int hiti_attach(void *vctx, struct dyesub_connection *conn, uint8_t jobid)
struct hiti_ctx *ctx = vctx;
int ret;
ctx->conn = conn;
/* Ensure jobid is sane */
ctx->jobid = (jobid & 0x7fff);
if (!ctx->jobid)
if (ctx->conn->type == P_HITI_51X) {
ctx->erdc_rpc_len = 2;
} else {
ctx->erdc_rpc_len = 1;
if (test_mode < TEST_MODE_NOATTACH) {
/* P520 firmware v1.19-v1.21 lose their minds when Linux
issues a routine CLEAR_ENDPOINT_HALT. Printer can recover
if it is reset. Unclear what the side effects are.. */
if (ctx->conn->type == P_HITI_520)
if (ctx->conn->type != P_HITI_461) {
ret = hiti_query_unk8010(ctx);
if (ret)
return ret;
ret = hiti_query_version(ctx);
if (ret)
return ret;
ret = hiti_query_supplies(ctx);
if (ret)
return ret;
ret = hiti_query_calibration(ctx);
if (ret)
return ret;
if (ctx->conn->type == P_HITI_461) {
ctx->paper.type = PAPER_TYPE_X4INCH;
ctx->ribbonvendor = 0x1000; /* Hardcoded */
} else {
ret = hiti_query_ribbonvendor(ctx);
if (ret)
return ret;
ret = hiti_query_rpidm(ctx);
if (ret)
return ret;
if (ctx->conn->type != P_HITI_51X && ctx->conn->type != P_HITI_461) {
ret = hiti_query_hilightadj(ctx);
if (ret)
return ret;
ret = hiti_query_serno(ctx->conn, ctx->serno, sizeof(ctx->serno));
if (ret)
return ret;
ret = hiti_query_summary(ctx, &ctx->erdc_rs);
if (ret)
switch (ctx->conn->type) {
case P_HITI_461:
if (strncmp(ctx->version, "1.12.0", 6) < 0)
WARNING("Printer firmware %s out of date (vs %s), please update.\n", ctx->version, "v1.12.0");
case P_HITI_520:
if (strncmp(ctx->version, "1.22", 4) < 0 &&
strncmp(ctx->version, "1.17", 4) > 0) /* V1.18 -> v1.21 have a known USB CLEAR_ENDPOINT_HALT issue */
WARNING("Printer firmware %s has a known USB bug, please update to at least v1.22\n", ctx->version);
else if (strncmp(ctx->version, "1.28", 4) < 0)
WARNING("Printer firmware %s out of date (vs %s), please update.\n", ctx->version, "v1.28");
case P_HITI_525:
if (strncmp(ctx->version, "", 8) < 0)
WARNING("Printer firmware %s out of date (vs %s), please update.\n", ctx->version, "v1.03.0.6");
case P_HITI_530:
if (strncmp(ctx->version, "1.02.0", 6) < 0)
WARNING("Printer firmware %s out of date (vs %s), please update.\n", ctx->version, "v1.02.0");
case P_HITI_720:
if (strncmp(ctx->version, "1.19", 4) < 0)
WARNING("Printer firmware %s out of date (vs %s), please update.\n", ctx->version, "v1.19");
case P_HITI_750:
if (strncmp(ctx->version, "1.21.0", 6) < 0)
WARNING("Printer firmware %s out of date (vs %s), please update.\n", ctx->version, "v1.21.0");
// do real stuff
} else {
if (ctx->conn->type == P_HITI_461 || ctx->conn->type == P_HITI_310)
ctx->paper.type = PAPER_TYPE_X4INCH;
ctx->paper.type = PAPER_TYPE_6INCH;
ctx->ribbon.type = RIBBON_TYPE_4x6;
ctx->ribbonvendor = 0x1005; /* CHC, type 2 */
if (getenv("MEDIA_CODE") && strlen(getenv("MEDIA_CODE"))) {
// set fake fw version?
ctx->ribbon.type = atoi(getenv("MEDIA_CODE"));
if (ctx->ribbon.type == RIBBON_TYPE_5x7)
ctx->paper.type = PAPER_TYPE_5INCH;
ctx->marker.color = "#00FFFF#FF00FF#FFFF00";
ctx-> = hiti_ribbontypes(ctx->ribbon.type);
ctx->marker.levelmax = hiti_ribboncounts(ctx->ribbon.type, ctx->conn->type);
ctx->marker.levelnow = 0;
if (ctx->conn->type == P_HITI_461 || ctx->conn->type == P_HITI_310)
ctx->marker.numtype = -1;
ctx->marker.numtype = ctx->ribbon.type;
static void hiti_cleanup_job(const void *vjob) {
const struct hiti_printjob *job = vjob;
if (job->databuf)
if (job->heattable_v2)
if (job->heattable_buf)
// job->num_heattable_entries = 0;
static void *hiti_get_heat_data(struct hiti_ctx *ctx, uint8_t mode, int ribbonvendor, int *len)
int ret;
void *buf;
int mediaver = ribbonvendor & RRVC_VERSION_MASK;
int mediatype = ribbonvendor & RRVC_VENDOR_MASK;
const char *modelname = hiti_modelcode(ctx->conn->type, ctx->erdc_rs.hwFeature1 & 0x80); // XXX P52x only
const char *modename;
const char *medianame;
char fname_base[24];
buf = malloc(HEATTABLE_V2_MAX_SIZE);
if (!buf) {
WARNING("Memory allocation failure!\n");
return NULL;
if (mode) {
modename = "q";
} else {
modename = "t";
} // XXX 'p' 'r' and 'o' ??
if (mediatype == 0x1000) {
medianame = "c";
} else {
medianame = "h";
} // XXX 'd' ??
// XXX special case! hea0qcra.bin/heatqcra.bin, and hea0tcra.bin/heattcra.bin, and they differ!
DEBUG("Locating heat table for model %d, mode %02x, media %02x, ver %02x\n",
ctx->conn->type, mode, mediatype >> 8, mediaver);
while (mediaver >= 0) {
char full[2048];
char ver;
if (mediaver == 0)
ver = 't';
else if (mediaver < 10)
ver = '0' + mediaver;
ver = 'a' + mediaver - 10;
/* Build base name */
snprintf(fname_base, sizeof(fname_base)-1, "hea%c%s%s%s.bin", ver, modename, medianame, modelname);
snprintf(full, sizeof(full), "%s/%s", corrtable_path, fname_base);
ret = dyesub_read_file2(full, buf, HEATTABLE_V2_MAX_SIZE, len, 1);
if (!ret)
if (mediaver < 0) {
WARNING("Unable to find suitable heat table file (%s) skipping\n", fname_base);
return NULL;
DEBUG("Using heat table in (%s)\n", fname_base);
return buf;
#define CORRECTION_FILE_SIZE (33*33*33*3 + 2)
static uint8_t *hiti_get_correction_data(struct hiti_ctx *ctx, uint8_t mode, int colormode, int ribbonvendor)
uint8_t *buf;
int ret, len;
int mediaver = ribbonvendor & RRVC_VERSION_MASK;
int mediatype = ribbonvendor & RRVC_VENDOR_MASK;
const char *modelname = hiti_modelcode(ctx->conn->type, ctx->erdc_rs.hwFeature1 & 0x80); // XXX P52x only
const char *colorname;
const char *modename;
const char *medianame;
char fname_base[24] = {0};
if (!buf) {
WARNING("Memory allocation failure!\n");
return NULL;
if (ctx->conn->type == P_HITI_CS2XX) {
colorname = "B"; // XXX many more, investigate more carefully.
} else if (colormode == HT_COLORMODE_CLASSIC) {
colorname = "CL";
} else if (colormode == HT_COLORMODE_IDPASS_VIVID) {
colorname = "P";
} else {
colorname = "I";
} // XXX PR, L, LR, C, SO, B, M, H, T, and more?
if (mode) {
modename = "Q";
} else {
modename = "P";
if (mediatype == 0x1000) {
medianame = "C";
} else {
medianame = "M";
} // XXX K/D ??
DEBUG("Locating correction data for model %d, mode %02x, media %02x, ver %02x, color %02x\n",
ctx->conn->type, mode, mediatype >> 8, mediaver, colormode);
/* Prefer file with explicit '0' version, fall back to one without it. */
while (mediaver >= -1) {
char full[2048];
/* Build base name */
if (mediaver >= 0)
snprintf(fname_base, sizeof(fname_base)-1, "C%s%s%c%s%s.bin", medianame, modename,
mediaver < 10 ? '0' + mediaver : 'a' + mediaver - 10,
colorname, modelname);
snprintf(fname_base, sizeof(fname_base)-1, "C%s%s%s%s.bin", medianame, modename, colorname, modelname);
snprintf(full, sizeof(full), "%s/%s", corrtable_path, fname_base);
ret = dyesub_read_file2(full, buf, CORRECTION_FILE_SIZE, &len, 1);
if (!ret && len == CORRECTION_FILE_SIZE) {
if (mediaver < -1) {
WARNING("Unable to find suitable correction data file (%s) skipping\n", fname_base);
return NULL;
DEBUG("Using correction data in (%s)\n", fname_base);
return buf;
static int hiti_seht2(struct hiti_ctx *ctx, uint8_t plane,
const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t buf_len)
uint8_t cmdbuf[sizeof(struct hiti_seht2)];
struct hiti_seht2 *cmd = (struct hiti_seht2 *)cmdbuf;
int ret, num = 0;
buf_len += 5;
cmd->hdr = 0xa5;
cmd->len = cpu_to_be16(buf_len >> 8);
cmd->status = CMD_STATUS_OK;
cmd->cmd = cpu_to_be16(CMD_ESD_SEHT2);
cmd->lenb = buf_len & 0xff;
cmd->plane = plane;
buf_len -= 5;
/* Send over command */
if ((ret = send_data(ctx->conn, (uint8_t*) cmd, sizeof(*cmd)))) {
return ret;
/* Read back command */
ret = read_data(ctx->conn, cmdbuf, 6, &num);
if (ret)
return ret;
// XXX check resp length?
/* Send payload, if any */
if (buf_len) {
ret = send_data(ctx->conn, buf, buf_len);
return ret;
static int hiti_cvd(struct hiti_ctx *ctx, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t buf_len)
uint8_t cmdbuf[sizeof(struct hiti_cmd)];
struct hiti_cmd *cmd = (struct hiti_cmd *)cmdbuf;
int ret, num = 0;
cmd->hdr = 0xa5;
cmd->len = cpu_to_be16(buf_len + 3);
cmd->status = CMD_STATUS_OK;
cmd->cmd = cpu_to_be16(CMD_EDM_CVD);
/* Send over command */
if ((ret = send_data(ctx->conn, (uint8_t*) cmd, sizeof(*cmd)))) {
return ret;
/* Read back command */
ret = read_data(ctx->conn, cmdbuf, 6, &num);
if (ret)
return ret;
// XXX check resp length?
/* Send payload, if any */
if (buf_len) {
ret = send_data(ctx->conn, buf, buf_len);
return ret;
static int hiti_send_heat_data_v1(struct hiti_ctx *ctx, void *heatdata, int len, uint8_t matte)
union {
struct hiti_heattable_v1a v1a;
struct hiti_heattable_v1a v1b;
} *table = heatdata;
uint8_t *y, *m, *c, *o, *om, *cvd;
int ret;
switch(len) {
case 0: /* Ie "null table" */
case sizeof(struct hiti_heattable_v1a):
y = table->v1a.y;
m = table->v1a.m;
c = table->v1a.c;
o = table->v1a.o;
om = table->;
cvd = table->v1a.cvd;
case sizeof(struct hiti_heattable_v1b):
y = table->v1b.y;
m = table->v1b.m;
c = table->v1b.c;
o = table->v1b.o;
om = table->;
cvd = table->v1b.cvd;
ERROR("Heattable len mismatch (%d)\n", len);
/* Send over the heat tables */
ret = hiti_seht2(ctx, 0, y, sizeof(table->v1a.y));
if (!ret)
ret = hiti_seht2(ctx, 1, m, sizeof(table->v1a.m));
if (!ret)
ret = hiti_seht2(ctx, 2, c, sizeof(table->v1a.c));
if (!ret) {
if (matte)
ret = hiti_seht2(ctx, 3, om, sizeof(table->;
ret = hiti_seht2(ctx, 3, o, sizeof(table->v1a.o));
/* And finally, send over the CVD data */
if (!ret)
ret = hiti_cvd(ctx, cvd, sizeof(table->v1a.cvd));
return ret;
/* HiTi's funky interpolation table processing
Note this is a standard "CUBE" LUT (33x33x33) so there are options
for making this faster!
struct rgb {
uint8_t r;
uint8_t g;
uint8_t b;
static uint32_t interp1089[33];
static uint32_t interp33[33];
static uint16_t interp256[256*9];
static void hiti_interp_init(void)
int i;
uint16_t *pre, *cur;
for (i = 0 ; i < 33 ; i++) {
interp1089[i] = i * 1089;
interp33[i] = i * 33;
memset(interp256, 0, sizeof(interp256));
pre = &interp256[0];
cur = &interp256[256];
for (i = 1 ; i < 9 ; i++) {
int j;
for (j = 0 ; j < 256 ; j++) {
cur[j] = pre[j] + j;
pre += 256;
cur += 256;
/* src and dst are RGB tuples */
static void hiti_interp33_256(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *pTable)
struct rgb p1_pos, p2_pos, p3_pos, p4_pos;
struct rgb p1_val, p2_val, p3_val, p4_val;
uint8_t r_weight, g_weight, b_weight;
uint16_t w1, w2, w3, w4;
uint16_t *pw1, *pw2, *pw3, *pw4;
uint32_t pos;
/* Get Grid position */
p1_pos.r = src[0] >> 3;
p1_pos.g = src[1] >> 3;
p1_pos.b = src[2] >> 3;
p4_pos.r = p1_pos.r + 1;
p4_pos.g = p1_pos.g + 1;
p4_pos.b = p1_pos.b + 1;
/* Weights */
if (src[0] == 255)
r_weight = 8;
r_weight = src[0] & 0x7;
if (src[1] == 255)
g_weight = 8;
g_weight = src[1] & 0x7;
if (src[2] == 255)
b_weight = 8;
b_weight = src[2] & 0x7;
/* Work out relative weights and offsets */
if (r_weight >= g_weight) {
if (g_weight >= b_weight) { /* R > G > B */
w1 = 8 - r_weight;
w2 = r_weight - g_weight;
w3 = g_weight - b_weight;
w4 = b_weight;
p2_pos.r = p1_pos.r + 1;
p2_pos.g = p1_pos.g;
p2_pos.b = p1_pos.b;
p3_pos.r = p1_pos.r + 1;
p3_pos.g = p1_pos.g + 1;
p3_pos.b = p1_pos.b;
} else {
if (r_weight >= b_weight) { /* R > B > G */
w1 = 8 - r_weight;
w2 = r_weight - b_weight;
w3 = b_weight - g_weight;
w4 = g_weight;
p2_pos.r = p1_pos.r + 1;
p2_pos.g = p1_pos.g;
p2_pos.b = p1_pos.b;
p3_pos.r = p1_pos.r + 1;
p3_pos.g = p1_pos.g;
p3_pos.b = p1_pos.b + 1;
} else { /* B > R > G */
w1 = 8 - b_weight;
w2 = b_weight - r_weight;
w3 = r_weight - g_weight;
w4 = g_weight;
p2_pos.r = p1_pos.r;
p2_pos.g = p1_pos.g;
p2_pos.b = p1_pos.b + 1;
p3_pos.r = p1_pos.r + 1;
p3_pos.g = p1_pos.g;
p3_pos.b = p1_pos.b + 1;
} else {
if (r_weight >= b_weight) { /* G > R > B */
w1 = 8 - g_weight;
w2 = g_weight - r_weight;
w3 = r_weight - b_weight;
w4 = b_weight;
p2_pos.r = p1_pos.r;
p2_pos.g = p1_pos.g + 1;
p2_pos.b = p1_pos.b;
p3_pos.r = p1_pos.r + 1;
p3_pos.g = p1_pos.g + 1;
p3_pos.b = p1_pos.b;
} else {
if (g_weight >= b_weight) { /* G > B > R */
w1 = 8 - g_weight;
w2 = g_weight - b_weight;
w3 = b_weight - r_weight;
w4 = r_weight;
p2_pos.r = p1_pos.r;
p2_pos.g = p1_pos.g + 1;
p2_pos.b = p1_pos.b;
p3_pos.r = p1_pos.r;
p3_pos.g = p1_pos.g + 1;
p3_pos.b = p1_pos.b + 1;
} else { /* B > G > R */
w1 = 8 - b_weight;
w2 = b_weight - g_weight;
w3 = g_weight - r_weight;
w4 = r_weight;
p2_pos.r = p1_pos.r;
p2_pos.g = p1_pos.g;
p2_pos.b = p1_pos.b + 1;
p3_pos.r = p1_pos.r;
p3_pos.g = p1_pos.g + 1;
p3_pos.b = p1_pos.b + 1;
/* Work out values */
pos = (interp1089[p1_pos.b] + interp33[p1_pos.g] + p1_pos.r) * 3;
p1_val.r = pTable[pos];
p1_val.g = pTable[pos + 1];
p1_val.b = pTable[pos + 2];
pos = (interp1089[p2_pos.b] + interp33[p2_pos.g] + p2_pos.r) * 3;
p2_val.r = pTable[pos];
p2_val.g = pTable[pos + 1];
p2_val.b = pTable[pos + 2];
pos = (interp1089[p3_pos.b] + interp33[p3_pos.g] + p3_pos.r) * 3;
p3_val.r = pTable[pos];
p3_val.g = pTable[pos + 1];
p3_val.b = pTable[pos + 2];
pos = (interp1089[p4_pos.b] + interp33[p4_pos.g] + p4_pos.r) * 3;
p4_val.r = pTable[pos];
p4_val.g = pTable[pos + 1];
p4_val.b = pTable[pos + 2];
/* Final offsets into interpolation table */
pw1 = &interp256[w1 << 8];
pw2 = &interp256[w2 << 8];
pw3 = &interp256[w3 << 8];
pw4 = &interp256[w4 << 8];
/* And at long last.. final values */
dst[0] = (pw1[p1_val.r] + pw2[p2_val.r] + pw3[p3_val.r] + pw4[p4_val.r]) >> 3;
dst[1] = (pw1[p1_val.g] + pw2[p2_val.g] + pw3[p3_val.g] + pw4[p4_val.g]) >> 3;
dst[2] = (pw1[p1_val.b] + pw2[p2_val.b] + pw3[p3_val.b] + pw4[p4_val.b]) >> 3;
static int hiti_read_parse(void *vctx, const void **vjob, int data_fd, int copies)
struct hiti_ctx *ctx = vctx;
struct hiti_printjob *job = NULL;
int ret;
if (!ctx)
job = malloc(sizeof(*job));
if (!job) {
ERROR("Memory allocation failure!\n");
memset(job, 0, sizeof(*job));
job->common.jobsize = sizeof(*job);
job->common.copies = copies;
/* Read in header */
ret = read(data_fd, &job->hdr, sizeof(job->hdr));
if (ret < 0 || ret != sizeof(job->hdr)) {
if (ret == 0)
ERROR("Read failed (%d/%d)\n",
ret, (int)sizeof(job->hdr));
perror("ERROR: Read failed");
return ret;
/* Byteswap everything */
uint32_t *ptr = (uint32_t*) &job->hdr;
int i;
for (i = 0 ; i < (int)(sizeof(job->hdr) / sizeof(uint32_t)) ; i++)
ptr[i] = le32_to_cpu(ptr[i]);
/* Sanity check header */
if (job->hdr.hdr_len != sizeof(job->hdr)) {
ERROR("Header length mismatch (%u/%d)!\n", job->hdr.hdr_len, (int)sizeof(job->hdr));
if (job->hdr.cookie != HDR_COOKIE) {
ERROR("Unrecognized header!\n");
/* Use whicever copy count is larger */
if (job->common.copies < (int)job->hdr.copies)
job->common.copies = job->hdr.copies;
/* Sanity check printer type vs job type */
switch(ctx->conn->type) {
// XXX add P11x
case P_HITI_461:
if (job->hdr.model != 461) {
ERROR("Unrecognized header!\n");
case P_HITI_51X:
if (job->hdr.model != 510) {
ERROR("Unrecognized header!\n");
case P_HITI_520:
case P_HITI_525:
case P_HITI_530:
if (job->hdr.model != 520) {
ERROR("Unrecognized header!\n");
case P_HITI_720:
case P_HITI_750:
if (job->hdr.model != 720) {
ERROR("Unrecognized header!\n");
/* Allocate a buffer */
job->datalen = 0;
job->databuf = malloc(job->hdr.payload_len);
if (!job->databuf) {
ERROR("Memory allocation failure!\n");
/* Read in data */
uint32_t remain = job->hdr.payload_len;
while (remain) {
ret = read(data_fd, job->databuf + job->datalen, remain);
if (ret < 0) {
ERROR("Read failed (%d/%u/%u)\n",
ret, remain, job->datalen);
perror("ERROR: Read failed");
job->datalen += ret;
remain -= ret;
/* Sanity check against paper */
switch (ctx->paper.type) {
// XXX P461 is 1280
// XXX P11x is ???
if (job->hdr.cols != 1280) {
ERROR("Illegal job on 4x6-inch paper!\n");
if (job->hdr.cols != 1548) {
ERROR("Illegal job on 5-inch paper!\n");
if (job->hdr.cols != 1844) {
ERROR("Illegal job on 6-inch paper!\n");
ERROR("Unknown paper type (%d)!\n", ctx->paper.type);
/* Sanity check against ribbon type */
switch (ctx->ribbon.type) {
case RIBBON_TYPE_4x6:
if (job->hdr.code != PRINT_TYPE_6x4 &&
job->hdr.code != PRINT_TYPE_6x4_2UP &&
job->hdr.code != PRINT_TYPE_6x2) {
ERROR("Invalid ribbon type vs job (%02x/%02x)\n",
ctx->ribbon.type, job->hdr.code);
case RIBBON_TYPE_5x7:
if (job->hdr.code != PRINT_TYPE_5x7 &&
job->hdr.code != PRINT_TYPE_5x3_5 &&
job->hdr.code != PRINT_TYPE_5x7_2UP) {
ERROR("Invalid ribbon type vs job (%02x/%02x)\n",
ctx->ribbon.type, job->hdr.code);
if (job->hdr.code == PRINT_TYPE_5x3_5)
job->common.can_combine = 1;
case RIBBON_TYPE_6x8:
if (job->hdr.code != PRINT_TYPE_6x4 &&
job->hdr.code != PRINT_TYPE_6x4_2UP &&
job->hdr.code != PRINT_TYPE_6x8 &&
job->hdr.code != PRINT_TYPE_6x2 &&
job->hdr.code != PRINT_TYPE_6x9_2UP) {
ERROR("Invalid ribbon type vs job (%02x/%02x)\n",
ctx->ribbon.type, job->hdr.code);
if (job->hdr.code == PRINT_TYPE_6x4)
job->common.can_combine = 1;
case RIBBON_TYPE_6x9:
if (job->hdr.code != PRINT_TYPE_6x4 &&
job->hdr.code != PRINT_TYPE_6x4_2UP &&
job->hdr.code != PRINT_TYPE_6x8 &&
job->hdr.code != PRINT_TYPE_6x2 &&
job->hdr.code != PRINT_TYPE_6x9 &&
job->hdr.code != PRINT_TYPE_6x9_2UP) {
ERROR("Invalid ribbon type vs job (%02x/%02x)\n",
ctx->ribbon.type, job->hdr.code);
if (job->hdr.code == PRINT_TYPE_6x4)
job->common.can_combine = 1;
ERROR("Unknown ribbon type (%d)!\n", ctx->ribbon.type);
/* Set color mode. XXX move into GP header somehow? */
int ribbonvendor = ctx->ribbonvendor;
if (job->hdr.payload_flag & PAYLOAD_FLAG_MEDIAVER) {
ctx->ribbonvendor &= ~RRVC_VERSION_MASK;
ctx->ribbonvendor |= ((job->hdr.payload_flag >> 24) & RRVC_VERSION_MASK);
/* Convert input packed BGR data into YMC planar, if needed */
if (!(job->hdr.payload_flag & PAYLOAD_FLAG_YMCPLANAR)) {
/* Load up correction data, if requested */
uint8_t *corrdata = NULL;
if (!(job->hdr.payload_flag & PAYLOAD_FLAG_NOCORRECT))
corrdata = hiti_get_correction_data(ctx, job->hdr.quality, job->colormode, ribbonvendor);
if (corrdata) {
INFO("Running input data through correction tables\n");
int stride = ((job->hdr.cols * 4) + 3) / 4;
uint8_t *ymcbuf = malloc(job->hdr.rows * stride * 3);
uint32_t i, j;
if (!ymcbuf) {
ERROR("Memory Allocation Failure!\n");
for (i = 0 ; i < job->hdr.rows ; i++) {
uint8_t *rowY = ymcbuf + stride * i;
uint8_t *rowM = ymcbuf + stride * (job->hdr.rows + i);
uint8_t *rowC = ymcbuf + stride * (job->hdr.rows * 2 + i);
/* Simple optimization */
uint8_t oldrgb[3] = { 255, 255, 255 };
uint8_t destrgb[3];
if (corrdata) {
hiti_interp33_256(destrgb, oldrgb, corrdata);
for (j = 0 ; j < job->hdr.cols ; j++) {
uint8_t rgb[3];
uint32_t base = (job->hdr.cols * i + j) * 3;
/* Input data is BGR */
rgb[2] = job->databuf[base];
rgb[1] = job->databuf[base + 1];
rgb[0] = job->databuf[base + 2];
if (corrdata) {
if (rgb[0] == oldrgb[0] &&
rgb[1] == oldrgb[1] &&
rgb[2] == oldrgb[2]) {
rgb[0] = destrgb[0];
rgb[1] = destrgb[1];
rgb[2] = destrgb[2];
} else {
oldrgb[0] = rgb[0];
oldrgb[1] = rgb[1];
oldrgb[2] = rgb[2];
hiti_interp33_256(rgb, rgb, corrdata);
destrgb[0] = rgb[0];
destrgb[1] = rgb[1];
destrgb[2] = rgb[2];
/* Finally convert to YMC */
rowY[j] = 255 - rgb[2];
rowM[j] = 255 - rgb[1];
rowC[j] = 255 - rgb[0];
/* Nuke the old BGR buffer and replace it with YMC buffer */
job->databuf = ymcbuf;
job->datalen = stride * 3 * job->hdr.cols;
if (corrdata)
// XXX YMC planar may need STRIDE correction!
/* Read in heat table for job */
job->heattable_buf = hiti_get_heat_data(ctx, job->hdr.quality, ribbonvendor, &job->heattable_len);
if (job->heattable_buf &&
ctx->conn->type != P_HITI_51X &&
ctx->conn->type != P_HITI_461 &&
ctx->conn->type != P_HITI_310 &&
ctx->conn->type != P_HITI_320) {
ret = hiti_parse_heattable_v2(job);
if (ret) {
WARNING("Failed to parse v2 heattable, ignoring!\n");
job->heattable_len = 0;
uint32_t ver_maj = -1;
uint32_t ver_min = -1;
void *dat;
size_t len;
dat = hiti_find_heattable_v2_entry(job, HEATTABLE_V2_ID_VER_MAJOR, &len);
if (dat) {
memcpy(&ver_maj, dat, sizeof(ver_maj));
ver_maj = le32_to_cpu(ver_maj);
dat = hiti_find_heattable_v2_entry(job, HEATTABLE_V2_ID_VER_MINOR, &len);
if (dat) {
memcpy(&ver_min, dat, sizeof(ver_min));
ver_min = le32_to_cpu(ver_min);
INFO("Heattable version %08x.%08x\n", ver_maj, ver_min);
/* Assemble SHPTC table for specific job requirements */
void *shptc_buf = malloc(HEATTABLE_V2_MAX_SIZE);
if (!shptc_buf) {
ERROR("Memory allocation failure\n");
struct hiti_heattable_hdr_v2 *table = shptc_buf;
int planes = HT_PLANE_Y | HT_PLANE_M | HT_PLANE_C | HT_CVD;
planes |= (job->hdr.overcoat) ? HT_PLANE_OM : HT_PLANE_OG;
ret = hiti_construct_heattable_v2(job, planes, job->colormode, table);
if (ret) {
job->heattable_len = 0;
} else {
int datalen = 1 + table->num_headers * sizeof(struct hiti_heattable_entry_v2);
for (int i = 0 ; i < table->num_headers; i++) {
dat = hiti_find_heattable_v2_entry(job, table->entries[i].type, &len);
table->entries[i].len = cpu_to_le32(len);
table->entries[i].offset = cpu_to_le32(datalen);
memcpy(((uint8_t*)shptc_buf)+datalen, dat, len);
if (dyesub_debug)
DEBUG("Job entry: %02x len %lu @ %d\n", table->entries[i].type, len, datalen);
datalen += len;
job->heattable_buf = shptc_buf;
job->heattable_len = datalen;
job->heattable_v2 = NULL;
job->num_heattable_entries = 0;
*vjob = job;
static int calc_offset(int val, int mid, int max, int step)
if (val > max)
val = max;
else if (val < 0)
val = 0;
val -= mid;
val *= step;
return val;
static int hiti_main_loop(void *vctx, const void *vjob, int wait_for_return)
struct hiti_ctx *ctx = vctx;
int ret;
uint32_t err = 0;
uint8_t sts[3];
struct hiti_job jobid;
const struct hiti_printjob *job = vjob;
if (!ctx)
if (!job)
INFO("Waiting for printer idle\n");
do {
ret = hiti_query_status(ctx, sts, &err);
if (ret)
return ret;
/* If we have an error state, bail! */
if (err) {
ERROR("Printer reported alert: %08x (%s)\n",
err, hiti_errors(err));
/* If we're able to accept jobs, proceed */
if (!(sts[0] & (STATUS0_POWERON|STATUS0_BUSY)))
} while(1);
dump_markers(&ctx->marker, 1, 0);
uint16_t resplen = 0;
uint16_t rows = job->hdr.rows;
uint16_t cols = ((4*job->hdr.cols) + 3) / 4;
// XXX these two only need to change if rows > 3000
uint16_t startLine = 0;
uint16_t numLines = rows;
uint32_t sent = 0;
/* Set up and send over Sublimation Format */
struct hiti_efd_sf sf;
sf.mediaType = job->hdr.code;
sf.cols_res = cpu_to_be16(job->hdr.col_dpi);
sf.rows_res = cpu_to_be16(job->hdr.row_dpi);
sf.cols = cpu_to_be16(job->hdr.cols);
sf.rows = cpu_to_be16(rows);
sf.rows_offset = calc_offset(5, ctx->calibration.vert, 8, 4);
sf.cols_offset = calc_offset(ctx->calibration.horiz, 6, 11, 4);
sf.colorSeq = SF_COLORSEQ_YMCO | (job->hdr.overcoat ? SF_COLORSEQ_MATTE : 0);
sf.copies = job->common.copies;
sf.printMode = (ctx->conn->type == P_HITI_461)
? 0 : SF_PRINTMODE_BASE + (job->hdr.quality ? SF_PRINTMODE_FINE : 0);
memset(, 0, sizeof(;
ret = hiti_docmd(ctx, CMD_EFD_SF, (uint8_t*) &sf,
ctx->conn->type == P_HITI_461 ? sizeof(sf) : sizeof(sf)-4 ,
if (ret)
// XXX on P461:
// request warning
// QJC
// then SF again
// XXX msg 8011 sent here on P52x (and maybe others?)
/* Initialize jobid structure */
jobid.lun = 0;
jobid.jobid = cpu_to_be16(ctx->jobid);
resplen = sizeof(jobid);
ret = hiti_docmd_resp(ctx, CMD_JC_SJ, (uint8_t*) &jobid, sizeof(jobid),
(uint8_t*) &jobid, &resplen);
if (ret)
INFO("Printer returned Job ID %04x\n", be16_to_cpu(jobid.jobid));
if (job->heattable_len && !ctx->nodata) {
if (ctx->conn->type == P_HITI_51X) {
ret = hiti_send_heat_data_v1(ctx, job->heattable_buf, job->heattable_len, job->hdr.overcoat);
#if 0
uint8_t esd_unka[4] = { 0x00, 0x87, 0x00, 0x02 }; // XXX figure me out eventually?
ret = hiti_docmd(ctx, CMD_ESD_UNKA, esd_unka, sizeof(esd_unka), &resplen);
if (ret)
} else if (ctx->conn->type == P_HITI_461 || ctx->conn->type == P_HITI_310 || ctx->conn->type == P_HITI_320) {
if (job->heattable_len == HEATTABLE_S_SIZE || job->heattable_len == HEATTABLE_S2_SIZE) {
/* Send ESC_SHPTC with entire file contents */
ret = hiti_shptc(ctx, job->heattable_buf, job->heattable_len);
} else {
ERROR("Unexpected heattable size (%d vs %d/%d)\n", job->heattable_len, HEATTABLE_S_SIZE, HEATTABLE_S2_SIZE);
} else { /* All other models */
/* Just send the computed blob over */
ret = hiti_shptc(ctx, job->heattable_buf, job->heattable_len);
/* If we don't have a heat file or the heat transfer failed, revert to default tables */
if (!job->heattable_len || ret) {
if (ctx->conn->type != P_HITI_525) {
uint8_t chs[2] = { 0, 1 }; /* Reverts to default tables */
resplen = 0;
ret = hiti_docmd(ctx, CMD_EFD_CHS, chs, sizeof(chs), &resplen);
if (ret)
/* Start Page */
ret = hiti_docmd(ctx, CMD_EPC_SP, NULL, 0, &resplen);
if (ret)
INFO("Sending yellow plane\n");
ret = hiti_docmd(ctx, CMD_EPC_SYP, NULL, 0, &resplen);
if (ret)
ret = hiti_sepd(ctx, rows * cols, startLine, numLines);
if (ret)
ret = send_data(ctx->conn, job->databuf + sent, rows * cols);
if (ret)
ret = hiti_query_status(ctx, sts, &err);
if (ret)
return ret;
if (err) {
ERROR("Printer reported alert: %08x (%s)\n",
err, hiti_errors(err));
if (sts[0] & STATUS0_RESEND_DATA) {
WARNING("Printer requested resend\n");
goto resend_y;
sent += rows * cols;
INFO("Sending magenta plane\n");
ret = hiti_docmd(ctx, CMD_EPC_SMP, NULL, 0, &resplen);
if (ret)
ret = hiti_sepd(ctx, rows * cols, startLine, numLines);
if (ret)
ret = send_data(ctx->conn, job->databuf + sent, rows * cols);
if (ret)
ret = hiti_query_status(ctx, sts, &err);
if (ret)
return ret;
if (err) {
ERROR("Printer reported alert: %08x (%s)\n",
err, hiti_errors(err));
if (sts[0] & STATUS0_RESEND_DATA) {
WARNING("Printer requested resend\n");
goto resend_m;
sent += rows * cols;
INFO("Sending cyan plane\n");
ret = hiti_docmd(ctx, CMD_EPC_SCP, NULL, 0, &resplen);
if (ret)
ret = hiti_sepd(ctx, rows * cols, startLine, numLines);
if (ret)
ret = send_data(ctx->conn, job->databuf + sent, rows * cols);
if (ret)
ret = hiti_query_status(ctx, sts, &err);
if (ret)
return ret;
if (err) {
ERROR("Printer reported alert: %08x (%s)\n",
err, hiti_errors(err));
if (sts[0] & STATUS0_RESEND_DATA) {
WARNING("Printer requested resend\n");
goto resend_c;
sent += rows * cols;
INFO("Sending Print start\n");
ret = hiti_docmd(ctx, CMD_EPC_EP, NULL, 0, &resplen);
if (ret)
resplen = 3;
ret = hiti_docmd_resp(ctx, CMD_JC_EJ, (uint8_t*) &jobid, sizeof(jobid), (uint8_t*) &jobid, &resplen);
if (ret)
INFO("Waiting for printer acknowledgement\n");
do {
struct hiti_job_qqa qqa;
ret = hiti_query_status(ctx, sts, &err);
if (ret)
return ret;
if (err) {
ERROR("Printer reported alert: %08x (%s)\n",
err, hiti_errors(err));
if (!wait_for_return) {
INFO("Fast return mode enabled.\n");
/* See if our job is done.. */
ret = hiti_query_job_qa(ctx, &jobid, &qqa);
if (ret)
return ret;
/* If our job is complete.. */
if (qqa.count == 0 || qqa.row[0].job.jobid == 0)
for (int i = 0 ; i < qqa.count ; i++) {
if (qqa.row[i].job.jobid == jobid.jobid) {
if (qqa.row[i].status > QQA_STATUS_SUSPENDED) {
ERROR("Printer reported abnormal job status %02x\n", qqa.row[i].status);
} while(1);
INFO("Print complete\n");
static int hiti_cmdline_arg(void *vctx, int argc, char **argv)
struct hiti_ctx *ctx = vctx;
int i, j = 0;
if (!ctx)
return -1;
while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, GETOPT_LIST_GLOBAL "irRs")) >= 0) {
switch(i) {
case 'i':
case 'r':
hiti_doreset(ctx, RESET_SOFT);
case 'R':
hiti_doreset(ctx, RESET_PRINTER);
case 's':
if (j) return j;
static void hiti_cmdline(void)
DEBUG("\t\t[ -i ] # Query printer information\n");
DEBUG("\t\t[ -r ] # Soft Reset printer\n");
DEBUG("\t\t[ -R ] # Reset printer\n");
DEBUG("\t\t[ -s ] # Query printer status\n");
static int hiti_query_version(struct hiti_ctx *ctx)
int ret;
uint16_t len = 256; /* P525 has 93 byte payload, P461 has 97, others are 79? */
uint8_t buf[256];
ret = hiti_docmd_resp(ctx, CMD_RDC_RS, NULL, 0, buf, &len);
if (ret)
return ret;
/* Copy strings */
strncpy(ctx->id, (char*) &buf[34], buf[33]);
strncpy(ctx->version, (char*) &buf[34 + buf[33] + 1], sizeof(ctx->version));
ctx->version[9] = 0;
static int hiti_query_status(struct hiti_ctx *ctx, uint8_t *sts, uint32_t *err)
int ret;
uint16_t len = 3;
uint16_t cmd;
*err = 0;
ret = hiti_docmd_resp(ctx, CMD_RDS_RSS, NULL, 0, sts, &len);
if (ret)
return ret;
if (sts[2] & STATUS2_WARNING)
cmd = CMD_RDS_RW;
else if (sts[2] & STATUS2_DEVSERVICE)
else if (sts[2] & STATUS2_OPERATOR)
else if (sts[1] & STATUS1_PAPERJAM)
cmd = CMD_RDS_RJA;
else if (sts[1] & STATUS1_INPUT)
cmd = CMD_RDS_RIA;
else if (sts[1] & STATUS1_SUPPLIES)
cmd = CMD_RDS_SA;
cmd = 0;
/* Query extended status, if needed */
if (cmd) {
uint8_t respbuf[17]; /* Enough for four errors */
len = sizeof(respbuf);
ret = hiti_docmd_resp(ctx, cmd, NULL, 0, respbuf, &len);
if (ret)
return ret;
if (!respbuf[0])
if (respbuf[0] > 1) {
WARNING("Multiple Alerts detected, only returning the first!\n");
} else if (len > 8) {
// XXX means we have ASCIIHEX in positions [5:8], convert to number..