1792 lines
53 KiB
1792 lines
53 KiB
libS6145ImageReProcess -- Re-implemented Image Processing library for
the Sinfonia CHC-S6145 printer family
Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Solomon Peachy <pizza@shaftnet.org>
** ** ** ** Do NOT contact Sinfonia about this library! ** ** ** **
This is intended to be a drop-in replacement for Sinfonia's proprietary
libS6145ImageProcess library, which is necessary in order to utilize
their CHC-S6145 printer family.
Sinfonia Inc was not involved in the creation of this library, and
is not responsible in any way for the library or any deficiencies in
its output. They will provide no support if it is used.
If you have the appropriate permission fron Sinfonia, we recommend
you use their official libS6145ImageProcess library instead, as it
will generate the highest quality output. However, it is only
available for x86/x86_64 targets on Linux. Please contact your local
Sinfonia distributor to obtain the official library.
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
//#define S6145_UNUSED
#define LIB_VERSION "0.4"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <math.h>
// Structures
struct tankParam {
int32_t trdTankSize;
int32_t sndTankSize;
int32_t fstTankSize;
int32_t trdTankIniEnergy;
int32_t sndTankIniEnergy;
int32_t fstTankIniEnergy;
int32_t trdTrdConductivity;
int32_t sndSndConductivity;
int32_t fstFstConductivity;
int32_t outTrdConductivity;
int32_t trdSndConductivity;
int32_t sndFstConductivity;
int32_t fstOutConductivity;
int32_t plusMaxEnergy;
int32_t minusMaxEnergy;
int32_t plusMaxEnergyPreRead;
int32_t minusMaxEnergyPreRead;
int32_t preReadLevelDiff;
int32_t rsvd[14]; // null or unused?
} __attribute__((packed));
struct imageCorrParam {
uint16_t pulseTransTable_Y[256]; // @0
uint16_t pulseTransTable_M[256]; // @512
uint16_t pulseTransTable_C[256]; // @1024
uint16_t pulseTransTable_O[256]; // @1536
uint16_t lineHistCoefTable_Y[256]; // @2048
uint16_t lineHistCoefTable_M[256]; // @2560
uint16_t lineHistCoefTable_C[256]; // @3072
uint16_t lineHistCoefTable_O[256]; // @3584
uint16_t lineCorrectEnvA_Y; // @4096
uint16_t lineCorrectEnvA_M; // @4098
uint16_t lineCorrectEnvA_C; // @4100
uint16_t lineCorrectEnvA_O; // @4102
uint16_t lineCorrectEnvB_Y; // @4104
uint16_t lineCorrectEnvB_M; // @4106
uint16_t lineCorrectEnvB_C; // @4108
uint16_t lineCorrectEnvB_O; // @4110
uint16_t lineCorrectEnvC_Y; // @4112
uint16_t lineCorrectEnvC_M; // @4114
uint16_t lineCorrectEnvC_C; // @4116
uint16_t lineCorrectEnvC_O; // @4118
uint32_t lineCorrectSlice_Y; // @4120
uint32_t lineCorrectSlice_M; // @4124
uint32_t lineCorrectSlice_C; // @4128
uint32_t lineCorrectSlice_O; // @4132
uint32_t lineCorrectSlice1Line_Y; // @4136
uint32_t lineCorrectSlice1Line_M; // @4140
uint32_t lineCorrectSlice1Line_C; // @4144
uint32_t lineCorrectSlice1Line_O; // @4148
int32_t lineCorrectPulseMax_Y; // @4152
int32_t lineCorrectPulseMax_M; // @4156
int32_t lineCorrectPulseMax_C; // @4160
int32_t lineCorrectPulseMax_O; // @4164
struct tankParam tableTankParam_Y; // @4168
struct tankParam tableTankParam_M; // @4296
struct tankParam tableTankParam_C; // @4424
struct tankParam tableTankParam_O; // @4552
uint16_t tankPlusMaxEnergyTable_Y[256]; // @4680
uint16_t tankPlusMaxEnergyTable_M[256]; // @5192
uint16_t tankPlusMaxEnergyTable_C[256]; // @5704
uint16_t tankPlusMaxEnergyTable_O[256]; // @6216
uint16_t tankMinusMaxEnergy_Y[256]; // @6728
uint16_t tankMinusMaxEnergy_M[256]; // @7240
uint16_t tankMinusMaxEnergy_C[256]; // @7752
uint16_t tankMinusMaxEnergy_O[256]; // @8264
uint16_t printMaxPulse_Y; // @8776
uint16_t printMaxPulse_M; // @8778
uint16_t printMaxPulse_C; // @8780
uint16_t printMaxPulse_O; // @8782
uint16_t mtfWeightH_Y; // @8784
uint16_t mtfWeightH_M; // @8786
uint16_t mtfWeightH_C; // @8788
uint16_t mtfWeightH_O; // @8790
uint16_t mtfWeightV_Y; // @8792
uint16_t mtfWeightV_M; // @8794
uint16_t mtfWeightV_C; // @8796
uint16_t mtfWeightV_O; // @8798
uint16_t mtfSlice_Y; // @8800
uint16_t mtfSlice_M; // @8802
uint16_t mtfSlice_C; // @8804
uint16_t mtfSlice_O; // @8806
uint16_t val_1; // @8808 // 1 enables linepreprintprocess
uint16_t val_2; // @8810 // 1 enables ctankprocess
uint16_t printOpLevel; // @8812
uint16_t matteMode; // @8814 // 1 for matte
uint16_t randomBase[4]; // @8816 [use lower byte of each]
uint16_t matteSize; // @8824
uint16_t matteGloss; // @8826
uint16_t matteDeglossBlk; // @8828
uint16_t matteDeglossWht; // @8830
int16_t printSideOffset; // @8832
uint16_t headDots; // @8834 [always 0x0780, ie 1920. print width
uint16_t SideEdgeCoefTable[128]; // @8836
uint8_t rsvd_2[256]; // @9092, null?
uint16_t SideEdgeLvCoefTable[256]; // @9348
uint8_t rsvd_3[2572]; // @9860, null?
/* User-supplied data */
uint16_t width; // @12432
uint16_t height; // @12434
uint8_t pad[3948]; // @12436, null.
} __attribute__((packed)); /* 16384 bytes */
// Function declarations
#define ASSERT(__COND, __TXT) if ((!__COND)) { printf(__TXT " @ %d\n", __LINE__); exit(1); }
static void SetTableData(void *src, void *dest, uint16_t words);
static int32_t CheckPrintParam(uint8_t *corrdata);
static uint16_t LinePrintCalcBit(uint16_t val);
static void GetInfo(void);
static void Global_Init(void);
static void SetTableColor(uint8_t plane);
static void LinePrintPreProcess(void);
static void CTankResetParameter(int32_t *params);
static void CTankResetTank(void);
static void PagePrintPreProcess(void);
static void PagePrintProcess(void);
static void CTankProcess(void);
static void SendData(void);
static void PulseTrans(void);
static void CTankUpdateTankVolumeInterDot(uint8_t tank);
static void CTankUpdateTankVolumeInterRay(void);
static void CTankHoseiPreread(void);
static void CTankHosei(void);
static void LineCorrection(void);
static void PulseTransPreReadOP(void);
static void PulseTransPreReadYMC(void);
static void CTankProcessPreRead(void);
static void CTankProcessPreReadDummy(void);
static void RecieveDataOP_GLOSS(void);
static void RecieveDataYMC(void);
static void RecieveDataOP_MATTE(void);
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
static void SetTable(void);
static void ImageLevelAddition(void);
static void ImageLevelAdditionEx(uint32_t *a1, uint32_t a2, int32_t a3);
static void RecieveDataOP_Post(void);
static void RecieveDataYMC_Post(void);
static void RecieveDataOPLevel_Post(void);
static void RecieveDataOPMatte_Post(void);
static void SideEdgeCorrection(void);
static void LeadEdgeCorrection(void);
// Endian Manipulation macros
#define le32_to_cpu(__x) __x
#define le16_to_cpu(__x) __x
#define be16_to_cpu(__x) ntohs(__x)
#define be32_to_cpu(__x) ntohl(__x)
#define le32_to_cpu(x) \
({ \
uint32_t __x = (x); \
((uint32_t)( \
(((uint32_t)(__x) & (uint32_t)0x000000ffUL) << 24) | \
(((uint32_t)(__x) & (uint32_t)0x0000ff00UL) << 8) | \
(((uint32_t)(__x) & (uint32_t)0x00ff0000UL) >> 8) | \
(((uint32_t)(__x) & (uint32_t)0xff000000UL) >> 24) )); \
#define le16_to_cpu(x) \
({ \
uint16_t __x = (x); \
((uint16_t)( \
(((uint16_t)(__x) & (uint16_t)0x00ff) << 8) | \
(((uint16_t)(__x) & (uint16_t)0xff00) >> 8))); \
#define be32_to_cpu(__x) __x
#define be16_to_cpu(__x) __x
#define cpu_to_le16 le16_to_cpu
#define cpu_to_le32 le32_to_cpu
#define cpu_to_be16 be16_to_cpu
#define cpu_to_be32 be32_to_cpu
// Data declarations
#define BUF_SIZE 2048
#define TANK_SIZE 2052
#define MAX_PULSE 1023
#define MIN_ROWS 100
#define MIN_COLS 100
#define MAX_ROWS 2492
#define MAX_COLS 1844
static void (*g_pfRecieveData)(void);
static void (*g_pfPulseTransPreRead)(void);
static void (*g_pfTankProcessPreRead)(void);
static uint8_t g_pusInLineBuf0[BUF_SIZE];
static uint8_t g_pusInLineBuf1[BUF_SIZE];
static uint8_t g_pusInLineBuf2[BUF_SIZE];
static uint8_t g_pusInLineBuf3[BUF_SIZE];
static uint8_t g_pusInLineBuf4[BUF_SIZE];
static uint8_t g_pusInLineBuf5[BUF_SIZE];
static uint8_t g_pusInLineBuf6[BUF_SIZE];
static uint8_t g_pusInLineBuf7[BUF_SIZE];
static uint8_t g_pusInLineBuf8[BUF_SIZE];
static uint8_t g_pusInLineBuf9[BUF_SIZE];
static uint8_t g_pusInLineBufA[BUF_SIZE];
static uint16_t g_pusOutLineBuf1[BUF_SIZE];
static uint16_t *g_pusOutLineBufTab[2]; // XXX actually [1]
static uint8_t *g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[12]; // XXX actually [11]
static uint8_t *g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[4];
static uint16_t g_pusPreReadOutLineBuf[BUF_SIZE];
static int32_t m_piTrdTankArray[TANK_SIZE];
static int32_t m_piFstTankArray[TANK_SIZE];
static int32_t m_piSndTankArray[TANK_SIZE];
static int16_t g_psMtfPreCalcTable[512];
static uint16_t g_pusTankMinusMaxEnegyTable[256];
static uint16_t g_pusTankPlusMaxEnegyTable[256];
static uint16_t g_pusPulseTransTable[256];
static uint16_t g_pusLineHistCoefTable[256];
static int32_t g_piTankParam[128]; // should be struct tankParam[4]
static int32_t g_pulRandomTable[32]; // should be u32
static uint8_t *g_pucInputImageBuf;
struct imageCorrParam *g_pSPrintParam;
static uint16_t *g_pusOutputImageBuf;
static uint8_t g_ucRandomBaseLevel[4];
static int16_t g_sPrintSideOffset;
static uint16_t g_usHeadDots;
static int32_t g_iLineCorrectPulse;
static uint32_t g_uiMtfSlice; // really u16?
static uint32_t g_uiMtfWeightV; // really u16?
static uint32_t g_uiMtfWeightH; // really u16?
static uint16_t g_usLineCorrect_Env_A;
static uint16_t g_usLineCorrect_Env_B;
static uint16_t g_usLineCorrect_Env_C;
static uint32_t g_uiOutputImageIndex;
static uint32_t g_uiInputImageIndex;
static int32_t g_iMaxPulseValue;
static uint32_t g_uiMaxPulseBit;
static uint16_t g_usPrintMaxPulse;
static uint16_t g_usPrintOpLevel;
static uint16_t g_usMatteSize;
static uint32_t g_uiLineCorrectSlice;
static uint32_t g_uiLineCorrectSlice1Line;
static uint16_t g_usPrintSizeHeight;
static uint32_t g_uiLineCorrectBase1Line;
static uint32_t g_uiLineCorrectSum;
static uint32_t g_uiLineCorrectBase;
static int16_t g_sCorrectSw;
static uint16_t g_usMatteMode;
static int32_t g_iLineCorrectPulseMax;
static uint16_t g_usSheetSizeWidth;
static uint16_t g_usPrintSizeWidth;
static uint16_t g_usPrintColor;
static uint32_t g_uiSendToHeadCounter;
static uint32_t g_uiLineCopyCounter;
static int32_t m_iTrdTankSize;
static int32_t m_iTrdSndConductivity;
static int32_t m_iSndTankSize;
static int32_t m_iTankKeisuSndFstDivFst;
static int32_t m_iSndSndConductivity;
static int32_t m_iTrdTrdConductivity;
static int32_t m_iTankKeisuTrdSndDivSnd;
static int32_t m_iTankKeisuTrdSndDivTrd;
static int32_t m_iSndFstConductivity;
static int32_t m_iFstTankSize;
static int32_t m_iTrdTankIniEnergy;
static int32_t m_iFstTankIniEnergy;
static int32_t m_iTankKeisuSndFstDivSnd;
static int32_t m_iSndTankIniEnergy;
static int32_t m_iPreReadLevelDiff;
static int32_t m_iMinusMaxEnergyPreRead;
static int32_t m_iOutTrdConductivity;
static int32_t m_iFstOutConductivity;
static int32_t m_iFstFstConductivity;
static int32_t m_iTankKeisuFstOutDivFst;
static int32_t m_iTankKeisuOutTrdDivTrd;
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
static void (*g_pfRecieveData_Post)(void); /* all users are no-ops */
/* Set but never referenced */
static uint32_t g_uiDataTransCounter;
static uint32_t g_uiTudenLineCounter;
/* Only ever set to 0 */
static uint16_t g_usPrintDummyLevel;
static uint16_t g_usPrintDummyLine;
static uint16_t g_usRearDummyPrintLine;
static uint16_t g_usRearDeleteLine;
/* Appear unused */
static uint16_t g_usCancelCheckLinesForPRec;
static uint16_t g_usPrintSizeLHeight;
static uint16_t g_usPrintSizeLWidth;
static uint16_t g_pusSideEdgeLvCoefTable[256];
static uint16_t g_pusSideEdgeCoefTable[128];
static int32_t g_iLeadEdgeCorrectPulse;
static int32_t m_iMinusMaxEnergy;
static int32_t m_iPlusMaxEnergy;
static int32_t m_iPlusMaxEnergyPreRead;
static uint16_t g_usCenterHeadToColSen;
static uint16_t g_usThearmEnv;
static uint16_t g_usThearmHead;
static uint16_t g_usMatteGloss;
static uint16_t g_usMatteDeglossBlk;
static uint16_t g_usMatteDeglossWht;
static uint16_t g_usPrintOffsetWidth;
static uint16_t g_usCancelCheckDotsForPRec;
static uint32_t g_uiOffsetCancelCheckPRec;
static uint32_t g_uiLevelAveCounter;
static uint32_t g_uiLevelAveCounter2;
static uint32_t g_uiLevelAveAddtion;
static uint32_t g_uiLevelAveAddtion2;
static uint32_t g_uiDummyPrintCounter;
static uint16_t g_usRearDummyPrintLevel;
static uint16_t g_usLastPrintSizeHeight;
static uint16_t g_usLastPrintSizeWidth;
static uint16_t g_usLastSheetSizeWidth;
uint16_t g_pusOutLineBuf2[BUF_SIZE];
uint16_t *g_pusLamiCompInLineBufTab[4];
/* **************************** */
int ImageAvrCalc(uint8_t *input, uint16_t cols, uint16_t rows, uint8_t *avg)
uint64_t sum;
uint32_t offset;
uint32_t planesize;
uint32_t j;
uint8_t plane;
if ( !input )
return 1;
if ( !avg )
return 4;
if ( cols <= MIN_COLS || cols > MAX_COLS )
return 2;
if ( rows <= MIN_COLS || cols > MAX_ROWS )
return 3;
planesize = rows * cols;
offset = 0;
for ( plane = 0; plane < 3; plane++ )
sum = 0;
for ( j = 0; j < planesize; ++j )
sum += input[offset++];
avg[plane] = sum / planesize;
return 0;
int ImageProcessing(unsigned char *in, unsigned short *out, void *corrdata)
uint8_t i;
fprintf(stderr, "INFO: libS6145ImageReProcess version '%s'\n", LIB_VERSION);
fprintf(stderr, "INFO: Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Solomon Peachy\n");
fprintf(stderr, "INFO: This free software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY!\n");
fprintf(stderr, "INFO: Licensed under the GNU GPL.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "INFO: *** This code is NOT supported or endorsed by Sinfonia! ***\n");
if (!in)
return 1;
if (!out)
return 2;
if (!corrdata)
return 3;
g_pucInputImageBuf = in;
g_pusOutputImageBuf = out;
g_pSPrintParam = (struct imageCorrParam *) corrdata;
i = CheckPrintParam(corrdata);
if (i)
return i;
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { /* Full YMCO */
int32_t lines;
lines = g_usPrintSizeHeight;
while ( lines-- ) {
return 0;
/* **************************** */
static void SetTableData(void *src, void *dest, uint16_t words)
uint16_t *in = src;
uint16_t *out = dest;
while (words--) {
out[words] = le16_to_cpu(in[words]);
static void GetInfo(void)
uint32_t tmp;
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
g_usLastPrintSizeWidth = g_usPrintSizeWidth;
g_usLastPrintSizeHeight = g_usPrintSizeHeight;
g_usLastSheetSizeWidth = g_usSheetSizeWidth;
g_usPrintOffsetWidth = 0;
g_usPrintSizeWidth = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->width);
g_usPrintSizeHeight = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->height);
g_usSheetSizeWidth = g_usPrintSizeWidth;
g_sPrintSideOffset = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->printSideOffset);
if ( g_pSPrintParam->val_1 )
g_sCorrectSw |= 1;
if ( g_pSPrintParam->val_2 )
g_sCorrectSw |= 2;
g_usPrintOpLevel = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->printOpLevel);
tmp = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->randomBase[0]);
g_ucRandomBaseLevel[0] = tmp & 0xff;
tmp = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->randomBase[1]);
g_ucRandomBaseLevel[1] = tmp & 0xff;
tmp = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->randomBase[2]);
g_ucRandomBaseLevel[2] = tmp & 0xff;
tmp = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->randomBase[3]);
g_ucRandomBaseLevel[3] = tmp & 0xff;
g_usMatteSize = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->matteSize);
g_usMatteMode = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->matteMode);
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
g_usMatteGloss = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->matteGloss);
g_usMatteDeglossBlk = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->matteDeglossBlk);
g_usMatteDeglossWht = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->matteDeglossWht);
switch (g_usPrintColor) {
case 0:
g_usPrintMaxPulse = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->printMaxPulse_Y);
g_uiMtfWeightH = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->mtfWeightH_Y);
g_uiMtfWeightV = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->mtfWeightV_Y);
g_uiMtfSlice = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->mtfSlice_Y);
g_usLineCorrect_Env_A = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectEnvA_Y);
g_usLineCorrect_Env_B = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectEnvB_Y);
g_usLineCorrect_Env_C = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectEnvC_Y);
g_uiLineCorrectSlice = le32_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectSlice_Y);
g_uiLineCorrectSlice1Line = le32_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectSlice1Line_Y);
g_iLineCorrectPulseMax = le32_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectPulseMax_Y);
case 1:
g_usPrintMaxPulse = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->printMaxPulse_M);
g_uiMtfWeightH = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->mtfWeightH_M);
g_uiMtfWeightV = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->mtfWeightV_M);
g_uiMtfSlice = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->mtfSlice_M);
g_usLineCorrect_Env_A = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectEnvA_M);
g_usLineCorrect_Env_B = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectEnvB_M);
g_usLineCorrect_Env_C = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectEnvC_M);
g_uiLineCorrectSlice = le32_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectSlice_M);
g_uiLineCorrectSlice1Line = le32_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectSlice1Line_M);
g_iLineCorrectPulseMax = le32_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectPulseMax_M);
case 2:
g_usPrintMaxPulse = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->printMaxPulse_C);
g_uiMtfWeightH = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->mtfWeightH_C);
g_uiMtfWeightV = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->mtfWeightV_C);
g_uiMtfSlice = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->mtfSlice_C);
g_usLineCorrect_Env_A = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectEnvA_C);
g_usLineCorrect_Env_B = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectEnvB_C);
g_usLineCorrect_Env_C = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectEnvC_C);
g_uiLineCorrectSlice = le32_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectSlice_C);
g_uiLineCorrectSlice1Line = le32_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectSlice1Line_C);
g_iLineCorrectPulseMax = le32_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectPulseMax_C);
case 3:
g_usPrintMaxPulse = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->printMaxPulse_O);
g_uiMtfWeightH = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->mtfWeightH_O);
g_uiMtfWeightV = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->mtfWeightV_O);
g_uiMtfSlice = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->mtfSlice_O);;
g_usLineCorrect_Env_A = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectEnvA_O);
g_usLineCorrect_Env_B = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectEnvB_O);
g_usLineCorrect_Env_C = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectEnvC_O);
g_uiLineCorrectSlice = le32_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectSlice_O);
g_uiLineCorrectSlice1Line = le32_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectSlice1Line_O);
g_iLineCorrectPulseMax = le32_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->lineCorrectPulseMax_O);
printf("ERROR: bad g_usPrintColor %d\n", g_usPrintColor);
g_usHeadDots = le16_to_cpu(g_pSPrintParam->headDots);
static void Global_Init(void)
g_usPrintColor = 0;
g_usPrintSizeWidth = 0;
g_usPrintSizeHeight = 0;
g_usSheetSizeWidth = 0;
g_sPrintSideOffset = 0;
g_sCorrectSw = 0;
g_usPrintOpLevel = 0;
g_uiMtfWeightH = 0;
g_uiMtfWeightV = 0;
g_uiMtfSlice = 0;
g_usPrintMaxPulse = MAX_PULSE;
g_usMatteMode = 0;
g_usLineCorrect_Env_A = 0;
g_usLineCorrect_Env_B = 0;
g_usLineCorrect_Env_C = 0;
g_uiLineCorrectSum = 0;
g_uiLineCorrectBase = 0;
g_uiLineCorrectBase1Line = 0;
g_iLineCorrectPulse = 0;
g_iLineCorrectPulseMax = MAX_PULSE;
g_pulRandomTable[0] = 3;
g_pulRandomTable[1] = -1708027847;
g_pulRandomTable[2] = 853131300;
g_pulRandomTable[3] = -1687801470;
g_pulRandomTable[4] = 1570894658;
g_pulRandomTable[5] = -566525472;
g_pulRandomTable[6] = -552964171;
g_pulRandomTable[7] = -251413502;
g_pulRandomTable[8] = 1223901435;
g_pulRandomTable[9] = 1950999915;
g_pulRandomTable[10] = -1095640144;
g_pulRandomTable[11] = -1420011240;
g_pulRandomTable[12] = -1805298435;
g_pulRandomTable[13] = -1943115761;
g_pulRandomTable[14] = -348292705;
g_pulRandomTable[15] = -1323376457;
g_pulRandomTable[16] = 759393158;
g_pulRandomTable[17] = -630772182;
g_pulRandomTable[18] = 361286280;
g_pulRandomTable[19] = -479628451;
g_pulRandomTable[20] = -1873857033;
g_pulRandomTable[21] = -686452778;
g_pulRandomTable[22] = 1873211473;
g_pulRandomTable[23] = 1634626454;
g_pulRandomTable[24] = -1399525412;
g_pulRandomTable[25] = 910245779;
g_pulRandomTable[26] = -970800488;
g_pulRandomTable[27] = -173790536;
g_pulRandomTable[28] = -1970743429;
g_pulRandomTable[29] = -173171442;
g_pulRandomTable[30] = -1986452981;
g_pulRandomTable[31] = 670779321;
g_uiInputImageIndex = 0;
g_uiOutputImageIndex = 0;
g_usHeadDots = 0;
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
g_usPrintDummyLevel = 0;
g_usPrintDummyLine = 0;
g_usRearDummyPrintLine = 0;
g_usRearDeleteLine = 0;
g_usPrintSizeLWidth = 0;
g_usPrintSizeLHeight = 0;
g_usThearmHead = 0;
g_usThearmEnv = 0;
g_usRearDummyPrintLevel = 0;
g_usLastPrintSizeWidth = 0;
g_usLastPrintSizeHeight = 0;
g_usLastSheetSizeWidth = 0;
g_iLeadEdgeCorrectPulse = 0;
g_usCancelCheckLinesForPRec = 118;
g_pusLamiCompInLineBufTab[0] = (uint16_t*)g_pusInLineBuf0;
g_pusLamiCompInLineBufTab[1] = (uint16_t*)g_pusInLineBuf2;
g_pusLamiCompInLineBufTab[2] = g_pusOutLineBuf1;
g_pusLamiCompInLineBufTab[3] = g_pusOutLineBuf2;
g_usMatteGloss = 105;
g_usMatteDeglossBlk = 150;
g_usMatteDeglossWht = 175;
g_usPrintOffsetWidth = 0;
g_usCenterHeadToColSen = 268;
g_uiLevelAveAddtion = 0;
g_uiLevelAveCounter = 0;
g_uiLevelAveCounter2 = 0;
g_uiLevelAveAddtion2 = 0;
g_usCancelCheckDotsForPRec = 236;
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
static void SetTable(void)
SetTableData(g_pSPrintParam->SideEdgeCoefTable, g_pusSideEdgeCoefTable, 128);
SetTableData(g_pSPrintParam->SideEdgeLvCoefTable, g_pusSideEdgeLvCoefTable, 256);
static void SetTableColor(uint8_t plane)
switch (plane) {
case 0:
SetTableData(g_pSPrintParam->pulseTransTable_Y, g_pusPulseTransTable, 256);
SetTableData(g_pSPrintParam->lineHistCoefTable_Y, g_pusLineHistCoefTable, 256);
SetTableData(g_pSPrintParam->tankPlusMaxEnergyTable_Y, g_pusTankPlusMaxEnegyTable, 256);
SetTableData(g_pSPrintParam->tankMinusMaxEnergy_Y, g_pusTankMinusMaxEnegyTable, 256);
memcpy(g_piTankParam, &g_pSPrintParam->tableTankParam_Y, 128);
case 1:
SetTableData(g_pSPrintParam->pulseTransTable_M, g_pusPulseTransTable, 256);
SetTableData(g_pSPrintParam->lineHistCoefTable_M, g_pusLineHistCoefTable, 256);
SetTableData(g_pSPrintParam->tankPlusMaxEnergyTable_M, g_pusTankPlusMaxEnegyTable, 256);
SetTableData(g_pSPrintParam->tankMinusMaxEnergy_M, g_pusTankMinusMaxEnegyTable, 256);
memcpy(&g_piTankParam[32], &g_pSPrintParam->tableTankParam_M, 128);
case 2:
SetTableData(g_pSPrintParam->pulseTransTable_C, g_pusPulseTransTable, 256);
SetTableData(g_pSPrintParam->lineHistCoefTable_C, g_pusLineHistCoefTable, 256);
SetTableData(g_pSPrintParam->tankPlusMaxEnergyTable_C, g_pusTankPlusMaxEnegyTable, 256);
SetTableData(g_pSPrintParam->tankMinusMaxEnergy_C, g_pusTankMinusMaxEnegyTable, 256);
memcpy(&g_piTankParam[64], &g_pSPrintParam->tableTankParam_C, 128);
case 3:
SetTableData(g_pSPrintParam->pulseTransTable_O, g_pusPulseTransTable, 256);
SetTableData(g_pSPrintParam->lineHistCoefTable_O, g_pusLineHistCoefTable, 256);
SetTableData(g_pSPrintParam->tankPlusMaxEnergyTable_O, g_pusTankPlusMaxEnegyTable, 256);
SetTableData(g_pSPrintParam->tankMinusMaxEnergy_O, g_pusTankMinusMaxEnegyTable, 256);
memcpy(&g_piTankParam[96], &g_pSPrintParam->tableTankParam_O, 128);
printf("ERROR: Bad plane in SetTableColor (%d)\n", plane);
static int32_t CheckPrintParam(uint8_t *corrdataraw)
int i;
struct imageCorrParam *corrdata = (struct imageCorrParam *) corrdataraw;
for (i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++) {
if (le16_to_cpu(corrdata->pulseTransTable_Y[i]) > le16_to_cpu(corrdata->printMaxPulse_Y) ||
le16_to_cpu(corrdata->pulseTransTable_M[i]) > le16_to_cpu(corrdata->printMaxPulse_M) ||
le16_to_cpu(corrdata->pulseTransTable_C[i]) > le16_to_cpu(corrdata->printMaxPulse_C) ||
le16_to_cpu(corrdata->pulseTransTable_O[i]) > le16_to_cpu(corrdata->printMaxPulse_O)) {
return 10;
if (!corrdata->tableTankParam_Y.trdTankSize ||
!corrdata->tableTankParam_M.trdTankSize ||
!corrdata->tableTankParam_C.trdTankSize ||
!corrdata->tableTankParam_O.trdTankSize) {
return 14;
if (!corrdata->tableTankParam_Y.sndTankSize ||
!corrdata->tableTankParam_M.sndTankSize ||
!corrdata->tableTankParam_C.sndTankSize ||
!corrdata->tableTankParam_O.sndTankSize) {
return 15;
if (!corrdata->tableTankParam_Y.fstTankSize ||
!corrdata->tableTankParam_M.fstTankSize ||
!corrdata->tableTankParam_C.fstTankSize ||
!corrdata->tableTankParam_O.fstTankSize) {
return 16;
if (le16_to_cpu(corrdata->val_1) > 1 ||
le16_to_cpu(corrdata->val_2) > 1 ||
le16_to_cpu(corrdata->printOpLevel) > 0xff ||
le16_to_cpu(corrdata->matteMode) > 1) {
return 17;
if (le16_to_cpu(corrdata->randomBase[0]) > 0xff ||
le16_to_cpu(corrdata->randomBase[1]) > 0xff ||
le16_to_cpu(corrdata->randomBase[2]) > 0xff ||
le16_to_cpu(corrdata->randomBase[3]) > 0xff) {
return 18;
if (!corrdata->matteSize ||
corrdata->matteSize > 2) {
return 19;
if ( le16_to_cpu(corrdata->width) <= MIN_ROWS ||
le16_to_cpu(corrdata->width) > MAX_ROWS )
return 20;
if ( le16_to_cpu(corrdata->height) <= MIN_ROWS ||
le16_to_cpu(corrdata->height) > MAX_ROWS )
return 21;
return 0;
/* This resets the preprocess pipeline at the start of a new image
plane. */
static void LinePrintPreProcess(void)
int16_t i;
if ( !(g_sCorrectSw & 1) )
g_uiMtfWeightH = 0;
g_uiMtfWeightV = 0;
g_uiMtfSlice = 0;
for ( i = -256; i < 256; i++ )
if ( (uint32_t)(i * i) >= (uint32_t)(g_uiMtfSlice * g_uiMtfSlice) )
g_psMtfPreCalcTable[i+256] = i;
g_psMtfPreCalcTable[i+256] = -i;
g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[0] = g_pusInLineBuf0;
g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[1] = g_pusInLineBuf1;
g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[2] = g_pusInLineBuf2;
g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[3] = g_pusInLineBuf3;
g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[4] = g_pusInLineBuf4;
g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[5] = g_pusInLineBuf5;
g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[6] = g_pusInLineBuf6;
g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[7] = g_pusInLineBuf7;
g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[8] = g_pusInLineBuf8;
g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[9] = g_pusInLineBuf9;
g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[10] = g_pusInLineBufA;
memset(g_pusInLineBuf0, 0, sizeof(g_pusInLineBuf0));
memset(g_pusInLineBuf1, 0, sizeof(g_pusInLineBuf1));
memset(g_pusInLineBuf2, 0, sizeof(g_pusInLineBuf2));
memset(g_pusInLineBuf3, 0, sizeof(g_pusInLineBuf3));
memset(g_pusInLineBuf4, 0, sizeof(g_pusInLineBuf4));
memset(g_pusInLineBuf5, 0, sizeof(g_pusInLineBuf5));
memset(g_pusInLineBuf6, 0, sizeof(g_pusInLineBuf6));
memset(g_pusInLineBuf7, 0, sizeof(g_pusInLineBuf7));
memset(g_pusInLineBuf8, 0, sizeof(g_pusInLineBuf8));
memset(g_pusInLineBuf9, 0, sizeof(g_pusInLineBuf9));
memset(g_pusInLineBufA, 0, sizeof(g_pusInLineBufA));
g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[0] = g_pusInLineBuf0;
g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[1] = g_pusInLineBuf1;
g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[2] = g_pusInLineBuf2;
g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[3] = g_pusInLineBuf3;
memset(g_pusOutLineBuf1, 0, sizeof(g_pusOutLineBuf1));
g_pusOutLineBufTab[0] = g_pusOutLineBuf1;
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
memset(g_pusInLineBuf3, g_usPrintDummyLevel, sizeof(g_pusInLineBuf3)); // XXX redundant with memset above, printDummyLevel is always 0 anyway.
g_uiSendToHeadCounter = g_usPrintSizeHeight;
g_uiLineCopyCounter = g_usPrintSizeHeight;
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
g_uiDataTransCounter = g_usPrintSizeHeight;
g_uiDataTransCounter += g_usPrintDummyLine;
g_uiDataTransCounter -= g_usRearDeleteLine;
g_uiDataTransCounter += g_usRearDummyPrintLine;
g_uiSendToHeadCounter += g_usPrintDummyLine;
g_uiSendToHeadCounter -= g_usRearDeleteLine;
g_uiSendToHeadCounter += g_usRearDummyPrintLine;
g_uiTudenLineCounter = g_usPrintSizeHeight;
g_uiTudenLineCounter += g_usRearDummyPrintLine;
g_uiTudenLineCounter -= g_usRearDeleteLine;
g_uiLineCopyCounter -= g_usRearDeleteLine;
if ( g_usPrintColor != 3 )
g_usRearDummyPrintLevel = 255;
g_iLeadEdgeCorrectPulse = 0;
switch (g_usPrintColor) {
case 0:
g_iMaxPulseValue = g_usPrintMaxPulse;
g_uiMaxPulseBit = LinePrintCalcBit(g_usPrintMaxPulse);
g_pfRecieveData = RecieveDataYMC;
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
g_pfRecieveData_Post = RecieveDataYMC_Post;
g_pfPulseTransPreRead = PulseTransPreReadYMC;
g_pfTankProcessPreRead = CTankProcessPreRead;
case 1:
g_iMaxPulseValue = g_usPrintMaxPulse;
g_uiMaxPulseBit = LinePrintCalcBit(g_usPrintMaxPulse);
g_pfRecieveData = RecieveDataYMC;
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
g_pfRecieveData_Post = RecieveDataYMC_Post;
g_pfPulseTransPreRead = PulseTransPreReadYMC;
g_pfTankProcessPreRead = CTankProcessPreRead;
case 2:
g_iMaxPulseValue = g_usPrintMaxPulse;
g_uiMaxPulseBit = LinePrintCalcBit(g_usPrintMaxPulse);
g_pfRecieveData = RecieveDataYMC;
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
g_pfRecieveData_Post = RecieveDataYMC_Post;
g_pfPulseTransPreRead = PulseTransPreReadYMC;
g_pfTankProcessPreRead = CTankProcessPreRead;
case 3:
g_iMaxPulseValue = g_usPrintMaxPulse;
g_uiMaxPulseBit = LinePrintCalcBit(g_usPrintMaxPulse);
if ( g_usMatteMode ) {
g_pfRecieveData = RecieveDataOP_MATTE;
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
g_pfRecieveData_Post = RecieveDataOPMatte_Post;
} else {
g_pfRecieveData = RecieveDataOP_GLOSS;
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
g_pfRecieveData_Post = RecieveDataOPLevel_Post;
g_pfPulseTransPreRead = PulseTransPreReadOP;
g_pfTankProcessPreRead = CTankProcessPreReadDummy;
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
if ( g_usMatteMode )
g_iLeadEdgeCorrectPulse = 120;
printf("ERROR: Bad g_usPrintColor %d\n", g_usPrintColor);
g_uiLineCorrectSum = 0;
g_iLineCorrectPulse = 0;
if ( g_uiLineCorrectSlice ) {
g_uiLineCorrectBase = g_uiLineCorrectSlice * g_usLineCorrect_Env_A;
g_uiLineCorrectBase >>= 15;
g_uiLineCorrectBase *= g_usSheetSizeWidth;
} else {
g_uiLineCorrectBase = -1;
if ( g_uiLineCorrectSlice1Line ) {
g_uiLineCorrectBase1Line = g_uiLineCorrectSlice1Line * g_usLineCorrect_Env_B;
g_uiLineCorrectBase1Line >>= 15;
g_uiLineCorrectBase1Line *= g_usSheetSizeWidth;
if ( g_iLineCorrectPulseMax ) {
g_iLineCorrectPulseMax *= g_usLineCorrect_Env_C;
g_iLineCorrectPulseMax /= 1024;
} else {
g_iLineCorrectPulseMax = MAX_PULSE;
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
g_uiDummyPrintCounter = 0;
static void CTankResetParameter(int32_t *params)
m_iTrdTankSize = le32_to_cpu(params[0]);
m_iSndTankSize = le32_to_cpu(params[1]);
m_iFstTankSize = le32_to_cpu(params[2]);
m_iTrdTankIniEnergy = le32_to_cpu(params[3]);
m_iSndTankIniEnergy = le32_to_cpu(params[4]);
m_iFstTankIniEnergy = le32_to_cpu(params[5]);
m_iTrdTrdConductivity = le32_to_cpu(params[6]);
m_iSndSndConductivity = le32_to_cpu(params[7]);
m_iFstFstConductivity = le32_to_cpu(params[8]);
m_iOutTrdConductivity = le32_to_cpu(params[9]);
m_iTrdSndConductivity = le32_to_cpu(params[10]);
m_iSndFstConductivity = le32_to_cpu(params[11]);
m_iFstOutConductivity = le32_to_cpu(params[12]);
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
m_iPlusMaxEnergy = le32_to_cpu(params[13]);
m_iMinusMaxEnergy = le32_to_cpu(params[14]);
m_iPlusMaxEnergyPreRead = le32_to_cpu(params[15]);
m_iMinusMaxEnergyPreRead = le32_to_cpu(params[16]);
m_iPreReadLevelDiff = le32_to_cpu(params[17]);
m_iTankKeisuOutTrdDivTrd = (int64_t)m_iOutTrdConductivity * (int64_t)0x10000 / (int64_t)m_iTrdTankSize;
m_iTankKeisuTrdSndDivTrd = (int64_t)m_iTrdSndConductivity * (int64_t)0x10000 / (int64_t)m_iTrdTankSize;
m_iTankKeisuTrdSndDivSnd = (int64_t)m_iTrdSndConductivity * (int64_t)0x10000 / (int64_t)m_iSndTankSize;
m_iTankKeisuSndFstDivSnd = (int64_t)m_iSndFstConductivity * (int64_t)0x10000 / (int64_t)m_iSndTankSize;
m_iTankKeisuSndFstDivFst = (int64_t)m_iSndFstConductivity * (int64_t)0x10000 / (int64_t)m_iFstTankSize;
m_iTankKeisuFstOutDivFst = (int64_t)m_iFstOutConductivity * (int64_t)0x10000 / (int64_t)m_iFstTankSize;
static void CTankResetTank(void)
int i;
for (i = 0 ; i < TANK_SIZE; i++) {
m_piTrdTankArray[i] = m_iTrdTankIniEnergy;
m_piSndTankArray[i] = m_iSndTankIniEnergy;
m_piFstTankArray[i] = m_iFstTankIniEnergy;
/* This primes the preprocessing pipeline prior to starting the first
actual row of image data */
static void PagePrintPreProcess(void)
uint32_t i;
g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[3] = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[1];
g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[1] = g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[3];
g_uiInputImageIndex -= g_usPrintSizeWidth;
g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[3] = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[2];
g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[2] = g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[3];
g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[3] = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[3];
for ( i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[3] = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[i + 4];
g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[0] = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[0];
/* Process a single scanline,
From reading the input data to writing the output.
static void PagePrintProcess(void)
uint32_t i;
/* First, rotate the input buffers... */
if ( g_usPrintColor != 3 || g_usMatteMode != 1 || g_usMatteSize != 2 ) {
/* If we're not printing a matte layer... */
uint8_t *v4 = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[0];
for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[i] = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[i + 1];
g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[10] = v4;
g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[0] = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[0];
g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[1] = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[1];
g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[2] = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[2];
g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[3] = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[10];
} else if ( g_uiLineCopyCounter & 1 ) {
/* in other words, every other line when printing a matte layer.. */
uint8_t *v4 = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[0];
for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[i] = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[i + 1];
g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[10] = v4;
g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[0] = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[0];
g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[1] = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[1];
g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[2] = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[2];
g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[3] = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[10];
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
g_pfRecieveData(); /* Read another scanline */
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
g_pfRecieveData_Post(); /* Clean up after the receive */
CTankProcess(); /* Update thermal tank state */
LineCorrection(); /* Final output compensation */
SendData(); /* Write scanline output */
static uint16_t LinePrintCalcBit(uint16_t val)
uint16_t bit = 0;
while (val) {
val >>= 1;
return bit;
/* Update thermal tank state */
static void CTankProcess(void)
if ( g_sCorrectSw & 2 ) {
static void CTankProcessPreRead(void)
if (g_sCorrectSw & 2)
static void CTankProcessPreReadDummy(void)
/* This will generate one line worth of "gloss" OC data.
It only covers the imageable area, rather than the head width */
static void RecieveDataOP_GLOSS(void)
if ( g_uiLineCopyCounter ) {
memset(g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[3] + ((g_usHeadDots - g_usSheetSizeWidth) / 2),
/* This reads a single line worth of input image data.
static void RecieveDataYMC(void)
uint8_t *v1;
int16_t i;
v1 = g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[3] + ((g_usHeadDots - g_usSheetSizeWidth) / 2);
if ( g_uiLineCopyCounter ) {
/* Read the next line */
for ( i = 0; i < g_usPrintSizeWidth; i++ )
v1[i] = g_pucInputImageBuf[g_uiInputImageIndex++];
} else {
/* Re-read the previous line */
g_uiInputImageIndex -= g_usPrintSizeWidth;
for ( i = 0; i < g_usPrintSizeWidth ; i++ )
v1[i] = g_pucInputImageBuf[g_uiInputImageIndex++];
/* this will generate one scanline (ie 16b * BUF_SIZE) worth of
"random" data for the matte overcoat */
static void RecieveDataOP_MATTE(void)
if ( g_uiLineCopyCounter ) {
int32_t v1;
uint32_t v5;
int32_t v6;
int16_t matteCtr;
uint8_t *outPtr = g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[3];
if ( g_usMatteSize == 2 )
matteCtr = 256;
matteCtr = 512;
while ( matteCtr-- ) {
if ( g_pulRandomTable[0] >= 31 )
v6 = 1;
v6 = g_pulRandomTable[0] + 1;
g_pulRandomTable[0] = v6;
if ( v6 <= 3 )
v1 = g_pulRandomTable[v6 + 28];
v1 = g_pulRandomTable[v6 - 3];
g_pulRandomTable[v6] += v1;
v5 = (uint32_t)g_pulRandomTable[v6] >> 1;
if ( g_usMatteSize == 2 ) {
*outPtr++ = g_ucRandomBaseLevel[(v5 >> 1) & 3];
*outPtr++ = g_ucRandomBaseLevel[(v5 >> 1) & 3];
*outPtr++ = g_ucRandomBaseLevel[(v5 >> 5) & 3];
*outPtr++ = g_ucRandomBaseLevel[(v5 >> 5) & 3];
*outPtr++ = g_ucRandomBaseLevel[(v5 >> 9) & 3];
*outPtr++ = g_ucRandomBaseLevel[(v5 >> 9) & 3];
*outPtr++ = g_ucRandomBaseLevel[(v5 >> 13) & 3];
*outPtr++ = g_ucRandomBaseLevel[(v5 >> 13) & 3];
} else {
*outPtr++ = g_ucRandomBaseLevel[(v5 >> 1) & 3];
*outPtr++ = g_ucRandomBaseLevel[(v5 >> 5) & 3];
*outPtr++ = g_ucRandomBaseLevel[(v5 >> 9) & 3];
*outPtr++ = g_ucRandomBaseLevel[(v5 >> 13) & 3];
/* This writes a single scanline to the output buffer */
static void SendData(void)
uint16_t i;
if ( g_uiSendToHeadCounter ) {
for ( i = 0; i < g_usHeadDots; i++ )
g_pusOutputImageBuf[g_uiOutputImageIndex++] = cpu_to_le16(g_pusOutLineBufTab[0][i]);
/* Use the previous two rows to generate the needed impulse for
the current row. */
static void PulseTrans(void)
int32_t overHang;
int32_t sheetSizeWidth;
uint8_t *prevPrevRow;
uint8_t *prevRow;
uint8_t *currentRow;
uint16_t *out;
sheetSizeWidth = g_usSheetSizeWidth;
overHang = (g_usHeadDots - g_usSheetSizeWidth) / 2;
currentRow = g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[0] + overHang;
prevRow = g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[1] + overHang;
prevPrevRow = g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[2] + overHang;
out = g_pusOutLineBufTab[0] + g_sPrintSideOffset + overHang;
if ( out >= g_pusOutLineBufTab[0] ) {
int32_t offset = g_sPrintSideOffset
+ g_usSheetSizeWidth
+ overHang;
if ( offset > BUF_SIZE )
sheetSizeWidth = g_usSheetSizeWidth - (offset - BUF_SIZE);
} else {
int32_t offset = (g_pusOutLineBufTab[0] - out);
out = g_pusOutLineBufTab[0];
sheetSizeWidth = g_usSheetSizeWidth - offset;
currentRow += offset;
prevRow += offset;
prevPrevRow += offset;
printf("WARN: PulseTrans() alt path\n");
while ( sheetSizeWidth-- ) {
int32_t tableOffset;
uint16_t compVal;
uint8_t *v2;
int32_t v3;
int32_t v4;
int32_t v6;
int32_t v12;
v2 = prevRow - 1;
v3 = *v2++;
v12 = *v2;
prevRow = v2 + 1;
v4 = g_psMtfPreCalcTable[256 + v12 - *prevRow] + g_psMtfPreCalcTable[256 + v12 - v3];
v6 = g_psMtfPreCalcTable[256 + v12 - *currentRow++];
tableOffset = v12 + ((v4 * g_uiMtfWeightH + (g_psMtfPreCalcTable[256 + v12 - *prevPrevRow++] + v6) * g_uiMtfWeightV) >> 7);
if ( tableOffset > 255 )
tableOffset = 255;
if ( tableOffset <= 0 )
tableOffset = 1;
if ( !v12 )
tableOffset = 0;
compVal = g_pusPulseTransTable[tableOffset];
if ( compVal > MAX_PULSE )
compVal = MAX_PULSE;
*out++ = compVal;
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
static void PulseTransPreReadOP(void)
static void PulseTransPreReadYMC(void)
uint16_t overHang;
uint16_t printSizeWidth;
uint16_t *out;
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
uint8_t *v1;
uint8_t *v2;
uint8_t *v3;
uint8_t *v4;
uint8_t *v14;
uint8_t *v15;
uint8_t *v16;
uint8_t *v17;
printSizeWidth = g_usPrintSizeWidth;
overHang = (g_usHeadDots - g_usPrintSizeWidth) / 2;
v17 = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[2] + overHang;
v16 = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[3] + overHang;
v15 = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[4] + overHang;
v14 = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[5] + overHang;
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
v1 = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[6] + overHang;
v2 = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[7] + overHang;
v3 = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[8] + overHang;
v4 = g_pusPreReadLineBufTab[9] + overHang;
out = g_pusPreReadOutLineBuf + overHang + g_sPrintSideOffset;
if ( out < g_pusPreReadOutLineBuf ) {
int32_t offset = (g_pusPreReadOutLineBuf - out);
out = g_pusPreReadOutLineBuf;
printSizeWidth = g_usPrintSizeWidth - offset;
v17 += offset;
v16 += offset;
v15 += offset;
v14 += offset;
printf("WARN: PulseTransPreReadYMC alt path!\n");
while ( printSizeWidth-- ) {
int32_t v6 = *v17++;
int32_t v7 = *v16++ + v6;
int32_t v8 = *v15++ + v7;
int32_t v9 = *v14++ + v8;
int32_t pixel = g_pusPulseTransTable[v9 / 4];
if ( pixel > MAX_PULSE )
pixel = MAX_PULSE;
*out++ = pixel;
static void CTankUpdateTankVolumeInterDot(uint8_t tank)
int32_t *tankIn;
int32_t *tankOut;
int32_t conductivity;
uint16_t sheetSizeWidth;
uint16_t v1;
int32_t v2;
int32_t v4;
int32_t v5;
int32_t v8;
int32_t v17;
int32_t v18;
int32_t v19;
int32_t v20;
switch (tank) {
case 0:
tankIn = m_piFstTankArray;
tankOut = m_piFstTankArray + 2;
conductivity = m_iFstFstConductivity / 2;
case 1:
tankIn = m_piSndTankArray;
tankOut = m_piSndTankArray + 2;
conductivity = m_iSndSndConductivity / 2;
case 2:
tankIn = m_piTrdTankArray;
tankOut = m_piTrdTankArray + 2;
conductivity = m_iTrdTrdConductivity / 2;
printf("ERROR: Bad Tank %d in CTankUpdateVolumeInterDot\n", tank);
/* This code basically takes a running average of three running
averages, and uses that as the basis for the output */
tankIn[0] = tankIn[1] = tankIn[2];
v1 = g_usSheetSizeWidth + 1;
tankIn[v1+1] = tankIn[v1+2] = tankIn[v1];
v2 = *tankIn++;
v4 = *tankIn++;
v5 = *tankIn++;
v8 = *tankIn++;
v20 = *tankIn++;
v19 = conductivity * (v5 + v2 - 2 * v4);
v18 = conductivity * (v8 + v4 - 2 * v5);
v17 = conductivity * (v20 + v5 - 2 * v8);
sheetSizeWidth = g_usSheetSizeWidth;
while ( sheetSizeWidth-- ) {
int32_t pixel = (v18 >> 6) + v5 - (conductivity * ((2 * v18 - v19 - v17) >> 7) >> 7);
if ( pixel < 0 )
pixel = 0;
*tankOut++ = pixel;
v5 = v8;
v8 = v20;
v20 = *tankIn++;
v19 = v18;
v18 = v17;
v17 = conductivity * (v20 + v5 - 2 * v8);
static void CTankUpdateTankVolumeInterRay(void)
uint16_t sheetWidth = g_usSheetSizeWidth;
int32_t *fstTankPtr = m_piFstTankArray + 2;
int32_t *sndTankPtr = m_piSndTankArray + 2;
int32_t *trdTankPtr = m_piTrdTankArray + 2;
while ( sheetWidth-- ) {
int32_t v2, v3;
v2 = (*sndTankPtr * m_iTankKeisuSndFstDivSnd - *fstTankPtr * m_iTankKeisuSndFstDivFst) >> 17;
*fstTankPtr = v2 + *fstTankPtr - (*fstTankPtr * m_iTankKeisuFstOutDivFst >> 17);
v3 = (*trdTankPtr * m_iTankKeisuTrdSndDivTrd - *sndTankPtr * m_iTankKeisuTrdSndDivSnd) >> 17;
*sndTankPtr = v3 + *sndTankPtr - v2;
*trdTankPtr = *trdTankPtr - v3 - (*trdTankPtr * m_iTankKeisuOutTrdDivTrd >> 17);
static void CTankHoseiPreread(void)
uint16_t sheetWidth;
int16_t overHang;
int32_t *fstTankPtr;
uint16_t *outPtr;
int16_t *inPtr; /* Must treat this as SIGNED! */
int32_t v4;
overHang = (g_usHeadDots - g_usSheetSizeWidth) / 2;
inPtr = (int16_t*)g_pusPreReadOutLineBuf + overHang + g_sPrintSideOffset;
outPtr = g_pusOutLineBufTab[0] + overHang + g_sPrintSideOffset;
if ( outPtr < g_pusOutLineBufTab[0] )
outPtr = g_pusOutLineBufTab[0];
fstTankPtr = m_piFstTankArray + 2;
v4 = (1 << (g_uiMaxPulseBit + 20)) / m_iFstTankSize;
/* Walk forward through the line to compute the necessary delta */
sheetWidth = g_usSheetSizeWidth;
while ( sheetWidth-- ) {
int32_t v5 = *inPtr - (v4 * (*inPtr + *fstTankPtr++) >> 20);
int32_t v6 = 0;
if ( v5 < m_iPreReadLevelDiff )
v6 = -(m_iMinusMaxEnergyPreRead * v5 * v5) >> g_uiMaxPulseBit;
*inPtr++ = v6;
/* Now walk backwards through the line to derive the desired pixel
values, adding the actual value with the necessary delta.. */
outPtr += g_usSheetSizeWidth;
sheetWidth = g_usSheetSizeWidth;
while ( sheetWidth-- ) {
int32_t pixel;
pixel = *inPtr + *outPtr;
if ( pixel < 0 )
pixel = 0;
if ( pixel > g_iMaxPulseValue )
pixel = g_iMaxPulseValue;
*outPtr = pixel;
/* Apply the correction needed based on the thermal tanks */
static void CTankHosei(void)
uint16_t overHang;
uint16_t sheetSizeWidth;
int32_t *tankPtr;
uint8_t *in;
uint16_t *out;
int32_t v4;
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
int32_t v2;
int32_t *v12;
sheetSizeWidth = g_usSheetSizeWidth;
overHang = (g_usHeadDots - g_usSheetSizeWidth) / 2;
out = g_pusOutLineBufTab[0] + (overHang + g_sPrintSideOffset);
in = g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[1] + overHang;
if ( out >= g_pusOutLineBufTab[0] ) {
int32_t offset = g_sPrintSideOffset + sheetSizeWidth + overHang;
if ( offset > BUF_SIZE ) {
offset -= BUF_SIZE;
sheetSizeWidth -= offset;
} else {
int32_t offset = (g_pusOutLineBufTab[0] - out);
sheetSizeWidth -= offset;
in += (out - g_pusOutLineBufTab[0]); // XXX was: in += out;
out = g_pusOutLineBufTab[0];
printf("WARN: CTankHosei() alt path\n");
tankPtr = m_piFstTankArray + 2;
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
v2 = m_iPlusMaxEnergy;
v12 = &v2;
v4 = (1 << (g_uiMaxPulseBit + 20)) / m_iFstTankSize;
while ( sheetSizeWidth-- ) {
int32_t v5;
int32_t v8;
uint16_t v11;
uint32_t v3 = *in++;
v5 = *out - ((v4 * (*out + *tankPtr)) >> 20);
if ( v5 < 0 )
v11 = g_pusTankMinusMaxEnegyTable[v3];
v11 = g_pusTankPlusMaxEnegyTable[v3];
v8 = *out + ((v5 * v11) >> g_uiMaxPulseBit);
if ( v8 < 0 )
v8 = 0;
if ( v8 > g_iMaxPulseValue )
v8 = g_iMaxPulseValue;
*out++ = v8;
*tankPtr++ += v8;
/* Apply final corrections to the output. */
static void LineCorrection(void)
uint16_t sheetSizeWidth;
uint16_t overHang;
uint8_t *in;
uint16_t *out;
uint32_t bucket[LINECORR_BUCKETS];
uint32_t correct;
uint8_t i;
sheetSizeWidth = g_usSheetSizeWidth;
overHang = (g_usHeadDots - g_usSheetSizeWidth) / 2;
in = g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[1] + overHang;
out = g_pusOutLineBufTab[0] + overHang + g_sPrintSideOffset;
if ( out >= g_pusOutLineBufTab[0] ) {
uint32_t tmp = g_sPrintSideOffset + sheetSizeWidth + overHang;
if ( tmp > BUF_SIZE ) {
tmp -= BUF_SIZE;
sheetSizeWidth -= tmp;
} else {
uint32_t tmp = g_pusOutLineBufTab[0] - out;
sheetSizeWidth -= tmp;
in += (out - g_pusOutLineBufTab[0]); // XXX was: in += out;
out = g_pusOutLineBufTab[0];
printf("WARN: LineCorrection() alt path\n");
/* Apply the correction compensation */
bucket[0] = bucket[1] = bucket[2] = bucket[3] = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < LINECORR_BUCKETS; i++ ) {
uint16_t j = sheetSizeWidth / LINECORR_BUCKETS;
while ( j-- ) {
int32_t pixel = *out;
bucket[i] += pixel;
pixel -= g_pusLineHistCoefTable[*in++] * g_iLineCorrectPulse / 1024;
if ( pixel < 0 )
pixel = 0;
*out++ = pixel;
/* See if we need to increase the correction compensation */
correct = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < LINECORR_BUCKETS; i++ ) {
if ( g_uiLineCorrectBase1Line / LINECORR_BUCKETS <= bucket[i] )
if ( correct ) {
for ( i = 0; i < LINECORR_BUCKETS; i++ )
g_uiLineCorrectSum += bucket[i];
if ( g_uiLineCorrectSum > g_uiLineCorrectBase ) {
g_uiLineCorrectSum -= g_uiLineCorrectBase;
if ( g_iLineCorrectPulse < g_iLineCorrectPulseMax )
#ifdef S6145_UNUSED
/* XXX all of these functions are present in the library, but not actually
referenced by anything, so there's no point in worrying about them. */
static void SideEdgeCorrection(void)
int32_t v0;
uint32_t v1;
uint8_t *v4;
uint16_t *v5;
uint8_t *v6;
uint8_t *v7;
uint16_t *out;
uint16_t *v9;
uint32_t v10;
uint32_t v11;
int32_t v12;
int32_t v13;
int32_t v14;
int32_t v15;
int32_t v16;
v16 = g_usSheetSizeWidth;
v0 = (g_usHeadDots - g_usSheetSizeWidth) / 2;
v6 = g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[1] + v0;
out = g_pusOutLineBufTab[0] + g_sPrintSideOffset + v0;
v11 = 0;
if ( out >= g_pusOutLineBufTab[0] ) {
v10 = g_sPrintSideOffset
+ g_usSheetSizeWidth
+ v0;
if ( v10 > BUF_SIZE )
v10 -= BUF_SIZE;
v16 = g_usSheetSizeWidth - v10;
} else {
v1 = g_pusOutLineBufTab[0] - out;
out = g_pusOutLineBufTab[0];
v16 = g_usSheetSizeWidth - v1;
v10 = v11;
v5 = out + 2 * v16;
v4 = v16 + v6;
v14 = 128 - v11;
while ( v14 ) {
v12 = (((1024 - g_pusSideEdgeLvCoefTable[*v6++] * (uint32_t)g_pusSideEdgeCoefTable[128 - v14--]) >> 10) * *out) >> 10;
if ( v12 > g_iMaxPulseValue )
v12 = g_iMaxPulseValue;
*out++ = v12;
v9 = v5;
v7 = v4;
v15 = 128 - v10;
while ( v15 ) {
v13 = ((1024 - (g_pusSideEdgeLvCoefTable[*v7] * (uint32_t)g_pusSideEdgeCoefTable[128 - v15--]) >> 10) * *v9) >> 10;
if ( g_iMaxPulseValue < v13 )
v13 = g_iMaxPulseValue;
*v9 = v13;
static void LeadEdgeCorrection(void)
uint32_t v0;
uint16_t *out;
int32_t v4;
uint32_t v5;
int32_t v6;
if ( g_iLeadEdgeCorrectPulse ) {
v6 = g_usSheetSizeWidth;
out = g_pusOutLineBufTab[0] + g_sPrintSideOffset
+ ((g_usHeadDots - g_usSheetSizeWidth) / 2);
if ( out >= g_pusOutLineBufTab[0] ) {
v5 = g_sPrintSideOffset
+ g_usSheetSizeWidth
+ ((g_usHeadDots - g_usSheetSizeWidth) / 2);
if ( v5 > BUF_SIZE )
v6 = g_usSheetSizeWidth - (v5 - BUF_SIZE);
} else {
v0 = g_pusOutLineBufTab[0] - out;
out = g_pusOutLineBufTab[0];
v6 = g_usSheetSizeWidth - v0;
while ( v6-- ) {
v4 = (g_iLeadEdgeCorrectPulse / 4) + *out;
if ( v4 > g_iMaxPulseValue )
v4 = g_iMaxPulseValue;
*out++ = v4;
static void RecieveDataOP_Post(void)
static void RecieveDataYMC_Post(void)
static void RecieveDataOPLevel_Post(void)
static void RecieveDataOPMatte_Post(void)
static void ImageLevelAddition(void)
if ( g_uiLevelAveCounter < g_usPrintSizeHeight )
ImageLevelAdditionEx(&g_uiLevelAveAddtion, 0, g_usSheetSizeWidth);
if ( g_uiLevelAveCounter2-- == 0 )
static void ImageLevelAdditionEx(uint32_t *a1, uint32_t a2, int32_t a3)
int32_t v3;
uint8_t *v6;
int32_t i;
int32_t v8;
v6 = g_pusPulseTransLineBufTab[1] + a2 +
((g_usHeadDots - g_usSheetSizeWidth) / 2);
v8 = a3;
for ( i = 0; v8-- ; i += v3 ) {
v3 = *v6++;
*a1 += i;
#endif /* S6145_UNUSED */